ACCT 420: Advanced linear regression

Session 3

Dr. Richard M. Crowley

Front matter

Learning objectives

  • Theory:
    • Further understand stats treatments
      • Panel data
      • Time (seasonality)
  • Application:
    • Using international data for our UOL problem
    • Predicting revenue quarterly and weekly
  • Methodology:
    • Univariate
    • Linear regression (OLS)
    • Visualization


  • Explore on your own
  • No specific required class this week

Revisiting UOL with macro data

Macro data sources

  • For Singapore:
    • Covers: Economy, education, environment, finance, health, infrastructure, society, technology, transport
  • For real estate in Singapore: URA’s REALIS system
    • Access through the library
  • WRDS has some as well
  • For US:, as well as many agency websites

Loading macro data

  • Singapore business expectations data (from
# extract out Q1, finance only
expectations_avg <- expectations %>%
  filter(quarter == 1,                               # Keep only the first quarter
         level_2 == "Financial & Insurance") %>%     # Keep only financial responses
  group_by(year) %>%                                 # Group data by year
  mutate(fin_sentiment=mean(value, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%  # Calculate average
  slice(1) %>%                                       # Take only 1 row per group
  • At this point, we can merge with our accounting data

What was in the macro data?

expectations %>%
  arrange(level_2, level_3, desc(year)) %>%  # sort the data
  select(year, quarter, level_2, level_3, value) %>%  # keep only these variables
  datatable(options = list(pageLength = 5), rownames=FALSE)  # display using DT

dplyr makes merging easy

  • For merging, use dplyr’s *_join() commands
  • For sorting, dplyr’s arrange() command is easy to use
    • For sorting in reverse, combine arrange() with desc()
      • Or you can just put a - in front of the column name

Merging example

Merge in the finance sentiment data to our accounting data

# subset out our Singaporean data, since our macro data is Singapore-specific
df_SG <- df_clean %>% filter(fic == "SGP")

# Create year in df_SG (date is given by datadate as YYYYMMDD)
df_SG$year = round(df_SG$datadate / 10000, digits=0)

# Combine datasets
# Notice how it automatically figures out to join by "year"
df_SG_macro <- left_join(df_SG, expectations_avg[,c("year","fin_sentiment")])
## Joining, by = "year"

Predicting with macro data

Building in macro data

  • First try: Just add it in
macro1 <- lm(revt_lead ~ revt + act + che + lct + dp + ebit + fin_sentiment,
## # A tibble: 8 x 5
##   term          estimate std.error statistic       p.value
##   <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)     24.0     15.9        1.50  0.134        
## 2 revt             0.497    0.0798     6.22  0.00000000162
## 3 act             -0.102    0.0569    -1.79  0.0739       
## 4 che              0.495    0.167      2.96  0.00329      
## 5 lct              0.403    0.0903     4.46  0.0000114    
## 6 dp               4.54     1.63       2.79  0.00559      
## 7 ebit            -0.930    0.284     -3.28  0.00117      
## 8 fin_sentiment    0.122    0.472      0.259 0.796

It isn’t significant. Why is this?


Why isn’t the macro data significant?

Scaling matters

  • All of our firm data is on the same terms as revenue: dollars within a given firm
  • But fin_sentiment is a constant scale…
    • Need to scale this to fit the problem
      • The current scale would work for revenue growth
df_SG_macro %>%
             x=fin_sentiment)) + 

df_SG_macro %>%
    x=scale(fin_sentiment) * revt)) + 

Scaled macro data

  • Normalize and scale by revenue
# Scale creates z-scores, but returns a matrix by default.  [,1] gives a vector
df_SG_macro$fin_sent_scaled <- scale(df_SG_macro$fin_sentiment)[,1]
macro3 <-
  lm(revt_lead ~ revt + act + che + lct + dp + ebit + fin_sent_scaled:revt,
## # A tibble: 8 x 5
##   term                 estimate std.error statistic       p.value
##   <chr>                   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)           25.5      13.8         1.84 0.0663       
## 2 revt                   0.490     0.0789      6.21 0.00000000170
## 3 act                   -0.0677    0.0576     -1.18 0.241        
## 4 che                    0.439     0.166       2.64 0.00875      
## 5 lct                    0.373     0.0898      4.15 0.0000428    
## 6 dp                     4.10      1.61        2.54 0.0116       
## 7 ebit                  -0.793     0.285      -2.78 0.00576      
## 8 revt:fin_sent_scaled   0.0897    0.0332      2.70 0.00726
## # A tibble: 1 x 12
##   r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic   p.value    df logLik   AIC   BIC
##       <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     0.847         0.844  215.      240. 1.48e-119     7 -2107. 4232. 4265.
## # ... with 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>

Model comparisons

baseline <-
  lm(revt_lead ~ revt + act + che + lct + dp + ebit,
## # A tibble: 1 x 12
##   r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic   p.value    df logLik   AIC   BIC
##       <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     0.843         0.840  217.      273. 3.13e-119     6 -2111. 4237. 4267.
## # ... with 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>
## # A tibble: 1 x 12
##   r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic   p.value    df logLik   AIC   BIC
##       <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     0.847         0.844  215.      240. 1.48e-119     7 -2107. 4232. 4265.
## # ... with 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>

Adjusted \(R^2\) and AIC are slightly better with macro data

Model comparisons

anova(baseline, macro3, test="Chisq")
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: revt_lead ~ revt + act + che + lct + dp + ebit
## Model 2: revt_lead ~ revt + act + che + lct + dp + ebit + fin_sent_scaled:revt
##   Res.Df      RSS Df Sum of Sq Pr(>Chi)   
## 1    304 14285622                         
## 2    303 13949301  1    336321 0.006875 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Macro model definitely fits better than the baseline model!


