ACCT 420: Logistic Regression for Corporate Fraud

Dr. Richard M. Crowley

Front Matter

Learning objectives

Roadmap for the course

  • Theory:
    • Economics
    • Psychology
  • Application:
    • Predicting fraud contained in annual reports
  • Methodology:
    • Logistic regression
    • LASSO
    • [and more!]

Corporate/Securities Fraud

Traditional accounting fraud

  1. A company is underperforming
  2. Management cooks up some scheme to increase earnings
    • Worldcom (1999-2001)
      • Fake revenue entries
      • Capitalizing line costs (should be expensed)
    • Olympus (late 1980s-2011): Hide losses in a separate entity
      • “Tobashi scheme”
    • Wells Fargo (2011-2018?)
      • Fake/duplicate customers and transactions
  3. Create accounting statements using the fake information

Reversing it

  1. A company is overperforming
  2. Management cooks up a scheme to “save up” excess performance for a rainy day
  3. Recognize revenue/earnings when needed in the future to hit earnings targets

Other accounting fraud types

Some of the more interesting cases

What will we look at today?

Misstatements: Errors that affect firms’ accounting statements or disclosures which were done seemingly intentionally by management or other employees at the firm.

How do misstatements come to light?

  1. The company/management admits to it publicly
  2. A government entity forces the company to disclose
    • In more egregious cases, government agencies may disclose the fraud publicly as well
  3. Investors sue the firm, forcing disclosure

Where are these disclosed? (US)

  1. US SEC AAERs: Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases
  2. 10-K/A filings (“10-K” \(\Rightarrow\) annual report, “/A” \(\Rightarrow\) amendment)
  3. By the US government through a 13(b) action
  4. In a note inside a 10-K filing
    • These are sometimes referred to as “little r” restatements
  5. In a press release, which is later filed with the US SEC as an 8-K
    • 8-Ks are filed for many other reasons too though

Where are we at?

Fraud happens in many ways, for many reasons

  • All of them are important to capture
  • All of them affect accounting numbers differently
  • None of the individual methods are frequent…

It is disclosed in many places. All have subtly different meanings and implications

  • We need to be careful here (or check multiple sources)

This is a hard problem!


  • Today we will examine these AAERs
    • Using a proprietary data set of >1,000 such releases
  • To get a sense of the data we’re working with, read the Summary section (starting on page 2) of this AAER against Sanofi

Why did the SEC release this AAER regarding Sanofi?

Predicting Fraud

Main question

How can we detect if a firm is involved in a major instance of missreporting?

  • This is a pure forensic analytics question
  • “Major instance of misreporting” will be implemented using AAERs


  • In these slides, I’ll walk through the primary detection methods since the 1990s, up to currently used methods
  • 1990s: Financials and financial ratios
    • Follow up in 2011
  • Late 2000s/early 2010s: Characteristics of firm’s disclosures
  • mid 2010s: More holistic text-based measures of disclosures
    • This will tie to next lesson where we will explore how to work with text

All of these are discussed in a Brown, Crowley and Elliott (2020 JAR) – I will refer to the paper as BCE for short

The data

  • I have provided some preprocessed data, sanitized of AAER data (which is partially public, partially proprietary)
  • It contains 401 variables
    • From Compustat, CRSP, and the SEC (which I personally collected)
    • Many precalculated measures including:
      • Firm characteristics, such as auditor type (bigNaudit, midNaudit)
      • Financial measures, such as total accruals (rsst_acc)
      • Financial ratios, such as ROA (ni_at)
      • Annual report characteristics, such as the mean sentence length (sentlen_u)
      • Machine learning based content analysis (everything with Topic_ prepended)

Pulled from BCE’s working files

Training and Testing

  • Already has testing and training set up in variable Test
    • Training is annual reports released in 1999 through 2003
    • Testing is annual reports released in 2004

What potential issues are there with our usual training and testing strategy?

  • There is a significant lag between when a fraud is caught and when it happened!
    • To mirror the available information in 2004, we should censor AAER for training such that it only captures AAERs known by 2003
year year_found aaer aaer_as_of_2004
1999 2001 1 1
2001 2003 1 1
2003 2006 1 0


  • Censoring training data helps to emulate historical situations
    • Build an algorithm using only the data that was available at the time a decision would need to have been made
  • Do not censor the testing data
    • Testing emulates where we want to make an optimal choice in real life
      • We want to find frauds regardless of how well hidden they are!

Event frequency

  • Very low event frequencies can make things tricky
df %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  mutate(total_AAERS = sum(AAER==1), total_observations=n()) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(year, total_AAERS, total_observations) %>%
year total_AAERS total_observations
1999 46 2195
2000 50 2041
2001 43 2021
2002 50 2391
2003 57 2936
2004 49 2843

246 AAERs in the training data, 401 total variables…

Dealing with infrequent events

  • A few ways to handle this
    1. Very careful model selection (keep it sufficiently simple)
    2. Sophisticated degenerate variable identification criterion + simulation to implement complex models that are just barely simple enough
      • The main method in BCE
    3. Automated methodologies for pairing down models
      • We’ll discuss using LASSO for this at the end of class
        • Also implemented in BCE

1990s approach

The 1990s model

  • Many financial measures and ratios can help to predict fraud
  • EBIT
  • Earnings / revenue
  • ROA
  • Log of liabilities
  • liabilities / equity
  • liabilities / assets
  • quick ratio
  • Working capital / assets
  • Inventory / revenue
  • inventory / assets
  • earnings / PP&E
  • A/R / revenue
  • Change in revenue
  • Change in A/R + 1
  • \(>10\%\) change in A/R
  • Change in gross profit + 1
  • \(>10\%\) change in gross profit
  • Gross profit / assets
  • Revenue minus gross profit
  • Cash / assets
  • Log of assets
  • PP&E / assets
  • Working capital


