ACCT 420: Advanced linear regression

Dr. Richard M. Crowley

Front Matter

Learning objectives

Roadmap for the course

  • Theory:
    • Further understand stats treatments
      • Panel data
      • Fixed effects
      • Time (seasonality)
  • Application:
    • Predicting revenue quarterly and weekly
  • Methodology:
    • Univariate
    • Linear regression (OLS)
    • Visualization

Application: Quarterly retail revenue

The question

How can we predict quarterly revenue for retail companies, leveraging our knowledge of such companies?

More specifically…

  • Consider time dimensions
    • What matters:
      • Last quarter?
      • Last year?
      • Other time frames?
    • Cyclicality

Time and OLS

Time matters a lot for retail

How to capture time effects?

  • Autoregression: our main focus today
    • Regress \(y_t\) on earlier value(s) of itself
      • Last quarter, last year, etc.
  • Controlling for time directly in the model
    • We can do this using something called a fixed effect
      • This absorbs the noise in a model due to a particular grouping in the data

Noise in data

Statistical noise is random error in the data

  • Many sources of noise:
    • Factors we neglected to included in the model
    • Error in measurement
      • Accounting measurement!
    • Unexpected events / shocks
    • Groups within the data that behave differently

Noise is OK, but the more we remove, the better!

Removing noise: Revisiting SG real estate revenue

  • Different companies may behave slightly differently
    • Control for this using a Fixed Effect (ISIN uniquely identifies companies)
forecast3.1 <-
  lm(revt_lead ~ revt + act + che + lct + dp + ebit + factor(isin),
# n=15 to prevent outputting every fixed effect
print(tidy(forecast3.1), n=15)
# A tibble: 27 × 5
   term                     estimate std.error statistic  p.value
   <chr>                       <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 (Intercept)               -0.228    23.8     -0.00961 9.92e- 1
 2 revt                       0.585     0.0699   8.37    1.24e-15
 3 act                        0.220     0.0365   6.02    4.36e- 9
 4 che                       -0.0425    0.106   -0.399   6.90e- 1
 5 lct                        0.0771    0.0604   1.28    2.03e- 1
 6 dp                         0.622     0.885    0.703   4.83e- 1
 7 ebit                      -0.928     0.253   -3.66    2.85e- 4
 8 factor(isin)SG0581008505   2.12     34.6      0.0613  9.51e- 1
 9 factor(isin)SG1AE2000006  -1.69     41.1     -0.0410  9.67e- 1
10 factor(isin)SG1AG0000003  -3.58     33.9     -0.106   9.16e- 1
11 factor(isin)SG1BG1000000 -27.5      38.3     -0.716   4.74e- 1
12 factor(isin)SG1EE1000009  -5.62     36.5     -0.154   8.78e- 1
13 factor(isin)SG1G71871634   8.47     39.0      0.217   8.28e- 1
14 factor(isin)SG1H06873795   8.04     45.0      0.179   8.58e- 1
15 factor(isin)SG1H36875612  77.1      40.8      1.89    5.97e- 2
# ℹ 12 more rows

Removing noise: Singapore model

# A tibble: 1 × 12
  r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic   p.value    df logLik   AIC   BIC
      <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     0.894         0.887  121.      118. 9.14e-160    26 -2410. 4875. 4986.
# ℹ 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>
anova(forecast3, forecast3.1, test="Chisq")
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: revt_lead ~ revt + act + che + lct + dp + ebit
Model 2: revt_lead ~ revt + act + che + lct + dp + ebit + factor(isin)
  Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq Pr(>Chi)  
1    383 5806559                        
2    363 5311530 20    495029  0.02729 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

This only a bit better. Why? There was another source of noise within Singapore real estate companies

Another way to do fixed effects

  • The library fixest has feols(): fixed effects OLS
    • Better for complex models
    • Extremely efficient computationally
forecast3.2 <-
  feols(revt_lead ~ revt + act + che + lct + dp + ebit | isin,
OLS estimation, Dep. Var.: revt_lead
Observations: 390 
Fixed-effects: isin: 21
Standard-errors: Clustered (isin) 
      Estimate Std. Error   t value  Pr(>|t|)    
revt  0.584999   0.265386  2.204336 0.0393790 *  
act   0.219649   0.057738  3.804256 0.0011114 ** 
che  -0.042455   0.193770 -0.219103 0.8287907    
lct   0.077060   0.151119  0.509926 0.6156849    
dp    0.621635   1.014534  0.612729 0.5469600    
ebit -0.927741   0.474333 -1.955886 0.0645925 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
RMSE: 116.7     Adj. R2: 0.88664 
              Within R2: 0.747629

Why exactly would we use fixed effects?