  1. Adding macro data can help explain some exogenous variation in a model
    • Exogenous meaning outside of the firms, in this case
  2. Scaling is very important
    • Not scaling properly can suppress some effects from being visible

Interpretating the macro variable

  • For every 1 S.D. increase in fin_sentiment (25.7 points)
    • Revenue stickiness increases by ~1.1%
  • Over the range of data (-43.8 to 58)…
    • Revenue stickiness ranges from -1.8% to 2.4%

Scaling up our model, again

Building a model requires careful thought!

  • What macroeconomic data makes sense to add to our model?

This is where having accounting and business knowledge comes in!


What other macro data would you like to add to this model?

Validation: Is it better?


  • Ideal:
    • Withhold the last year (or a few) of data when building the model
    • Check performance on hold out sample
    • This is out of sample testing
  • Sometimes acceptable:
    • Withhold a random sample of data when building the model
    • Check performance on hold out sample


  • As we never constructed a hold out sample, let’s end by estimating UOL’s 2018 year revenue
    • Announced in 2019
p_uol <- predict(forecast2, uol[uol$fyear==2017,])
p_base <- predict(baseline,
  df_SG_macro[df_SG_macro$isin=="SG1S83002349" & df_SG_macro$fyear==2017,])
p_macro <- predict(macro3,
  df_SG_macro[df_SG_macro$isin=="SG1S83002349" & df_SG_macro$fyear==2017,])
p_world <- predict(forecast4,
  df_clean[df_clean$isin=="SG1S83002349" & df_clean$fyear==2017,])
preds <- c(p_uol, p_base, p_macro, p_world)
names(preds) <- c("UOL 2018 UOL", "UOL 2018 Base", "UOL 2018 Macro",
                  "UOL 2018 World")
##   UOL 2018 UOL  UOL 2018 Base UOL 2018 Macro UOL 2018 World 
##       3177.073       2086.437       2024.842       2589.636

Visualizing our prediction

In Sample Accuracy

# series vectors calculated here -- See appendix
rmse <- function(v1, v2) {
  sqrt(mean((v1 - v2)^2, na.rm=T))

rmse <- c(rmse(actual_series, uol_series), rmse(actual_series, base_series),
          rmse(actual_series, macro_series), rmse(actual_series, world_series))
names(rmse) <- c("UOL 2018 UOL", "UOL 2018 Base", "UOL 2018 Macro", "UOL 2018 World")
##   UOL 2018 UOL  UOL 2018 Base UOL 2018 Macro UOL 2018 World 
##       175.5609       301.3161       344.9681       332.8101

Why is UOL the best for in sample?

Actual Accuracy

UOL posted a $2.40B in revenue in 2018.

##   UOL 2018 UOL  UOL 2018 Base UOL 2018 Macro UOL 2018 World 
##       3177.073       2086.437       2024.842       2589.636

Why is the global model better? Consider UOL’s business model (2018 annual report)

Session 3’s application: Quarterly retail revenue

The question

How can we predict quarterly revenue for retail companies, leveraging our knowledge of such companies?

  • In aggregate
  • By Store
  • By department

More specifically…

  • Consider time dimensions
    • What matters:
      • Last quarter?
      • Last year?
      • Other time frames?
    • Cyclicality

Time and OLS

Time matters a lot for retail

How to capture time effects?

  • Autoregression
    • Regress \(y_t\) on earlier value(s) of itself
      • Last quarter, last year, etc.
  • Controlling for time directly in the model
    • Essentially the same as fixed effects last week

Quarterly revenue prediction

The data

  • From quarterly reports
  • Two sets of firms:
    • US “Hypermarkets & Super Centers” (GICS: 30101040)
    • US “Multiline Retail” (GICS: 255030)
  • Data from Compustat - Capital IQ > North America - Daily > Fundamentals Quarterly


  1. Question
    • How can we predict quarterly revenue for large retail companies?
  2. Hypothesis (just the alternative ones)
    1. Current quarter revenue helps predict next quarter revenue
    2. 3 quarters ago revenue helps predict next quarter revenue (Year-over-year)
    3. Different quarters exhibit different patterns (seasonality)
    4. A long-run autoregressive model helps predict next quarter revenue
  3. Prediction
    • Use OLS for all the above – \(t\)-tests for coefficients
    • Hold out sample: 2015-2017