  • Purely economic
  • Misreporting firms’ financials should be different than expected
    • Perhaps more income
    • Odd capital structure
    • Odd balance of receivables


fit_1990s <- glm(AAER ~ ebit + ni_revt + ni_at + log_lt + ltl_at + lt_seq +
                   lt_at + act_lct + aq_lct + wcap_at + invt_revt + invt_at +
                   ni_ppent + rect_revt + revt_at + d_revt + b_rect + b_rect +
                   r_gp + b_gp + gp_at + revt_m_gp + ch_at + log_at +
                   ppent_at + wcap,

glm(formula = AAER ~ ebit + ni_revt + ni_at + log_lt + ltl_at + 
    lt_seq + lt_at + act_lct + aq_lct + wcap_at + invt_revt + 
    invt_at + ni_ppent + rect_revt + revt_at + d_revt + b_rect + 
    b_rect + r_gp + b_gp + gp_at + revt_m_gp + ch_at + log_at + 
    ppent_at + wcap, family = binomial, data = df[df$Test == 
    0, ])

              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -4.660e+00  8.336e-01  -5.591 2.26e-08 ***
ebit        -3.564e-04  1.094e-04  -3.257  0.00112 ** 
ni_revt      3.664e-02  3.058e-02   1.198  0.23084    
ni_at       -3.196e-01  2.325e-01  -1.374  0.16932    
log_lt       1.494e-01  3.409e-01   0.438  0.66118    
ltl_at      -2.306e-01  7.072e-01  -0.326  0.74438    
lt_seq      -2.826e-05  4.567e-04  -0.062  0.95067    
lt_at       -8.559e-01  9.270e-01  -0.923  0.35586    
act_lct      1.401e-01  7.005e-02   2.000  0.04546 *  
aq_lct      -1.751e-01  9.156e-02  -1.912  0.05588 .  
wcap_at     -8.488e-01  6.487e-01  -1.308  0.19075    
invt_revt   -9.165e-01  9.679e-01  -0.947  0.34371    
invt_at      2.350e+00  1.033e+00   2.276  0.02286 *  
ni_ppent     2.703e-03  1.203e-02   0.225  0.82223    
rect_revt    6.587e-02  7.427e-02   0.887  0.37511    
revt_at     -4.790e-01  1.734e-01  -2.763  0.00572 ** 
d_revt      -7.848e-04  1.586e-03  -0.495  0.62079    
b_rect       8.212e-02  1.569e-01   0.524  0.60060    
r_gp        -1.055e-04  6.623e-04  -0.159  0.87345    
b_gp         1.266e-01  1.556e-01   0.813  0.41605    
gp_at        1.031e-01  3.512e-01   0.293  0.76921    
revt_m_gp    2.621e-05  1.094e-05   2.396  0.01655 *  
ch_at       -5.356e-01  7.909e-01  -0.677  0.49829    
log_at       2.687e-01  3.483e-01   0.771  0.44045    
ppent_at    -2.956e+00  4.798e-01  -6.161 7.23e-10 ***
wcap         7.009e-05  5.187e-05   1.351  0.17658    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2118.6  on 10268  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1928.8  on 10243  degrees of freedom
  (1315 observations deleted due to missingness)
AIC: 1980.8

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 12


    In sample AUC Out of sample AUC 
        0.7483132         0.7292981 

The 2011 follow up

The 2011 model

  • Log of assets
  • Total accruals
  • % change in A/R
  • % change in inventory
  • % soft assets
  • % change in sales from cash
  • % change in ROA
  • Indicator for stock/bond issuance
  • Indicator for operating leases
  • BV equity / MV equity
  • Lag of stock return minus value weighted market return
  • Below are BCE’s additions
  • Indicator for mergers
  • Indicator for Big N auditor
  • Indicator for medium size auditor
  • Total financing raised
  • Net amount of new capital raised
  • Indicator for restructuring

Based on Dechow, Ge, Larson and Sloan (2011)

The model

fit_2011 <- glm(AAER ~ logtotasset + rsst_acc + chg_recv + chg_inv +
                  soft_assets + pct_chg_cashsales + chg_roa + issuance +
                  oplease_dum + book_mkt + lag_sdvol + merger + bigNaudit +
                  midNaudit + cffin + exfin + restruct,

glm(formula = AAER ~ logtotasset + rsst_acc + chg_recv + chg_inv + 
    soft_assets + pct_chg_cashsales + chg_roa + issuance + oplease_dum + 
    book_mkt + lag_sdvol + merger + bigNaudit + midNaudit + cffin + 
    exfin + restruct, family = binomial, data = df[df$Test == 
    0, ])

                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)       -7.1474558  0.5337491 -13.391  < 2e-16 ***
logtotasset        0.3214322  0.0355467   9.043  < 2e-16 ***
rsst_acc          -0.2190095  0.3009287  -0.728   0.4667    
chg_recv           1.1020740  1.0590837   1.041   0.2981    
chg_inv            0.0389504  1.2507142   0.031   0.9752    
soft_assets        2.3094551  0.3325731   6.944 3.81e-12 ***
pct_chg_cashsales -0.0006912  0.0108771  -0.064   0.9493    
chg_roa           -0.2697984  0.2554262  -1.056   0.2908    
issuance           0.1443841  0.3187606   0.453   0.6506    
oplease_dum       -0.2029022  0.1970597  -1.030   0.3032    
book_mkt           0.0150113  0.0110652   1.357   0.1749    
lag_sdvol          0.0517368  0.0555338   0.932   0.3515    
merger             0.3529102  0.1511729   2.334   0.0196 *  
bigNaudit         -0.1998454  0.3598283  -0.555   0.5786    
midNaudit         -0.4894029  0.5118388  -0.956   0.3390    
cffin              0.4557560  0.3435253   1.327   0.1846    
exfin             -0.0053608  0.0393354  -0.136   0.8916    
restruct           0.3827721  0.1471729   2.601   0.0093 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2381.9  on 11583  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2189.7  on 11566  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2225.7

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7


    In sample AUC Out of sample AUC 
        0.7445378         0.6849225 

Late 2000s/early 2010s approach

The late 2000s/early 2010s model

  • Log of # of bullet points + 1
  • # of characters in file header
  • # of excess newlines
  • Amount of html tags
  • Length of cleaned file, characters
  • Mean sentence length, words
  • S.D. of word length
  • S.D. of paragraph length (sentences)
  • Word choice variation
  • Readability
    • Coleman Liau Index
    • Fog Index
  • % active voice sentences
  • % passive voice sentences
  • # of all cap words
  • # of !
  • # of ?