  • Fixed effects are used when the average of \(\hat{y}\) varies by some group in our data
    • In our problem, the average revenue of each firm is different
  • Fixed effects absorb this difference

  • Further reading:
    • Introductory Econometrics by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge

Data preparation

The data

  • From quarterly reports
  • Two sets of firms:
    • US “Hypermarkets & Super Centers” (GICS: 30101040)
    • US “Multiline Retail” (GICS: 255030)
  • Data from Compustat - Capital IQ > North America - Daily > Fundamentals Quarterly


  1. Question
    • How can we predict quarterly revenue for large retail companies?
  2. Hypothesis (just the alternative ones)
    1. Current quarter revenue helps predict next quarter revenue
    2. 3 quarters ago revenue helps predict next quarter revenue (Year-over-year)
    3. Different quarters exhibit different patterns (seasonality)
    4. A long-run autoregressive model helps predict next quarter revenue
  3. Prediction
    • Use OLS for all the above, \(t\)-tests for coefficients
    • Hold out sample: 2018-2023

Variable generation

library(tidyverse)  # As always
library(plotly)  # interactive graphs
library(lubridate)  # import some sensible date functions

# Generate quarter over quarter growth "revtq_gr"
df <- df %>% group_by(gvkey) %>% mutate(revtq_gr=revtq / lag(revtq) - 1) %>% ungroup()

# Generate year-over-year growth "revtq_yoy"
df <- df %>% group_by(gvkey) %>% mutate(revtq_yoy=revtq / lag(revtq, 4) - 1) %>% ungroup()

# Generate first difference "revtq_d"
df <- df %>% group_by(gvkey) %>% mutate(revtq_d=revtq - lag(revtq)) %>% ungroup()

# Generate a proper date
# Date was YYYY-MM-DD, can be converted from text to date easily
df$date <- ymd(df$datadate)  # From lubridate
df$qtr <- quarter(df$date)   # From lubridate

Base R Date manipulation

  • as.Date() can take a date formatted as “YYYY/MM/DD” and convert to a proper date value
    • You can convert other date types using the format= argument

Example output

conm date revtq revtq_gr revtq_yoy revtq_d
ALLIED STORES 1962-04-30 156.5 NA NA NA
ALLIED STORES 1962-07-31 161.9 0.0345048 NA 5.4
ALLIED STORES 1962-10-31 176.9 0.0926498 NA 15.0
ALLIED STORES 1963-01-31 275.5 0.5573770 NA 98.6
ALLIED STORES 1963-04-30 171.1 -0.3789474 0.0932907 -104.4
ALLIED STORES 1963-07-31 182.2 0.0648743 0.1253860 11.1
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  conm          date       datadate  
  <chr>         <date>     <chr>     
1 ALLIED STORES 1962-04-30 1962-04-30
2 ALLIED STORES 1962-07-31 1962-07-31
3 ALLIED STORES 1962-10-31 1962-10-31
4 ALLIED STORES 1963-01-31 1963-01-31
5 ALLIED STORES 1963-04-30 1963-04-30
6 ALLIED STORES 1963-07-31 1963-07-31

Creating 8 quarters (2 years) of lags

  • Eight is easy to do by copying and pasting code, but…
    • What if we wanted 100 lags?
      • That would be a lot of copying
        • The code for this is in the appendix
  • Three solutions, though none is straightforward
    1. Use sapply and a function to reassemble output into a data frame
      • We will ignore this – option 2 is always better
    2. Use purrr to loop into a data frame
    3. Use advanced dplyr programming with quosures
  • To compare the methods, we’ll make a copy of the data frame
# Make a copy of our data frame to compare later
df2 <- df