Variable generation

library(tidyverse)  # As always
library(plotly)  # interactive graphs
library(lubridate)  # import some sensible date functions

# Generate quarter over quarter growth "revtq_gr"
df <- df %>% group_by(gvkey) %>% mutate(revtq_gr=revtq / lag(revtq) - 1) %>% ungroup()

# Generate year-over-year growth "revtq_yoy"
df <- df %>% group_by(gvkey) %>% mutate(revtq_yoy=revtq / lag(revtq, 4) - 1) %>% ungroup()

# Generate first difference "revtq_d"
df <- df %>% group_by(gvkey) %>% mutate(revtq_d=revtq - lag(revtq)) %>% ungroup()

# Generate a proper date
# Date was YYMMDDs10: YYYY/MM/DD, can be converted from text to date easily
df$date <- ymd(df$datadate)  # From lubridate
df$qtr <- quarter(df$date)   # From lubridate

Base R Date manipulation

  • as.Date() can take a date formatted as “YYYY/MM/DD” and convert to a proper date value
    • You can convert other date types using the format= argument

Example output

conm date revtq revtq_gr revtq_yoy revtq_d
ALLIED STORES 1962-04-30 156.5 NA NA NA
ALLIED STORES 1962-07-31 161.9 0.0345048 NA 5.4
ALLIED STORES 1962-10-31 176.9 0.0926498 NA 15.0
ALLIED STORES 1963-01-31 275.5 0.5573770 NA 98.6
ALLIED STORES 1963-04-30 171.1 -0.3789474 0.0932907 -104.4
ALLIED STORES 1963-07-31 182.2 0.0648743 0.1253860 11.1
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   conm          date       datadate  
##   <chr>         <date>     <chr>     
## 1 ALLIED STORES 1962-04-30 1962/04/30
## 2 ALLIED STORES 1962-07-31 1962/07/31
## 3 ALLIED STORES 1962-10-31 1962/10/31
## 4 ALLIED STORES 1963-01-31 1963/01/31
## 5 ALLIED STORES 1963-04-30 1963/04/30
## 6 ALLIED STORES 1963-07-31 1963/07/31

Create 8 quarters (2 years) of lags

  • 8 is easy to do by copying and pasting code, but it is nice to have something more flexible
    • What if we wanted 100 lags?
      • That would be a lot of copying
        • The for this is in the appendix
  • Three solutions, though none is straightforward
    • Use sapply and a function to reassemble output into a data frame (omitted)
    • Use advanced dplyr programming with quosures
    • Use purrr to loop into a data frame
  • To compare the methods, we’ll make a copy of the data frame
# Make a copy of our data frame to compare later
df_purrr <- df

The methods

# Approach #1: Advanced programming using quosures...
multi_lag <- function(df, lags, var, postfix="") {
  var <- enquo(var)
  quosures <- map(lags, ~quo(lag(!!var, !!.x))) %>%
    set_names(paste0(quo_text(var), postfix, lags))
  return(ungroup(mutate(group_by(df, gvkey), !!!quosures)))
# Approach #2: Mixing purrr with dplyr across()
multi_lag_purrr <- function(df, lags, var, postfix="") {
  new_columns <- 
      function(x) df %>% 
        group_by(gvkey) %>%
                         .fns = list(~ lag(., x)),
                         .names = paste0('{col}', postfix, x) ) ) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
  cbind(df, new_columns)
  • paste0(): creates a string vector by concatenating all inputs
  • setNames(): allows for storing a value and name simultaneously
  • transmute(): like mutate except it extracts the column it makes automatically

Comparing the methods

  1. Using advanced programming techniques
df <- multi_lag(df, 1:8, revtq, "_l")  # Generate lags "revtq_l#"
df <- multi_lag(df, 1:8, revtq_gr)     # Generate changes "revtq_gr#"
df <- multi_lag(df, 1:8, revtq_yoy)    # Generate year-over-year changes "revtq_yoy#"
df <- multi_lag(df, 1:8, revtq_d)      # Generate first differences "revtq_d#"
  1. Using purrr + dplyr
df_purrr <- multi_lag_purrr(df_purrr, 1:8, 'revtq', "_l")  # Generate lags "revtq_l#"
df_purrr <- multi_lag_purrr(df_purrr, 1:8, 'revtq_gr')     # Generate changes "revtq_gr#"
df_purrr <- multi_lag_purrr(df_purrr, 1:8, 'revtq_yoy')    # Generate year-over-year changes "revtq_yoy#"
df_purrr <- multi_lag_purrr(df_purrr, 1:8, 'revtq_d')      # Generate first differences "revtq_d#"
  • Verify that the output is the same
all(df==df_purrr, na.rm=T)
## [1] TRUE