From a variety of papers


  • Generally pulled from the communications literature
    • Sometimes ad hoc
  • The main idea:
    • Companies that are misreporting probably write their annual report differently

The late 2000s/early 2010s model

fit_2000s <- glm(AAER ~ bullets + headerlen + newlines + alltags +
                   processedsize + sentlen_u + wordlen_s + paralen_s +
                   repetitious_p + sentlen_s + typetoken + clindex + fog +
                   active_p + passive_p + lm_negative_p + lm_positive_p +
                   allcaps + exclamationpoints + questionmarks,

glm(formula = AAER ~ bullets + headerlen + newlines + alltags + 
    processedsize + sentlen_u + wordlen_s + paralen_s + repetitious_p + 
    sentlen_s + typetoken + clindex + fog + active_p + passive_p + 
    lm_negative_p + lm_positive_p + allcaps + exclamationpoints + 
    questionmarks, family = binomial, data = df[df$Test == 0, 

                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)       -5.662e+00  3.143e+00  -1.801  0.07165 .  
bullets           -2.635e-05  2.625e-05  -1.004  0.31558    
headerlen         -2.943e-04  3.477e-04  -0.846  0.39733    
newlines          -4.821e-05  1.220e-04  -0.395  0.69271    
alltags            5.060e-08  2.567e-07   0.197  0.84376    
processedsize      5.709e-06  1.287e-06   4.435 9.19e-06 ***
sentlen_u         -3.790e-02  6.897e-02  -0.550  0.58259    
wordlen_s          1.278e-01  1.199e+00   0.107  0.91510    
paralen_s         -4.808e-02  3.052e-02  -1.576  0.11514    
repetitious_p     -1.673e+00  1.665e+00  -1.005  0.31508    
sentlen_s         -2.098e-02  2.222e-02  -0.944  0.34518    
typetoken         -3.609e-01  1.729e+00  -0.209  0.83469    
clindex            2.744e-01  1.519e-01   1.806  0.07085 .  
fog               -1.839e-02  1.322e-01  -0.139  0.88935    
active_p          -4.321e-01  1.459e+00  -0.296  0.76711    
passive_p          7.321e-02  3.204e+00   0.023  0.98177    
lm_negative_p      1.356e+01  1.304e+01   1.039  0.29875    
lm_positive_p     -9.911e+01  3.842e+01  -2.580  0.00989 ** 
allcaps           -4.646e-04  1.835e-04  -2.532  0.01136 *  
exclamationpoints -3.520e-01  1.944e-01  -1.811  0.07010 .  
questionmarks      3.371e-03  2.816e-02   0.120  0.90471    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2381.9  on 11583  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2329.2  on 11563  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2371.2

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 10


    In sample AUC Out of sample AUC 
        0.6377783         0.6295414 

Combining the 2000s and 2011 models

Why is it appropriate to combine the 2011 model with the 2000s model?

  • 2011 model: Parsimonious financial model
  • 2000s model: Textual characteristics

Little theoretical overlap

Limited multicollinearity across measures

The model

fit_2000f <- glm(AAER ~ logtotasset + rsst_acc + chg_recv + chg_inv +
                   soft_assets + pct_chg_cashsales + chg_roa + issuance +
                   oplease_dum + book_mkt + lag_sdvol + merger + bigNaudit +
                   midNaudit + cffin + exfin + restruct + bullets + headerlen +
                   newlines + alltags + processedsize + sentlen_u + wordlen_s +
                   paralen_s + repetitious_p + sentlen_s + typetoken +
                   clindex + fog + active_p + passive_p + lm_negative_p +
                   lm_positive_p + allcaps + exclamationpoints + questionmarks,

glm(formula = AAER ~ logtotasset + rsst_acc + chg_recv + chg_inv + 
    soft_assets + pct_chg_cashsales + chg_roa + issuance + oplease_dum + 
    book_mkt + lag_sdvol + merger + bigNaudit + midNaudit + cffin + 
    exfin + restruct + bullets + headerlen + newlines + alltags + 
    processedsize + sentlen_u + wordlen_s + paralen_s + repetitious_p + 
    sentlen_s + typetoken + clindex + fog + active_p + passive_p + 
    lm_negative_p + lm_positive_p + allcaps + exclamationpoints + 
    questionmarks, family = binomial, data = df[df$Test == 0, 

                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)       -1.634e+00  3.415e+00  -0.479  0.63223    
logtotasset        3.437e-01  3.921e-02   8.766  < 2e-16 ***
rsst_acc          -2.123e-01  2.995e-01  -0.709  0.47844    
chg_recv           1.022e+00  1.055e+00   0.969  0.33274    
chg_inv           -9.464e-02  1.226e+00  -0.077  0.93845    
soft_assets        2.573e+00  3.387e-01   7.598 3.01e-14 ***
pct_chg_cashsales -1.134e-03  1.103e-02  -0.103  0.91811    
chg_roa           -2.696e-01  2.470e-01  -1.092  0.27504    
issuance           1.471e-01  3.220e-01   0.457  0.64777    
oplease_dum       -2.859e-01  2.020e-01  -1.416  0.15691    
book_mkt           1.531e-02  1.115e-02   1.373  0.16967    
lag_sdvol          6.147e-02  5.418e-02   1.135  0.25655    
merger             3.699e-01  1.536e-01   2.408  0.01604 *  
bigNaudit         -1.992e-01  3.638e-01  -0.548  0.58392    
midNaudit         -4.839e-01  5.139e-01  -0.942  0.34635    
cffin              4.608e-01  3.599e-01   1.280  0.20044    
exfin             -1.235e-03  5.907e-02  -0.021  0.98332    
restruct           3.035e-01  1.555e-01   1.952  0.05099 .  
bullets           -1.958e-05  2.519e-05  -0.777  0.43692    
headerlen         -5.792e-04  4.038e-04  -1.434  0.15151    
newlines          -7.423e-05  1.294e-04  -0.574  0.56615    
alltags           -1.338e-07  2.701e-07  -0.495  0.62036    
processedsize      4.111e-06  1.446e-06   2.844  0.00446 ** 
sentlen_u         -5.086e-02  6.950e-02  -0.732  0.46433    
wordlen_s         -1.618e+00  1.303e+00  -1.241  0.21450    
paralen_s         -3.934e-02  2.923e-02  -1.346  0.17834    
repetitious_p     -1.433e+00  1.658e+00  -0.864  0.38740    
sentlen_s         -1.690e-02  2.212e-02  -0.764  0.44502    
typetoken         -1.216e+00  1.788e+00  -0.680  0.49643    
clindex            9.620e-02  1.521e-01   0.632  0.52718    
fog                1.063e-02  1.339e-01   0.079  0.93675    
active_p           6.259e-01  1.435e+00   0.436  0.66271    
passive_p         -5.848e+00  3.796e+00  -1.541  0.12337    
lm_negative_p      2.012e+01  1.220e+01   1.649  0.09906 .  
lm_positive_p     -3.700e+01  3.864e+01  -0.958  0.33825    
allcaps           -4.721e-04  1.912e-04  -2.469  0.01354 *  
exclamationpoints -4.510e-01  2.024e-01  -2.228  0.02586 *  
questionmarks      4.096e-03  2.853e-02   0.144  0.88586    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2381.9  on 11583  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2143.0  on 11546  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2219