Method 2: Map with Purrr

# Approach #2: Mixing purrr with dplyr across()

multi_lag_map <- function(df, lags, var, postfix="") {
  new_columns <- map(lags,
    function(x) df %>% 
      group_by(gvkey) %>%
                       .fns = list(~ lag(., x)),
                       .names = paste0('{col}', postfix, x) ) ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
  cbind(df, list_cbind(new_columns))
  • map() is the key function. It takes a vector and iterates over it applying a specified function, returning a list of data frames
  • transmute(): like mutate except it extracts the column it makes automatically
  • cbind_list(): takes a list of data frames and combines them into 1 data frame
  • cbind() is a base R function to combine

Method 3: Advanced programming

# Approach #3: Advanced programming using quosures...
multi_lag <- function(df, lags, var, postfix="") {
  var <- enquo(var)
  quosures <- map(lags, ~quo(lag(!!var, !!.x))) %>%
    set_names(paste0(quo_text(var), postfix, lags))
  return(ungroup(mutate(group_by(df, gvkey), !!!quosures)))
  • setNames(): allows for storing a value and name simultaneously

Quosures are beyond the scope of the course. However, they are very useful if:

  1. You need to do non-standard calculations at scale
  2. You are programming a library.

Comparing the methods

  1. Using purrr + dplyr
df <- multi_lag_map(df, 1:8, 'revtq', "_l")  # Generate lags "revtq_l#"
df <- multi_lag_map(df, 1:8, 'revtq_gr')     # Generate changes "revtq_gr#"
df <- multi_lag_map(df, 1:8, 'revtq_yoy')    # Generate year-over-year changes "revtq_yoy#"
df <- multi_lag_map(df, 1:8, 'revtq_d')      # Generate first differences "revtq_d#"
  1. Using advanced programming techniques
df2 <- multi_lag(df2, 1:8, revtq, "_l")  # Generate lags "revtq_l#"
df2 <- multi_lag(df2, 1:8, revtq_gr)     # Generate changes "revtq_gr#"
df2 <- multi_lag(df2, 1:8, revtq_yoy)    # Generate year-over-year changes "revtq_yoy#"
df2 <- multi_lag(df2, 1:8, revtq_d)      # Generate first differences "revtq_d#"
  • Verify that the output is the same
all(df==df2, na.rm=T)
[1] TRUE

Example output

conm date revtq revtq_l1 revtq_l2 revtq_l3 revtq_l4
ALLIED STORES 1962-04-30 156.5 NA NA NA NA
ALLIED STORES 1962-07-31 161.9 156.5 NA NA NA
ALLIED STORES 1962-10-31 176.9 161.9 156.5 NA NA
ALLIED STORES 1963-01-31 275.5 176.9 161.9 156.5 NA
ALLIED STORES 1963-04-30 171.1 275.5 176.9 161.9 156.5
ALLIED STORES 1963-07-31 182.2 171.1 275.5 176.9 161.9

Clean and split into training and testing

# Clean the data: Replace NaN, Inf, and -Inf with NA
df <- df %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~replace(., !is.finite(.), NA)))

# Split into training and testing data
# Training data: We'll use data released before 2018
train <- filter(df, year(date) < 2018)

# Testing data: We'll use data released 2018 through 2023
test <- filter(df, year(date) >= 2018)
  • Same cleaning function as last week:
    • Replaces all NaN, Inf, and -Inf with NA
  • year() comes from lubridate

Univariate stats

Univariate stats

  • To get a better grasp on the problem, looking at univariate stats can help
    • Summary stats (using summary())
    • Correlations using cor()
    • Plots using your preferred package such as ggplot2
summary(df[,c("revtq","revtq_gr","revtq_yoy", "revtq_d","qtr")])
     revtq              revtq_gr         revtq_yoy           revtq_d          
 Min.   :    -0.26   Min.   :-1.2452   Min.   :-24.0000   Min.   :-24325.206  
 1st Qu.:    68.43   1st Qu.:-0.1043   1st Qu.:  0.0038   1st Qu.:   -20.256  
 Median :   317.78   Median : 0.0494   Median :  0.0759   Median :     4.723  
 Mean   :  2942.73   Mean   : 0.0802   Mean   :  0.2677   Mean   :    44.860  
 3rd Qu.:  1525.00   3rd Qu.: 0.2051   3rd Qu.:  0.1677   3rd Qu.:    61.913  
 Max.   :164048.00   Max.   :38.0000   Max.   :468.3333   Max.   : 29410.000  
 NA's   :613         NA's   :1090      NA's   :1381       NA's   :1055        
 Min.   :1.000  
 1st Qu.:2.000  
 Median :2.000  
 Mean   :2.498  
 3rd Qu.:3.000  
 Max.   :4.000  