Example output

conm date revtq revtq_l1 revtq_l2 revtq_l3 revtq_l4
ALLIED STORES 1962-04-30 156.5 NA NA NA NA
ALLIED STORES 1962-07-31 161.9 156.5 NA NA NA
ALLIED STORES 1962-10-31 176.9 161.9 156.5 NA NA
ALLIED STORES 1963-01-31 275.5 176.9 161.9 156.5 NA
ALLIED STORES 1963-04-30 171.1 275.5 176.9 161.9 156.5
ALLIED STORES 1963-07-31 182.2 171.1 275.5 176.9 161.9

Clean and split into training and testing

# Clean the data: Replace NaN, Inf, and -Inf with NA
df <- df %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~replace(., !is.finite(.), NA)))

# Split into training and testing data
# Training data: We'll use data released before 2015
train <- filter(df, year(date) < 2015)

# Testing data: We'll use data released 2015 through 2018
test <- filter(df, year(date) >= 2015)
  • Same cleaning function as last week:
    • Replaces all NaN, Inf, and -Inf with NA
  • year() comes from lubridate

Univariate stats

Univariate stats

  • To get a better grasp on the problem, looking at univariate stats can help
    • Summary stats (using summary())
    • Correlations using cor()
    • Plots using your preferred package such as ggplot2
summary(df[,c("revtq","revtq_gr","revtq_yoy", "revtq_d","qtr")])
##      revtq              revtq_gr         revtq_yoy          revtq_d         
##  Min.   :     0.00   Min.   :-1.0000   Min.   :-1.0000   Min.   :-24325.21  
##  1st Qu.:    64.46   1st Qu.:-0.1112   1st Qu.: 0.0077   1st Qu.:   -19.33  
##  Median :   273.95   Median : 0.0505   Median : 0.0740   Median :     4.30  
##  Mean   :  2439.38   Mean   : 0.0650   Mean   : 0.1273   Mean   :    22.66  
##  3rd Qu.:  1254.21   3rd Qu.: 0.2054   3rd Qu.: 0.1534   3rd Qu.:    55.02  
##  Max.   :136267.00   Max.   :14.3333   Max.   :47.6600   Max.   : 15495.00  
##  NA's   :367         NA's   :690       NA's   :940       NA's   :663        
##       qtr       
##  Min.   :1.000  
##  1st Qu.:2.000  
##  Median :3.000  
##  Mean   :2.503  
##  3rd Qu.:3.000  
##  Max.   :4.000  

ggplot2 for visualization

  • The next slides will use some custom functions using ggplot2
  • ggplot2 has an odd syntax:
    • It doesn’t use pipes (%>%), but instead adds everything together (+)
library(ggplot2)  # or tidyverse -- it's part of tidyverse
df %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=var_for_y_axis, x=var_for_x_axis)) +
  geom_point()  # scatterplot
  • aes() is for aesthetics – how the chart is set up
  • Other useful aesthetics:
    • group= to set groups to list in the legend. Not needed if using the below though
    • color= to set color by some grouping variable. Put factor() around the variable if you want discrete groups, otherwise it will do a color scale (light to dark)
    • shape= to set shapes for points – see here for a list

ggplot2 for visualization

library(ggplot2)  # or tidyverse -- it's part of tidyverse
df %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=var_for_y_axis, x=var_for_x_axis)) +
  geom_point()  # scatterplot
  • geom stands for geometry – any shapes, lines, etc. start with geom
  • Other useful geoms:
    • geom_line(): makes a line chart
    • geom_bar(): makes a bar chart – y is the height, x is the category
    • geom_smooth(method="lm"): Adds a linear regression into the chart
    • geom_abline(slope=1): Adds a 45° line
  • Add xlab("Label text here") to change the x-axis label
  • Add ylab("Label text here") to change the y-axis label
  • Add ggtitle("Title text here") to add a title
  • Plenty more details in the ‘Data Visualization Cheat Sheet’ on eLearn

Plotting: Distribution of revenue

  1. Revenue

  2. Quarterly growth

  1. Year-over-year growth

  2. First difference

What do we learn from these graphs?

  1. Revenue
    • \(~\)
  2. Quarterly growth
    • \(~\)
  3. Year-over-year growth
    • \(~\)
  4. First difference
    • \(~\)

Plotting: Mean revenue by quarter

  1. Revenue

  2. Quarterly growth

  1. Year-over-year growth

  2. First difference

What do we learn from these graphs?

  1. Revenue
    • \(~\)
  2. Quarterly growth
    • \(~\)
  3. Year-over-year growth
    • \(~\)
  4. First difference
    • \(~\)

Plotting: Revenue vs lag by quarter

  1. Revenue

  2. Quarterly growth

  1. Year-over-year growth

  2. First difference

What do we learn from these graphs?

  1. Revenue
    • Revenue is really linear! But each quarter has a distinct linear relation.
  2. Quarterly growth
    • All over the place. Each quarter appears to have a different pattern though. Quarters will matter.
  3. Year-over-year growth
    • Linear but noisy.
  4. First difference
    • Again, all over the place. Each quarter appears to have a different pattern though. Quarters will matter.