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 10


    In sample AUC Out of sample AUC 
        0.7664115         0.7147021 

The BCE model

The BCE approach

  • Retain the variables from the other regressions
  • Add in a machine-learning based measure quantifying how much documents talked about different topics common across all filings
    • Learned on just the 1999-2003 filings

What the topics look like

Theory behind the BCE model

Why use document content?

  • From communications and psychology:
    • When people are trying to deceive others, what they say is carefully picked
      • Topics chosen are intentional
  • Putting this in a business context:
    • If you are manipulating inventory, you don’t talk about it

The model

BCE_eq = as.formula(paste("AAER ~ logtotasset + rsst_acc + chg_recv + chg_inv +
  soft_assets + pct_chg_cashsales + chg_roa + issuance +
  oplease_dum + book_mkt + lag_sdvol + merger + bigNaudit +
  midNaudit + cffin + exfin + restruct + bullets + headerlen +
  newlines + alltags + processedsize + sentlen_u + wordlen_s +
  paralen_s + repetitious_p + sentlen_s + typetoken +
  clindex + fog + active_p + passive_p + lm_negative_p +
  lm_positive_p + allcaps + exclamationpoints + questionmarks + ",
  paste(paste0("Topic_",1:30,"_n_oI"), collapse=" + "), collapse=""))
fit_BCE <- glm(BCE_eq,

glm(formula = BCE_eq, family = binomial, data = df[df$Test == 
    0, ])

                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)       -8.032e+00  3.872e+00  -2.074  0.03806 *  
logtotasset        3.879e-01  4.554e-02   8.519  < 2e-16 ***
rsst_acc          -1.938e-01  3.055e-01  -0.634  0.52593    
chg_recv           8.581e-01  1.071e+00   0.801  0.42296    
chg_inv           -2.607e-01  1.223e+00  -0.213  0.83119    
soft_assets        2.555e+00  3.796e-01   6.730  1.7e-11 ***
pct_chg_cashsales -1.976e-03  6.997e-03  -0.282  0.77767    
chg_roa           -2.532e-01  2.786e-01  -0.909  0.36354    
issuance           9.692e-02  3.269e-01   0.296  0.76687    
oplease_dum       -3.451e-01  2.097e-01  -1.645  0.09989 .  
book_mkt           1.361e-02  1.151e-02   1.183  0.23692    
lag_sdvol          4.546e-02  5.709e-02   0.796  0.42589    
merger             3.224e-01  1.572e-01   2.051  0.04027 *  
bigNaudit         -2.010e-01  3.711e-01  -0.542  0.58804    
midNaudit         -4.641e-01  5.195e-01  -0.893  0.37169    
cffin              6.024e-01  3.769e-01   1.598  0.10998    
exfin             -6.738e-03  4.063e-02  -0.166  0.86831    
restruct           1.915e-01  1.593e-01   1.202  0.22920    
bullets           -1.612e-05  2.526e-05  -0.638  0.52334    
headerlen         -3.956e-04  3.722e-04  -1.063  0.28776    
newlines          -1.038e-04  1.333e-04  -0.779  0.43623    
alltags           -1.338e-07  2.772e-07  -0.483  0.62934    
processedsize      4.178e-06  1.477e-06   2.828  0.00468 ** 
sentlen_u         -7.131e-02  7.881e-02  -0.905  0.36553    
wordlen_s          4.413e-01  1.430e+00   0.309  0.75761    
paralen_s         -4.584e-02  2.976e-02  -1.540  0.12356    
repetitious_p     -1.525e+00  1.780e+00  -0.857  0.39152    
sentlen_s         -7.700e-04  2.238e-02  -0.034  0.97255    
typetoken          5.313e-02  1.934e+00   0.027  0.97809    
clindex            6.406e-02  1.669e-01   0.384  0.70116    
fog                7.432e-02  1.590e-01   0.467  0.64018    
active_p          -3.159e-01  1.628e+00  -0.194  0.84620    
passive_p         -6.714e+00  4.192e+00  -1.602  0.10926    
lm_negative_p      3.558e+00  1.422e+01   0.250  0.80240    
lm_positive_p     -8.906e+01  4.641e+01  -1.919  0.05497 .  
allcaps           -4.189e-04  1.916e-04  -2.186  0.02878 *  
exclamationpoints -4.685e-01  2.143e-01  -2.187  0.02878 *  
questionmarks      4.424e-03  2.876e-02   0.154  0.87774    
Topic_1_n_oI       3.157e+01  1.137e+02   0.278  0.78136    
Topic_2_n_oI       6.382e+01  6.784e+01   0.941  0.34684    
Topic_3_n_oI      -1.853e+02  1.457e+02  -1.272  0.20335    
Topic_4_n_oI      -4.247e+01  7.460e+01  -0.569  0.56919    
Topic_5_n_oI      -8.240e+00  8.061e+01  -0.102  0.91858    
Topic_6_n_oI      -5.072e+02  1.793e+02  -2.829  0.00468 ** 
Topic_7_n_oI       1.994e+01  8.192e+01   0.243  0.80772    
Topic_8_n_oI      -9.620e+01  8.419e+01  -1.143  0.25321    
Topic_9_n_oI       5.963e+01  7.064e+01   0.844  0.39863    
Topic_10_n_oI     -4.641e+01  6.705e+01  -0.692  0.48885    
Topic_11_n_oI     -1.415e+02  7.384e+01  -1.916  0.05536 .  
Topic_12_n_oI      2.147e-01  8.441e+01   0.003  0.99797    
Topic_13_n_oI     -1.420e+02  2.612e+02  -0.543  0.58686    
Topic_14_n_oI      2.086e+01  7.840e+01   0.266  0.79019    
Topic_15_n_oI     -3.519e+01  6.332e+01  -0.556  0.57840    
Topic_16_n_oI      1.629e+01  1.156e+02   0.141  0.88793    
Topic_17_n_oI     -5.188e+01  8.901e+01  -0.583  0.56000    
Topic_18_n_oI      2.239e+01  9.340e+01   0.240  0.81058    
Topic_19_n_oI     -1.071e+02  8.063e+01  -1.328  0.18422    
Topic_20_n_oI     -4.885e+01  9.701e+01  -0.504  0.61455    
Topic_21_n_oI     -1.515e+02  9.116e+01  -1.662  0.09654 .  
Topic_22_n_oI     -6.818e+00  6.472e+01  -0.105  0.91610    
Topic_23_n_oI     -1.226e+01  6.965e+01  -0.176  0.86031    
Topic_24_n_oI     -6.545e+01  9.523e+01  -0.687  0.49189    
Topic_25_n_oI     -6.863e+01  7.094e+01  -0.967  0.33336    
Topic_26_n_oI     -2.182e+00  6.580e+01  -0.033  0.97354    
Topic_27_n_oI      9.374e+00  1.418e+02   0.066  0.94729    
Topic_28_n_oI      5.882e+00  7.937e+01   0.074  0.94092    
Topic_29_n_oI     -4.209e+01  6.670e+01  -0.631  0.52798    
Topic_30_n_oI     -4.605e+02  2.672e+02  -1.724  0.08477 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2381.9  on 11583  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2069.5  on 11516  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2205.5