ggplot2 for visualization

  • The next slides will use some custom functions using ggplot2
  • ggplot2 has an odd syntax:
    • It doesn’t use pipes (%>%), but instead adds everything together (+)
library(ggplot2)  # or tidyverse -- it's part of tidyverse
df %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=var_for_y_axis, x=var_for_x_axis)) +
  geom_point()  # scatterplot
  • aes() is for aesthetics – how the chart is set up
  • Other useful aesthetics:
    • group= to set groups to list in the legend. Not needed if using the below though
    • color= to set color by some grouping variable. Put factor() around the variable if you want discrete groups, otherwise it will do a color scale (light to dark)
    • shape= to set shapes for points – see here for a list

ggplot2 for visualization

library(ggplot2)  # or tidyverse -- it's part of tidyverse
df %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=var_for_y_axis, x=var_for_x_axis)) +
  geom_point()  # scatterplot
  • geom stands for geometry – any shapes, lines, etc. start with geom
  • Other useful geoms:
    • geom_line(): makes a line chart
    • geom_bar(): makes a bar chart – y is the height, x is the category
    • geom_smooth(method="lm"): Adds a linear regression into the chart
    • geom_abline(slope=1): Adds a 45° line
  • Add xlab("Label text here") to change the x-axis label
  • Add ylab("Label text here") to change the y-axis label
  • Add ggtitle("Title text here") to add a title
  • Plenty more details in the Data Visualization Cheat Sheet

Plotting: Distribution of revenue

  1. Revenue

  1. Quarterly growth

  1. Year-over-year growth

  1. First difference

What do we learn from these graphs?

  1. Revenue
    • \(~\)
    • \(~\)
  2. Quarterly growth
    • \(~\)
    • \(~\)
  3. Year-over-year growth
    • \(~\)
    • \(~\)
  4. First difference
    • \(~\)
    • \(~\)

Plotting: Mean revenue (y) by quarter (x)

  1. Revenue

  1. Quarterly growth

  1. Year-over-year growth

  1. First difference

What do we learn from these graphs?

  1. Revenue
    • \(~\)
    • \(~\)
  2. Quarterly growth
    • \(~\)
    • \(~\)
  3. Year-over-year growth
    • \(~\)
    • \(~\)
  4. First difference
    • \(~\)
    • \(~\)

Plotting: Revenue (y) vs lag (x) by quarter

  1. Revenue

  1. Quarterly growth

  1. Year-over-year growth

  1. First difference

What do we learn from these graphs?

  1. Revenue
    • Revenue is really linear! But each quarter has a distinct linear relation.
  2. Quarterly growth
    • All over the place. Each quarter appears to have a different pattern though. Quarters will matter.
  3. Year-over-year growth
    • Linear but noisy.
  4. First difference
    • Again, all over the place. Each quarter appears to have a different pattern though. Quarters will matter.

Correlation matrices

cor(train[,c("revtq","revtq_l1","revtq_l2","revtq_l3", "revtq_l4")],
             revtq  revtq_l1  revtq_l2  revtq_l3  revtq_l4
revtq    1.0000000 0.9916945 0.9934665 0.9904917 0.9970908
revtq_l1 0.9916945 1.0000000 0.9917766 0.9936673 0.9902467
revtq_l2 0.9934665 0.9917766 1.0000000 0.9917388 0.9931696
revtq_l3 0.9904917 0.9936673 0.9917388 1.0000000 0.9911274
revtq_l4 0.9970908 0.9902467 0.9931696 0.9911274 1.0000000
cor(train[,c("revtq_gr","revtq_gr1","revtq_gr2","revtq_gr3", "revtq_gr4")],
            revtq_gr   revtq_gr1   revtq_gr2   revtq_gr3   revtq_gr4
revtq_gr   1.0000000 -0.30650646  0.13222914 -0.13376729  0.39769716
revtq_gr1 -0.3065065  1.00000000 -0.29829311  0.06717413 -0.12452303
revtq_gr2  0.1322291 -0.29829311  1.00000000 -0.22696363  0.04106885
revtq_gr3 -0.1337673  0.06717413 -0.22696363  1.00000000 -0.03141264
revtq_gr4  0.3976972 -0.12452303  0.04106885 -0.03141264  1.00000000