Correlation matrices

cor(train[,c("revtq","revtq_l1","revtq_l2","revtq_l3", "revtq_l4")],
##              revtq  revtq_l1  revtq_l2  revtq_l3  revtq_l4
## revtq    1.0000000 0.9916167 0.9938489 0.9905522 0.9972735
## revtq_l1 0.9916167 1.0000000 0.9914767 0.9936977 0.9898184
## revtq_l2 0.9938489 0.9914767 1.0000000 0.9913489 0.9930152
## revtq_l3 0.9905522 0.9936977 0.9913489 1.0000000 0.9906006
## revtq_l4 0.9972735 0.9898184 0.9930152 0.9906006 1.0000000
cor(train[,c("revtq_gr","revtq_gr1","revtq_gr2","revtq_gr3", "revtq_gr4")],
##              revtq_gr   revtq_gr1   revtq_gr2   revtq_gr3   revtq_gr4
## revtq_gr   1.00000000 -0.32291329  0.06299605 -0.22769442  0.64570015
## revtq_gr1 -0.32291329  1.00000000 -0.31885020  0.06146805 -0.21923630
## revtq_gr2  0.06299605 -0.31885020  1.00000000 -0.32795121  0.06775742
## revtq_gr3 -0.22769442  0.06146805 -0.32795121  1.00000000 -0.31831023
## revtq_gr4  0.64570015 -0.21923630  0.06775742 -0.31831023  1.00000000

Retail revenue has really high autocorrelation! Concern for multicolinearity. Revenue growth is less autocorrelated and oscillates.

Correlation matrices

cor(train[,c("revtq_yoy","revtq_yoy1","revtq_yoy2","revtq_yoy3", "revtq_yoy4")],
##            revtq_yoy revtq_yoy1 revtq_yoy2 revtq_yoy3 revtq_yoy4
## revtq_yoy  1.0000000  0.6554179  0.4127263  0.4196003  0.1760055
## revtq_yoy1 0.6554179  1.0000000  0.5751128  0.3665961  0.3515105
## revtq_yoy2 0.4127263  0.5751128  1.0000000  0.5875643  0.3683539
## revtq_yoy3 0.4196003  0.3665961  0.5875643  1.0000000  0.5668211
## revtq_yoy4 0.1760055  0.3515105  0.3683539  0.5668211  1.0000000
cor(train[,c("revtq_d","revtq_d1","revtq_d2","revtq_d3", "revtq_d4")],
##             revtq_d   revtq_d1   revtq_d2   revtq_d3   revtq_d4
## revtq_d   1.0000000 -0.6181516  0.3309349 -0.6046998  0.9119911
## revtq_d1 -0.6181516  1.0000000 -0.6155259  0.3343317 -0.5849841
## revtq_d2  0.3309349 -0.6155259  1.0000000 -0.6191366  0.3165450
## revtq_d3 -0.6046998  0.3343317 -0.6191366  1.0000000 -0.5864285
## revtq_d4  0.9119911 -0.5849841  0.3165450 -0.5864285  1.0000000

Year over year change fixes the multicollinearity issue. First difference oscillates like quarter over quarter growth.

R Practice

  • This practice will look at predicting Walmart’s quarterly revenue using:
    • 1 lag
    • Cyclicality
  • Practice using:
  • Do the exercises in today’s practice file


1 period models

  1. 1 Quarter lag: We saw a very strong linear pattern here earlier
mod1 <- lm(revtq ~ revtq_l1, data=train)
  1. Quarter and year lag: Year-over-year seemed pretty constant
mod2 <- lm(revtq ~ revtq_l1 + revtq_l4, data=train)
  1. 2 years of lags: Other lags could also help us predict
mod3 <- lm(revtq ~ revtq_l1 + revtq_l2 + revtq_l3 + revtq_l4 + revtq_l5 +
           revtq_l6 + revtq_l7 + revtq_l8, data=train)
  1. 2 years of lags, by observation quarter: Take into account cyclicality observed in bar charts
mod4 <- lm(revtq ~ (revtq_l1 + revtq_l2 + revtq_l3 + revtq_l4 + revtq_l5 +
                    revtq_l6 + revtq_l7 + revtq_l8):factor(qtr), data=train)

Quarter lag

## Call:
## lm(formula = revtq ~ revtq_l1, data = train)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -24438.7    -34.0    -11.7     34.6  15200.5 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 15.639975  13.514877   1.157    0.247    
## revtq_l1     1.003038   0.001556 644.462   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1152 on 7676 degrees of freedom
##   (662 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9819, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9819 
## F-statistic: 4.153e+05 on 1 and 7676 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Quarter and year lag

## Call:
## lm(formula = revtq ~ revtq_l1 + revtq_l4, data = train)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -20245.7    -18.4     -4.4     19.1   9120.8 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 5.444986   7.145633   0.762    0.446    
## revtq_l1    0.231759   0.005610  41.312   <2e-16 ***
## revtq_l4    0.815570   0.005858 139.227   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 592.1 on 7274 degrees of freedom
##   (1063 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9954, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9954 
## F-statistic: 7.94e+05 on 2 and 7274 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