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 11


    In sample AUC Out of sample AUC 
        0.7941841         0.7599594 

Comparison across all models

       1990s         2011        2000s 2000s + 2011          BCE 
   0.7292981    0.6849225    0.6295414    0.7147021    0.7599594 

Simplifying models with LASSO

What is LASSO?

  • Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
    • Least absolute: uses an error term like \(|\varepsilon|\)
    • Shrinkage: it will make coefficients smaller
      • Less sensitive → less overfitting issues
    • Selection: it will completely remove some variables
      • Less variables → less overfitting issues
  • Sometimes called \(L^1\) regularization
    • \(L^1\) means 1 dimensional distance, i.e., \(|\varepsilon|\)

Great if you have way too many inputs in your model

  • This is how we can, in theory, put more variables in our model than data points

How does it work?

\[ \min_{\beta\in \mathbb{R}} \left\{\frac{1}{N}\left|\varepsilon\right|_2^2 + \lambda \left|\beta\right|_1\right\} \]

  • Add an additional penalty term that is increasing in the absolute value of each \(\beta\)
    • Incentivizes lower \(\beta\)s, shrinking them
  • The selection is part is explainable geometrically

Why use it?

  1. We have a preference for simpler models
  2. Some problems are naturally very complex
    • Many linkages between different theoretical constructs
  3. We don’t have a good judgment on what theories are better than others for the problem

LASSO lets us implement all of our ideas, and then it econometrically kicks out the ineffective ideas (model selection)

Package for LASSO

  • glmnet
    1. For all regression commands, they expect a y vector and an x matrix instead of our usual y ~ x formula
      • R has a helper function to convert a formula to a matrix: model.matrix()
        • Supply it the right hand side of the equation, starting with ~, and your data
        • It outputs the matrix x
      • Alternatively, use as.matrix() on a data frame of your input variables
    2. It’s family argument should be specified in quotes, i.e., "binomial" instead of binomial

What else can the package do?

Ridge regression

  • Similar to LASSO, but with an \(L^2\) penalty (Euclidean norm)

Elastic net regression

How to run a LASSO

  • To run a simple LASSO model, use glmnet()
  • Let’s LASSO the BCE model
x <- model.matrix(BCE_eq, data=df[df$Test==0,])[,-1]  # [,-1] to remove intercept
y <- model.frame(BCE_eq, data=df[df$Test==0,])[,"AAER"]
fit_LASSO <- glmnet(x=x, y=y,
                    family = "binomial",
                    alpha = 1  # Specifies LASSO.  alpha = 0 is ridge

Visualizing Lasso


What’s under the hood?


Call:  glmnet(x = x, y = y, family = "binomial", alpha = 1) 

   Df  %Dev    Lambda
1   0  0.00 0.0143300
2   1  0.81 0.0130500
3   1  1.46 0.0118900
4   1  2.00 0.0108400
5   2  2.47 0.0098740
6   2  3.22 0.0089970
7   2  3.85 0.0081970
8   2  4.37 0.0074690
9   2  4.81 0.0068060
10  3  5.22 0.0062010
11  3  5.59 0.0056500
12  4  5.91 0.0051480
13  4  6.25 0.0046910
14  5  6.57 0.0042740
15  7  6.89 0.0038940
16  8  7.22 0.0035480
17 10  7.52 0.0032330
18 12  7.83 0.0029460
19 15  8.16 0.0026840
20 15  8.49 0.0024460
21 15  8.78 0.0022290
22 15  9.03 0.0020310
23 18  9.26 0.0018500
24 20  9.48 0.0016860
25 22  9.69 0.0015360
26 25  9.89 0.0014000
27 28 10.10 0.0012750
28 30 10.33 0.0011620
29 31 10.54 0.0010590
30 33 10.74 0.0009647
31 36 10.93 0.0008790
32 37 11.11 0.0008009
33 39 11.26 0.0007297
34 42 11.42 0.0006649
35 43 11.57 0.0006058
36 44 11.71 0.0005520
37 47 11.85 0.0005030
38 48 11.97 0.0004583
39 48 12.08 0.0004176
40 48 12.18 0.0003805
41 51 12.27 0.0003467
42 52 12.35 0.0003159
43 54 12.43 0.0002878
44 54 12.49 0.0002623
45 54 12.55 0.0002390
46 55 12.60 0.0002177
47 56 12.65 0.0001984
48 58 12.70 0.0001808
49 60 12.74 0.0001647
50 61 12.79 0.0001501
51 62 12.82 0.0001367
52 63 12.86 0.0001246
53 65 12.89 0.0001135
54 66 12.92 0.0001034
55 66 12.94 0.0000942
56 66 12.97 0.0000859
57 66 12.98 0.0000782
58 66 13.00 0.0000713
59 66 13.02 0.0000650
60 66 13.03 0.0000592
61 67 13.04 0.0000539
62 67 13.05 0.0000491
63 67 13.06 0.0000448
64 67 13.06 0.0000408
65 67 13.07 0.0000372
66 67 13.08 0.0000339
67 67 13.08 0.0000309
68 67 13.09 0.0000281
69 67 13.09 0.0000256
70 67 13.09 0.0000233
71 67 13.10 0.0000213
72 67 13.10 0.0000194
73 67 13.10 0.0000177
74 67 13.10 0.0000161
75 67 13.10 0.0000147