Retail revenue has high autocorrelation! There is a concern for multicolinearity. Revenue growth is less autocorrelated and oscillates.

Correlation matrices

cor(train[,c("revtq_yoy","revtq_yoy1","revtq_yoy2","revtq_yoy3", "revtq_yoy4")],
             revtq_yoy revtq_yoy1 revtq_yoy2 revtq_yoy3  revtq_yoy4
revtq_yoy  1.000000000  0.7519807 0.02477479 0.01730051 0.008416565
revtq_yoy1 0.751980703  1.0000000 0.51028046 0.41010043 0.152340656
revtq_yoy2 0.024774792  0.5102805 1.00000000 0.79026409 0.318107988
revtq_yoy3 0.017300513  0.4101004 0.79026409 1.00000000 0.605670844
revtq_yoy4 0.008416565  0.1523407 0.31810799 0.60567084 1.000000000
cor(train[,c("revtq_d","revtq_d1","revtq_d2","revtq_d3", "revtq_d4")],
            revtq_d   revtq_d1   revtq_d2   revtq_d3   revtq_d4
revtq_d   1.0000000 -0.5894501  0.2995031 -0.5900719  0.9280353
revtq_d1 -0.5894501  1.0000000 -0.6027336  0.3021009 -0.5729021
revtq_d2  0.2995031 -0.6027336  1.0000000 -0.6083765  0.2936155
revtq_d3 -0.5900719  0.3021009 -0.6083765  1.0000000 -0.5840817
revtq_d4  0.9280353 -0.5729021  0.2936155 -0.5840817  1.0000000

Year over year change fixes the multicollinearity issue. First difference oscillates like quarter over quarter growth.

R Practice

  • This practice will look at predicting Walmart’s quarterly revenue using:
    • 1 lag
    • Cyclicality
  • Practice using:
  • Do the exercises in today’s practice file

In this practice, we’ll work through an easier variant of today’s problem


The models

  1. 1 Quarter lag: We saw a very strong linear pattern here earlier (AR(1) model)
mod1 <- lm(revtq ~ revtq_l1, data=train)
  1. Quarter and year lag: Year-over-year seemed pretty constant
mod2 <- lm(revtq ~ revtq_l1 + revtq_l4, data=train)
  1. 2 years of lags: Other lags could also help us predict (AR(8) model)
mod3 <- lm(revtq ~ revtq_l1 + revtq_l2 + revtq_l3 + revtq_l4 + revtq_l5 +
           revtq_l6 + revtq_l7 + revtq_l8, data=train)

Quarter lag


lm(formula = revtq ~ revtq_l1, data = train)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-24450.0    -41.5    -18.7     30.4  16547.7 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 22.956320  13.212844   1.737   0.0823 .  
revtq_l1     1.003163   0.001412 710.620   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 1224 on 9079 degrees of freedom
  (965 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.9823,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9823 
F-statistic: 5.05e+05 on 1 and 9079 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Quarter and year lag


lm(formula = revtq ~ revtq_l1 + revtq_l4, data = train)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-20059.2    -39.8    -25.8      2.8  14911.4 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 27.783189   7.387569   3.761  0.00017 ***
revtq_l1     0.231282   0.005493  42.102  < 2e-16 ***
revtq_l4     0.809231   0.005693 142.147  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 664.6 on 8579 degrees of freedom
  (1464 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.9951,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9951 
F-statistic: 8.649e+05 on 2 and 8579 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