2 years of lags

## Call:
## lm(formula = revtq ~ revtq_l1 + revtq_l2 + revtq_l3 + revtq_l4 + 
##     revtq_l5 + revtq_l6 + revtq_l7 + revtq_l8, data = train)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -5005.6   -12.9    -3.7     9.3  5876.3 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  4.02478    4.37003   0.921   0.3571    
## revtq_l1     0.77379    0.01229  62.972  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l2     0.10497    0.01565   6.707 2.16e-11 ***
## revtq_l3    -0.03091    0.01538  -2.010   0.0445 *  
## revtq_l4     0.91982    0.01213  75.800  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l5    -0.76459    0.01324 -57.749  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l6    -0.08080    0.01634  -4.945 7.80e-07 ***
## revtq_l7     0.01146    0.01594   0.719   0.4721    
## revtq_l8     0.07924    0.01209   6.554 6.03e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 346 on 6666 degrees of freedom
##   (1665 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9986, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9986 
## F-statistic: 5.802e+05 on 8 and 6666 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

2 years of lags, by observation quarter

## Call:
## lm(formula = revtq ~ (revtq_l1 + revtq_l2 + revtq_l3 + revtq_l4 + 
##     revtq_l5 + revtq_l6 + revtq_l7 + revtq_l8):factor(qtr), data = train)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -5316.5   -12.2     0.9    15.7  5283.2 
## Coefficients:
##                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)           -0.45240    4.32484  -0.105 0.916692    
## revtq_l1:factor(qtr)1  0.91094    0.02610  34.896  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l1:factor(qtr)2  0.67361    0.02376  28.355  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l1:factor(qtr)3  0.97588    0.02747  35.525  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l1:factor(qtr)4  0.65106    0.02216  29.377  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l2:factor(qtr)1  0.05733    0.02872   1.996 0.045997 *  
## revtq_l2:factor(qtr)2  0.14708    0.03410   4.313 1.64e-05 ***
## revtq_l2:factor(qtr)3  0.02910    0.02976   0.978 0.328253    
## revtq_l2:factor(qtr)4  0.36807    0.03468  10.614  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l3:factor(qtr)1 -0.09063    0.03717  -2.438 0.014788 *  
## revtq_l3:factor(qtr)2  0.05182    0.02865   1.809 0.070567 .  
## revtq_l3:factor(qtr)3 -0.19920    0.03424  -5.818 6.23e-09 ***
## revtq_l3:factor(qtr)4 -0.06628    0.02623  -2.527 0.011534 *  
## revtq_l4:factor(qtr)1  0.92463    0.02297  40.246  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l4:factor(qtr)2  0.45135    0.03497  12.906  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l4:factor(qtr)3  0.86260    0.02592  33.283  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l4:factor(qtr)4  0.70500    0.02815  25.044  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l5:factor(qtr)1 -0.64846    0.03135 -20.684  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l5:factor(qtr)2 -0.54217    0.02742 -19.769  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l5:factor(qtr)3 -0.60937    0.03426 -17.788  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l5:factor(qtr)4 -0.60983    0.02552 -23.895  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l6:factor(qtr)1  0.03087    0.03054   1.011 0.312044    
## revtq_l6:factor(qtr)2  0.07480    0.03428   2.182 0.029121 *  
## revtq_l6:factor(qtr)3 -0.05330    0.03071  -1.736 0.082618 .  
## revtq_l6:factor(qtr)4 -0.13895    0.03654  -3.803 0.000144 ***
## revtq_l7:factor(qtr)1 -0.33575    0.03845  -8.731  < 2e-16 ***
## revtq_l7:factor(qtr)2  0.08286    0.03055   2.712 0.006696 ** 
## revtq_l7:factor(qtr)3 -0.07259    0.03403  -2.133 0.032969 *  
## revtq_l7:factor(qtr)4  0.05999    0.02721   2.205 0.027508 *  
## revtq_l8:factor(qtr)1  0.13800    0.02437   5.664 1.54e-08 ***
## revtq_l8:factor(qtr)2  0.04951    0.02802   1.767 0.077331 .  
## revtq_l8:factor(qtr)3  0.09017    0.02624   3.436 0.000593 ***
## revtq_l8:factor(qtr)4  0.04742    0.01974   2.402 0.016313 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 324.5 on 6642 degrees of freedom
##   (1665 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9987, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9987 
## F-statistic: 1.65e+05 on 32 and 6642 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Testing out of sample

  • RMSE: Root mean square Error
  • RMSE is very affected by outliers, and a bad choice for noisy data where you are OK with missing a few outliers here and there
    • Doubling error quadruples the penalty
rmse <- function(v1, v2) {
  sqrt(mean((v1 - v2)^2, na.rm=T))
  • MAE: Mean absolute error
  • MAE is measures average accuracy with no weighting
    • Doubling error doubles the penalty
mae <- function(v1, v2) {
  mean(abs(v1-v2), na.rm=T)

Both are commonly used for evaluating OLS out of sample

Testing out of sample

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 period 0.9818514 1151.3535 322.73819 2947.3619 1252.5196
1 and 4 periods 0.9954393 591.9500 156.20811 1400.3841 643.9823
8 periods 0.9985643 345.8053 94.91083 677.6218 340.8236
8 periods w/ quarters 0.9987376 323.6768 94.07378 633.8951 332.0945

1 quarter model

8 period model, by quarter

What about for revenue growth?