One of the 100 models

#coef(fit_LASSO, s=0.002031)
coefplot(fit_LASSO, lambda=0.002031, sort='magnitude')

How does this perform?

# na.pass has model.matrix retain NA values (so the # of rows is constant)
xp <- model.matrix(BCE_eq, data=df, na.action='na.pass')[,-1]
# s= specifies the version of the model to use
df$pred_L1 <- c(predict(fit_LASSO, xp, type="response", s = 0.002031))

    In sample AUC Out of sample AUC 
        0.7593828         0.7239785 

Automating model selection

  • LASSO seems nice, but picking between the 100 models is tough!
  • It also contains a method of \(k\)-fold cross validation (default, \(k=10\))
    1. Randomly splits the data into \(k\) groups
    2. Runs the algorithm on 90% of the data (\(k-1\) groups)
    3. Determines the best model
    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 \(k-1\) more times
    5. Uses the best overall model across all \(k\) hold out samples
  • It gives 2 model options:
    • "lambda.min": The best performing model
    • "lambda.1se": The simplest model within 1 standard error of "lambda.min"
      • This is the better choice if you are concerned about overfitting

Running a cross validated model

# Cross validation
set.seed(697435)  #for reproducibility
cvfit = cv.glmnet(x=x, y=y,family = "binomial", alpha = 1, type.measure="auc")

[1] 0.001685798
[1] 0.002684268


These are the dashed lines on the plot




CV LASSO performance

# s= specifies the version of the model to use
df$pred_L1.min <- c(predict(cvfit, xp, type="response", s = "lambda.min"))
df$pred_L1.1se <- c(predict(cvfit, xp, type="response", s = "lambda.1se"))

    In sample, lambda.min Out of sample, lambda.min     In sample, lambda.1se 
                0.7631710                 0.7290185                 0.7509946 
Out of sample, lambda.1se 

Drawbacks of LASSO

  1. No p-values on coefficients
    • Simple solution – run the resulting model with glm()
      • Called “Post LASSO” in econometrics
      • Can implement easily using the {hdm} package
    • Solution only if using family="gaussian":
      • Run the lasso use the lars package an test using {covTest}
        • m <- lars(x=x, y=y, type="lasso")
        • covTest(m, x, y)
  2. Generally worse in sample performance
  3. Sometimes worse out of sample performance (short run)
    • BUT: predictions will be more stable

Wrap up

Predicting fraud

What other data could we use to predict corporate fraud?

  • What is the reason that this event or data would be useful for prediction?
    • I.e., how does it fit into your mental model?
  • What if we were…
    • Auditors?
    • Internal auditors?
    • Regulators?
    • Investors?

End Matter

Wrap up

  • Next week:
    • Third assignment
      • On binary prediction
      • Finish in three weeks
      • Can be done in pairs
      • Submit on eLearn
  • Survey on the class session at this QR code:

Homework 3

Predicting class action lawsuits

  • Another question that has both forecasting and forensic flair to it
    • Forensic: Often these companies were doing something wrong for a while in the past
    • Forecasting: Predicting the actions of the firms’ investors
  • Methods
    • A simple logistic model from 1994
    • A better logistic model from 2012
    • A LASSO model including firms’ disclosure text
    • [Optional] eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)

Packages used for these slides

Appendix on parsnip with LASSO

LASSO using tidymodels

  • There are many convenience packages in R to simplify workflows
    • tidymodels is a collection of such packages
      • parsnip helps run models on many different backends
      • recipes helps process and prep data
      • rsample for cross validation
      • workflows to tie it all together

We will use tidymodels to run a LASSO and an XGBoost model for misreporting detection

Data prep with recipes


df <- read_csv("../../Data/Session_6.csv")
BCEformula <- BCE_eq

train <- df %>% filter(Test == 0)
test <- df %>% filter(Test == 1)

rec <- recipe(BCEformula, data = train) %>%
  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%  # Drop any variables with zero variance
  step_center(all_predictors()) %>%  # Center all prediction variables
  step_scale(all_predictors()) %>%  # Scale all prediction variables
  step_intercept() %>%  # Add an intercept to the model
  step_num2factor(all_outcomes(), ordered = T, levels=c("0","1"),
                  transform = function(x) x + 1)  # Convert DV to factor

prepped <- rec %>% prep(training=train)

Running a model with parsnip

# "bake" your recipe to get data ready
train_baked  <- bake(prepped, new_data = train)
test_baked  <- bake(prepped, new_data = test)

# Run the model with parsnip
train_model <- logistic_reg(mixture=1, penalty=1) %>%  # mixture = 1 sets LASSO
  set_engine('glmnet') %>%
  fit(BCEformula, data = train_baked)

Visualizing parsnip’s output

# train_model$fit is the same as fit_LASSO earlier in the slides
coefplot(train_model$fit, lambda=0.002031, sort='magnitude')