2 years of lags


lm(formula = revtq ~ revtq_l1 + revtq_l2 + revtq_l3 + revtq_l4 + 
    revtq_l5 + revtq_l6 + revtq_l7 + revtq_l8, data = train)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-5251.2   -17.2    -7.3     6.3  6589.8 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  7.54050    4.09176   1.843 0.065389 .  
revtq_l1     0.87920    0.01176  74.774  < 2e-16 ***
revtq_l2     0.07123    0.01558   4.572 4.91e-06 ***
revtq_l3    -0.03127    0.01507  -2.075 0.037990 *  
revtq_l4     0.98224    0.01141  86.115  < 2e-16 ***
revtq_l5    -0.89213    0.01258 -70.921  < 2e-16 ***
revtq_l6    -0.05974    0.01624  -3.679 0.000236 ***
revtq_l7     0.02500    0.01560   1.603 0.109077    
revtq_l8     0.03128    0.01141   2.741 0.006134 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 350.9 on 7847 degrees of freedom
  (2190 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.9987,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9987 
F-statistic: 7.751e+05 on 8 and 7847 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Testing out of sample

  • RMSE: Root mean square Error
  • RMSE is very affected by outliers, and a bad choice for noisy data where you are OK with missing a few outliers here and there
    • Doubling error quadruples the penalty
rmse <- function(v1, v2) {
  sqrt(mean((v1 - v2)^2, na.rm=T))
  • MAE: Mean absolute error
  • MAE is measures average accuracy with no weighting
    • Doubling error doubles the penalty
mae <- function(v1, v2) {
  mean(abs(v1-v2), na.rm=T)

Both are commonly used for evaluating OLS out of sample

Testing out of sample: Lags of revenue

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 quarter 0.9823367 1223.8606 345.02693 3463.412 1240.2024
1 and 4 quarters 0.9950640 664.4809 185.46272 2408.481 823.1251
8 quarter 0.9987348 350.6589 96.40259 1273.640 486.7373

1 quarter model

8 quarter model

What about for revenue growth?

\[ revt_t=(1+growth_t)\times revt_{t-1} \]

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 quarter 0.0014511 1351.3353 357.1677 3873.697 1371.667
1 and 4 quarters 0.0963806 965.4291 266.4816 2781.420 1036.653
8 quarter 0.6209886 493.8014 143.0223 1585.755 639.204

1 quarter model

8 quarter model

What about for YoY revenue growth?

\[ revt_t=(1+yoy\_growth_t)\times revt_{t-4} \]

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 quarter 0.0819290 705.1382 169.8824 2029.457 764.2961
1 and 4 quarters 0.3181392 2468.5552 609.4654 8200.987 3060.8517
8 quarter 0.5870339 373.8323 101.0739 1424.345 569.5131

1 quarter model

8 quarter model

What about for first difference?

\[ revt_t= change_t+ revt_{t-1} \]

adj_r_sq rmse_in mae_in rmse_out mae_out
1 quarter 0.3258854 982.1141 311.6347 2928.851 997.6321
1 and 4 quarters 0.8661368 450.5154 112.2122 1284.958 492.3839
8 quarter 0.9309542 337.1684 97.3112 1273.836 488.1175

1 quarter model

8 quarter model


  1. The first difference model works a bit better than the revenue model at predicting next quarter revenue
    • It also doesn’t suffer (as much) from multicollinearity
      • This is why time series analysis is often done on first differences
        • Or second differences (difference in differences)
  2. The other models perform pretty well as well
  3. Extra lags generally seems helpful when accounting for cyclicality
  4. Regressing by quarter helps a bit, particularly with revenue growth

Case: Advanced revenue prediction

RS Metrics’ approach

How they do it:

  • How does RS Metrics approach revenue prediction?
  • What other creative ways might there be?