\(revt_t=(1+growth_t)\times revt_{t-1}\)

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 period 0.0910390 1106.3730 308.4833 3374.728 1397.6541
1 and 4 periods 0.4398456 530.6444 154.1509 1447.035 679.3536
8 periods 0.6761666 456.2551 123.3407 1254.201 584.9709
8 periods w/ quarters 0.7547897 423.7594 113.6537 1169.282 537.2325

1 quarter model

8 period model, by quarter

What about for YoY revenue growth?

\(revt_t=(1+yoy\_growth_t)\times revt_{t-4}\)

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 period 0.4370372 513.3264 129.2309 1867.4957 798.0327
1 and 4 periods 0.5392281 487.6441 126.6012 1677.4003 731.2841
8 periods 0.5398870 384.2923 101.0104 822.0065 403.5445
8 periods w/ quarters 0.1040702 679.9093 187.4486 1330.7890 658.4296

1 quarter model

8 period model

What about for first difference?

\(revt_t= change_t+ revt_{t-1}\)

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 period 0.3532044 896.7969 287.77940 2252.7605 1022.0960
1 and 4 periods 0.8425348 454.8651 115.52694 734.8120 377.5281
8 periods 0.9220849 333.0054 95.95924 651.4967 320.0567
8 periods w/ quarters 0.9312580 312.2140 88.24559 661.4063 331.0617

1 quarter model

8 period model, by quarter


  1. The first difference model works a bit better than the revenue model at predicting next quarter revenue
    • It also doesn’t suffer (as much) from multicollinearity
      • This is why time series analysis is often done on first differences
        • Or second differences (difference in differences)
  2. The other models perform pretty well as well
  3. Extra lags generally seems helpful when accounting for cyclicality
  4. Regressing by quarter helps a bit, particularly with revenue growth

What about for revenue growth?

Predicting quarter over quarter revenue growth itself

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 period 0.0910390 0.3509269 0.2105219 0.2257396 0.1750580
1 and 4 periods 0.4398456 0.2681899 0.1132003 0.1597771 0.0998087
8 periods 0.6761666 0.1761825 0.0867347 0.1545298 0.0845826
8 periods w/ quarters 0.7547897 0.1530278 0.0816612 0.1433094 0.0745658

1 quarter model

8 period model, by quarter

What about for YoY revenue growth?

Predicting YoY revenue growth itself

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 period 0.4370372 0.3116645 0.1114610 0.1515638 0.0942544
1 and 4 periods 0.5392281 0.2451749 0.1015699 0.1498755 0.0896079
8 periods 0.5398870 0.1928940 0.0764447 0.1346238 0.0658011
8 periods w/ quarters 0.1040702 0.2986735 0.1380062 0.1960325 0.1020124

1 quarter model

8 period model

What about for first difference?

Predicting first difference in revenue itself

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 period 0.3532044 896.7969 287.77940 2252.7605 1022.0960
1 and 4 periods 0.8425348 454.8651 115.52694 734.8120 377.5281
8 periods 0.9220849 333.0054 95.95924 651.4967 320.0567
8 periods w/ quarters 0.9312580 312.2140 88.24559 661.4063 331.0617

1 quarter model

8 period model, by quarter

Case: Advanced revenue prediction

RS Metrics’ approach

Read the press release:

  • How does RS Metrics approach revenue prediction?
  • What other creative ways might there be?

Come up with ~3 creative approaches

  • Don’t worry whether the data exists or is easy to get

End matter

For next week

  • For next week:
    • First individual assignment
      • Finish by next class
      • Submit on eLearn
    • Datacamp
      • Practice a bit more to keep up to date
        • Using R more will make it more natural