Plugging in to cross validation

  • parsnip can plug into cross validation through rsample, usingthrough vfold_cv()
    • Easy to do surface level analysis with it
    • Difficult to do anything more in depth still
  • We can juice() out our data and just use cv.glmnet()
rec <- recipe(BCEformula, data = train) %>%
  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%  # Drop any variables with zero variance
  step_center(all_predictors()) %>%  # Center all prediction variables
  step_scale(all_predictors()) %>%  # Scale all prediction variables
  step_intercept()  # Add an intercept to the model

prepped <- rec %>% prep(training=train)
test_prepped <- rec %>% prep(training=test)

# "Juice" your recipe to get data for other packages
train_x <- juice(prepped, all_predictors(), composition = "dgCMatrix")
train_y <- juice(prepped, all_outcomes(), composition = "matrix")
test_x <- juice(test_prepped, all_predictors(), composition = "dgCMatrix")
test_y <- juice(test_prepped, all_outcomes(), composition = "matrix")

Running a cross validated model

# Cross validation
set.seed(75347)  #for reproducibility
cvfit = cv.glmnet(x=train_x, y=train_y, family = "binomial", alpha = 1,

[1] 0.00139958
[1] 0.003548444




CV LASSO performance

    In sample, lambda.min Out of sample, lambda.min     In sample, lambda.1se 
                0.7665463                 0.7364834                 0.7417082 
Out of sample, lambda.1se 

Packages used for these slides

If you really want to use parsnip for CV LASSO

Data prep with recipes (Same as before)


df <- read_csv("../../Data/Session_6.csv")
BCEformula <- BCE_eq

train <- df %>% filter(Test == 0)
test <- df %>% filter(Test == 1)

LASSO_rec <- recipe(BCEformula, data = train) %>%
  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%  # Drop any variables with zero variance
  step_center(all_predictors()) %>%  # Center all prediction variables
  step_scale(all_predictors()) %>%  # Scale all prediction variables
  step_intercept() %>%  # Add an intercept to the model
  step_num2factor(all_outcomes(), ordered = T, levels=c("0","1"),
                  transform = function(x) x + 1)  # Convert DV to factor

Define a tuning with tune and tidyr

LASSO_mod <- logistic_reg(penalty=tune(), mixture=1) %>%  # mixture = 1 sets LASSO

# Define a grid to tune over
grid <- expand_grid(penalty = exp(seq(-11,-4, length.out=100)))
  • tune() replaces any parameters you would like to tune over
  • Unlike with cv.glmnet(), we’ll need to specify the range to tune over

Define a workflow with workflows

LASSO_wfl <- workflow() %>%
  add_model(LASSO_mod) %>%

A workflow tells the various fitting and tuning functions in tune how to handle the data. In other words, this will combine our model and recipe into 1 object.

Run the model using rsample, tune, and yardstick

folds <- vfold_cv(train, v=10)  # from rsample
metrics = metric_set(roc_auc)  # from yardstick

LASSO_fit_tuned <- tune_grid(LASSO_wfl,
                             grid = grid,
                             resamples = folds,

Take a look at the output

LASSO_fit_tuned %>%
# A tibble: 100 × 7
     penalty .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config               
       <dbl> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>                 
 1 0.0000167 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0257 Preprocessor1_Model001
 2 0.0000179 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0257 Preprocessor1_Model002
 3 0.0000192 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0257 Preprocessor1_Model003
 4 0.0000206 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0257 Preprocessor1_Model004
 5 0.0000222 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0257 Preprocessor1_Model005
 6 0.0000238 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0257 Preprocessor1_Model006
 7 0.0000255 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0257 Preprocessor1_Model007
 8 0.0000274 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0256 Preprocessor1_Model008
 9 0.0000294 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0256 Preprocessor1_Model009
10 0.0000316 roc_auc binary     0.727    10  0.0256 Preprocessor1_Model010
# ℹ 90 more rows

Plotting it out

lambda.min <- LASSO_fit_tuned %>%
  collect_metrics() %>%
  arrange(-mean) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  pull(penalty) %>%

LASSO_fit_tuned %>%
  collect_metrics() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=log(penalty), y=mean)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("Log(lambda)") + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = lambda.min)

Packages used for these slides

Appendix on XGBoost

What is XGBoost

  • eXtreme Gradient Boosting
  • A simple explanation:
    1. Start with 1 or more decision trees & check error
    2. Make more decision trees & check error
    3. Use the difference in error to guess a another model
    4. Repeat #2 and #3 until the model’s error is stable

Data prep with recipes


df <- read_csv("../../Data/Session_6.csv")
BCEformula <- BCE_eq

train <- df %>% filter(Test == 0)
test <- df %>% filter(Test == 1)

rec <- recipe(BCEformula, data = train) %>%
  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%  # Drop any variables with zero variance
  step_center(all_predictors()) %>%  # Center all prediction variables
  step_scale(all_predictors()) %>%  # Scale all prediction variables
  step_intercept()  # Add an intercept to the model
# Juice our data
prepped <- rec %>% prep(training=train)
train_x <- juice(prepped, all_predictors(), composition = "dgCMatrix")
train_y <- juice(prepped, all_outcomes(), composition = "matrix")
test_prepped <- rec %>% prep(training=test)
test_x <- juice(test_prepped, all_predictors(), composition = "dgCMatrix")
test_y <- juice(test_prepped, all_outcomes(), composition = "matrix")