Come up with ~3 creative approaches

  • Don’t worry whether the data exists or is easy to get

End Matter

Wrap up

  • For next week:
    • First individual assignment is due!
      • Finish by next class
      • Submit on eLearn
    • Datacamp
      • Practice a bit more to keep up to date
        • Using R more will make it more natural
  • Survey on the class session at this QR code:

Packages used for these slides

Custom code

# Brute force code for variable generation of quarterly data lags
df <- df %>%
  group_by(gvkey) %>%
  mutate(revtq_lag1=lag(revtq), revtq_lag2=lag(revtq, 2),
         revtq_lag3=lag(revtq, 3), revtq_lag4=lag(revtq, 4),
         revtq_lag5=lag(revtq, 5), revtq_lag6=lag(revtq, 6),
         revtq_lag7=lag(revtq, 7), revtq_lag8=lag(revtq, 8),
         revtq_lag9=lag(revtq, 9), revtq_gr=revtq / revtq_lag1 - 1,
         revtq_gr1=lag(revtq_gr), revtq_gr2=lag(revtq_gr, 2),
         revtq_gr3=lag(revtq_gr, 3), revtq_gr4=lag(revtq_gr, 4),
         revtq_gr5=lag(revtq_gr, 5), revtq_gr6=lag(revtq_gr, 6),
         revtq_gr7=lag(revtq_gr, 7), revtq_gr8=lag(revtq_gr, 8),
         revtq_yoy=revtq / revtq_lag4 - 1, revtq_yoy1=lag(revtq_yoy),
         revtq_yoy2=lag(revtq_yoy, 2), revtq_yoy3=lag(revtq_yoy, 3),
         revtq_yoy4=lag(revtq_yoy, 4), revtq_yoy5=lag(revtq_yoy, 5),
         revtq_yoy6=lag(revtq_yoy, 6), revtq_yoy7=lag(revtq_yoy, 7),
         revtq_yoy8=lag(revtq_yoy, 8), revtq_d=revtq - revtq_l1,
         revtq_d1=lag(revtq_d), revtq_d2=lag(revtq_d, 2),
         revtq_d3=lag(revtq_d, 3), revtq_d4=lag(revtq_d, 4),
         revtq_d5=lag(revtq_d, 5), revtq_d6=lag(revtq_d, 6),
         revtq_d7=lag(revtq_d, 7), revtq_d8=lag(revtq_d, 8)) %>%

Custom code

# Custom html table for small data frames
html_df <- function(text, cols=NULL, col1=FALSE, full=F) {
  if(!length(cols)) {
  if(!col1) {
    kable(text,"html", col.names = cols, align = c("l",rep('c',length(cols)-1))) %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped","hover"), full_width=full)
  } else {
    kable(text,"html", col.names = cols, align = c("l",rep('c',length(cols)-1))) %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped","hover"), full_width=full) %>%

Custom code

# Density plot for 1st to 99th percentile of both columns
plt_bar <- function(df,var) {
  df %>%
    filter(eval(parse(text=var)) < quantile(eval(parse(text=var)),0.99, na.rm=TRUE),
           eval(parse(text=var)) > quantile(eval(parse(text=var)),0.01, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(y=eval(parse(text=var)), x=qtr)) + 
    geom_bar(stat = "summary", fun.y = "mean") + xlab(var)
# Scatter plot with lag for 1st to 99th percentile of data
plt_sct <- function(df,var1, var2) {
  df %>%
    filter(eval(parse(text=var1)) < quantile(eval(parse(text=var1)),0.99, na.rm=TRUE),
           eval(parse(text=var2)) < quantile(eval(parse(text=var2)),0.99, na.rm=TRUE),
           eval(parse(text=var1)) > quantile(eval(parse(text=var1)),0.01, na.rm=TRUE),
           eval(parse(text=var2)) > quantile(eval(parse(text=var2)),0.01, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(y=eval(parse(text=var1)), x=eval(parse(text=var2)), color=factor(qtr))) + 
    geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") + ylab(var1) + xlab(var2)
# Calculating various in and out of sample statistics
models <- list(mod1,mod2,mod3)
model_names <- c("1 quarter", "1 and 4 quarters", "8 quarter")

df_test <- data.frame(adj_r_sq=sapply(models, function(x)summary(x)[["adj.r.squared"]]),
                      rmse_in=sapply(models, function(x)rmse(train$revtq, predict(x,train))),
                      mae_in=sapply(models, function(x)mae(train$revtq, predict(x,train))),
                      rmse_out=sapply(models, function(x)rmse(test$revtq, predict(x,test))),
                      mae_out=sapply(models, function(x)mae(test$revtq, predict(x,test))))
rownames(df_test) <- model_names
html_df(df_test)  # Custom function using knitr and kableExtra