Packages used for these slides

Custom code

# Brute force code for variable generation of quarterly data lags
df <- df %>%
  group_by(gvkey) %>%
  mutate(revtq_lag1=lag(revtq), revtq_lag2=lag(revtq, 2),
         revtq_lag3=lag(revtq, 3), revtq_lag4=lag(revtq, 4),
         revtq_lag5=lag(revtq, 5), revtq_lag6=lag(revtq, 6),
         revtq_lag7=lag(revtq, 7), revtq_lag8=lag(revtq, 8),
         revtq_lag9=lag(revtq, 9), revtq_gr=revtq / revtq_lag1 - 1,
         revtq_gr1=lag(revtq_gr), revtq_gr2=lag(revtq_gr, 2),
         revtq_gr3=lag(revtq_gr, 3), revtq_gr4=lag(revtq_gr, 4),
         revtq_gr5=lag(revtq_gr, 5), revtq_gr6=lag(revtq_gr, 6),
         revtq_gr7=lag(revtq_gr, 7), revtq_gr8=lag(revtq_gr, 8),
         revtq_yoy=revtq / revtq_lag4 - 1, revtq_yoy1=lag(revtq_yoy),
         revtq_yoy2=lag(revtq_yoy, 2), revtq_yoy3=lag(revtq_yoy, 3),
         revtq_yoy4=lag(revtq_yoy, 4), revtq_yoy5=lag(revtq_yoy, 5),
         revtq_yoy6=lag(revtq_yoy, 6), revtq_yoy7=lag(revtq_yoy, 7),
         revtq_yoy8=lag(revtq_yoy, 8), revtq_d=revtq - revtq_l1,
         revtq_d1=lag(revtq_d), revtq_d2=lag(revtq_d, 2),
         revtq_d3=lag(revtq_d, 3), revtq_d4=lag(revtq_d, 4),
         revtq_d5=lag(revtq_d, 5), revtq_d6=lag(revtq_d, 6),
         revtq_d7=lag(revtq_d, 7), revtq_d8=lag(revtq_d, 8)) %>%
# Custom html table for small data frames
html_df <- function(text, cols=NULL, col1=FALSE, full=F) {
  if(!length(cols)) {
  if(!col1) {
    kable(text,"html", col.names = cols, align = c("l",rep('c',length(cols)-1))) %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped","hover"), full_width=full)
  } else {
    kable(text,"html", col.names = cols, align = c("l",rep('c',length(cols)-1))) %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped","hover"), full_width=full) %>%

Custom code

# Calculating Root Mean Squared Error (Slide 11.5)
actual_series <- df_SG_macro[df_SG_macro$isin=="SG1S83002349" & df_SG_macro$fyear < 2017,]$revt_lead
uol_series <- uol[uol$fyear < 2017,]$pred_uol
base_series <- df_SG_macro[df_SG_macro$isin=="SG1S83002349" & df_SG_macro$fyear < 2017,]$pred_base
macro_series <- df_SG_macro[df_SG_macro$isin=="SG1S83002349" & df_SG_macro$fyear < 2017,]$pred_macro
world_series <- df_clean[df_clean$isin=="SG1S83002349" & df_clean$fyear < 2017,]$pred_world

rmse <- function(v1, v2) {
  sqrt(mean((v1 - v2)^2, na.rm=T))

rmse <- c(rmse(actual_series, uol_series),
          rmse(actual_series, base_series),
          rmse(actual_series, macro_series),
          rmse(actual_series, world_series))
names(rmse) <- c("UOL 2018, UOL only", "UOL 2018 Baseline", "UOL 2018 w/ macro", "UOL 2018 w/ world")
# These functions are a bit ugly, but can construct many charts quickly
# eval(parse(text=var)) is just a way to convert the string name to a variable reference
# Density plot for 1st to 99th percentile of data
plt_dist <- function(df,var) {
  df %>%
    filter(eval(parse(text=var)) < quantile(eval(parse(text=var)),0.99, na.rm=TRUE),
           eval(parse(text=var)) > quantile(eval(parse(text=var)),0.01, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=eval(parse(text=var)))) + 
    geom_density() + xlab(var)

Custom code

# Density plot for 1st to 99th percentile of both columns
plt_bar <- function(df,var) {
  df %>%
    filter(eval(parse(text=var)) < quantile(eval(parse(text=var)),0.99, na.rm=TRUE),
           eval(parse(text=var)) > quantile(eval(parse(text=var)),0.01, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(y=eval(parse(text=var)), x=qtr)) + 
    geom_bar(stat = "summary", fun.y = "mean") + xlab(var)
# Scatter plot with lag for 1st to 99th percentile of data
plt_sct <- function(df,var1, var2) {
  df %>%
    filter(eval(parse(text=var1)) < quantile(eval(parse(text=var1)),0.99, na.rm=TRUE),
           eval(parse(text=var2)) < quantile(eval(parse(text=var2)),0.99, na.rm=TRUE),
           eval(parse(text=var1)) > quantile(eval(parse(text=var1)),0.01, na.rm=TRUE),
           eval(parse(text=var2)) > quantile(eval(parse(text=var2)),0.01, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(y=eval(parse(text=var1)), x=eval(parse(text=var2)), color=factor(qtr))) + 
    geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") + ylab(var1) + xlab(var2)
# Calculating various in and out of sample statistics
models <- list(mod1,mod2,mod3,mod4)
model_names <- c("1 period", "1 and 4 period", "8 periods", "8 periods w/ quarters")

df_test <- data.frame(adj_r_sq=sapply(models, function(x)summary(x)[["adj.r.squared"]]),
                      rmse_in=sapply(models, function(x)rmse(train$revtq, predict(x,train))),
                      mae_in=sapply(models, function(x)mae(train$revtq, predict(x,train))),
                      rmse_out=sapply(models, function(x)rmse(test$revtq, predict(x,test))),
                      mae_out=sapply(models, function(x)mae(test$revtq, predict(x,test))))
rownames(df_test) <- model_names
html_df(df_test)  # Custom function using knitr and kableExtra