Running a cross validated model

# Cross validation
set.seed(482342)  #for reproducibility
# model setup
params <- list(max_depth=10, eta=0.2,
               gamma=10, min_child_weight=5,
# run the model
xgbCV <-, data=train_x,
                label=train_y, nrounds=100,
                eval_metric="auc", nfold=10,
[1] train-auc:0.552507+0.080499 test-auc:0.538707+0.062529 
[2] train-auc:0.586947+0.087237 test-auc:0.563604+0.068172 
[3] train-auc:0.603035+0.084511 test-auc:0.583011+0.074621 
[4] train-auc:0.663903+0.057212 test-auc:0.631184+0.055907 
[5] train-auc:0.677173+0.064281 test-auc:0.639249+0.055184 
[6] train-auc:0.707156+0.026578 test-auc:0.663628+0.038438 
[7] train-auc:0.716727+0.025892 test-auc:0.666075+0.037700 
[8] train-auc:0.728506+0.026368 test-auc:0.671749+0.041744 
[9] train-auc:0.768085+0.025756 test-auc:0.682083+0.041544 
[10]    train-auc:0.783654+0.030705 test-auc:0.687617+0.046750 
[11]    train-auc:0.796643+0.027157 test-auc:0.701862+0.046887 
[12]    train-auc:0.814196+0.019522 test-auc:0.707956+0.051442 
[13]    train-auc:0.834534+0.023090 test-auc:0.718937+0.051517 
[14]    train-auc:0.855445+0.020539 test-auc:0.738984+0.046730 
[15]    train-auc:0.865581+0.014472 test-auc:0.746203+0.053149 
[16]    train-auc:0.879177+0.015412 test-auc:0.755713+0.047733 
[17]    train-auc:0.885384+0.010695 test-auc:0.756954+0.049152 
[18]    train-auc:0.893771+0.010416 test-auc:0.754607+0.049381 
[19]    train-auc:0.899295+0.011640 test-auc:0.755961+0.048730 
[20]    train-auc:0.904153+0.009617 test-auc:0.757726+0.049454 
[21]    train-auc:0.912452+0.011732 test-auc:0.767517+0.049317 
[22]    train-auc:0.916374+0.010769 test-auc:0.771695+0.049749 
[23]    train-auc:0.923077+0.008942 test-auc:0.776505+0.044740 
[24]    train-auc:0.931861+0.007251 test-auc:0.775831+0.047694 
[25]    train-auc:0.939725+0.007186 test-auc:0.780205+0.050416 
[26]    train-auc:0.946987+0.007851 test-auc:0.781855+0.049097 
[27]    train-auc:0.953082+0.007199 test-auc:0.790830+0.049520 
[28]    train-auc:0.956905+0.006655 test-auc:0.790994+0.048041 
[29]    train-auc:0.959474+0.007135 test-auc:0.790498+0.049088 
[30]    train-auc:0.962160+0.007075 test-auc:0.789384+0.049979 
[31]    train-auc:0.964746+0.007114 test-auc:0.792300+0.051115 
[32]    train-auc:0.966856+0.007151 test-auc:0.792673+0.052020 
[33]    train-auc:0.968700+0.007220 test-auc:0.795034+0.054237 
[34]    train-auc:0.970152+0.007450 test-auc:0.794372+0.055125 
[35]    train-auc:0.971111+0.007797 test-auc:0.794512+0.056575 
[36]    train-auc:0.971236+0.007781 test-auc:0.794393+0.056170 
[37]    train-auc:0.971682+0.007156 test-auc:0.794569+0.055670 
[38]    train-auc:0.972597+0.005744 test-auc:0.795533+0.054641 
[39]    train-auc:0.972833+0.005444 test-auc:0.797224+0.055205 
[40]    train-auc:0.973173+0.004823 test-auc:0.797334+0.055032 
[41]    train-auc:0.973331+0.004548 test-auc:0.796973+0.055180 
[42]    train-auc:0.973664+0.004087 test-auc:0.797062+0.055142 
[43]    train-auc:0.973977+0.004077 test-auc:0.796690+0.055335 
[44]    train-auc:0.974349+0.003928 test-auc:0.796797+0.055291 
[45]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[46]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[47]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[48]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[49]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[50]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[51]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[52]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[53]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[54]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[55]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[56]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[57]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[58]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[59]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[60]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[61]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[62]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[63]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[64]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[65]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[66]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[67]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[68]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[69]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[70]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[71]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[72]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[73]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[74]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[75]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[76]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[77]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[78]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[79]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[80]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[81]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[82]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[83]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[84]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[85]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[86]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[87]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[88]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[89]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[90]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[91]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[92]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[93]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[94]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[95]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[96]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[97]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[98]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[99]    train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
[100]   train-auc:0.974441+0.003939 test-auc:0.796609+0.055369 
numTrees <- min(
  xgbCV$evaluation_log$test_auc_mean == 

fit4 <- xgboost(params=params,
                data = train_x,
                label = train_y,
                nrounds = numTrees,
[1] train-auc:0.500000 
[2] train-auc:0.663489 
[3] train-auc:0.663489 
[4] train-auc:0.703386 
[5] train-auc:0.703386 
[6] train-auc:0.704123 
[7] train-auc:0.727505 
[8] train-auc:0.727505 
[9] train-auc:0.727505 
[10]    train-auc:0.784639 
[11]    train-auc:0.818359 
[12]    train-auc:0.816647 
[13]    train-auc:0.851022 
[14]    train-auc:0.864434 
[15]    train-auc:0.877787 
[16]    train-auc:0.883615 
[17]    train-auc:0.885182 
[18]    train-auc:0.899875 
[19]    train-auc:0.902216 
[20]    train-auc:0.912799 
[21]    train-auc:0.917703 
[22]    train-auc:0.918794 
[23]    train-auc:0.920644 
[24]    train-auc:0.926631 
[25]    train-auc:0.933874 
[26]    train-auc:0.947723 
[27]    train-auc:0.958398 
[28]    train-auc:0.961457 
[29]    train-auc:0.963316 
[30]    train-auc:0.966204 
[31]    train-auc:0.968502 
[32]    train-auc:0.971049 
[33]    train-auc:0.972695 
[34]    train-auc:0.975750 
[35]    train-auc:0.977323 
[36]    train-auc:0.978427 
[37]    train-auc:0.979179 
[38]    train-auc:0.979179 
[39]    train-auc:0.979179 
[40]    train-auc:0.979179 

Model explanation = xgb.DMatrix(train_x, label = train_y, missing = NA)
col_names = attr(, ".Dimnames")[[2]]
imp = xgb.importance(col_names, fit4)
# Variable importance

Model comparison: Out of sample

            1990s             2000s      2000s + 2011              2011 
        0.7292981         0.6295414         0.7147021         0.6849225 
               BC LASSO, lambda.1se LASSO, lambda.min           XGBoost 
        0.7599594         0.7124231         0.7290185         0.8083503 

Why XgBoost is better for this problem

I discussed this at a Hong Kong RGC IIDS lecture: click here for the slides!


Along with the slides, complete R code for implementing every model from the slide deck is available at the link.

Packages used for these slides