ACCT 420: Textual analysis

Dr. Richard M. Crowley

Front Matter

Learning objectives

Roadmap for the course

  • Theory:
    • Natural Language Processing
  • Application:
    • Analyzing a Citigroup annual report
  • Methodology:
    • Text analysis
    • Machine learning


  • Sentiment analysis in R the Tidy way
    • The first chapter is helpful if you find the code in this lesson to be a bit too tricky
    • You are welcome to do more, of course
  • I will generally follow the same “tidy text” principles as the Datacamp course does – the structure keeps things easy to manage
    • We will sometimes deviate to make use of certain libraries, which, while less tidy, make our work easier than the corresponding tidy-oriented packages (if they even exist!)

Textual data and textual analysis

Review of Session 6

  • Last session we saw that textual measures can help improve our fraud detection algorithm
  • We actually looked at a bunch of textual measures:
    • Sentiment
    • Readability
    • Topic/content
  • We didn’t see how to make these though…
    • Instead, we had a nice premade dataset with everything already done

We’ll get started on these today – sentiment and readability

We’ll cover topic modeling next session

Why is textual analysis harder?

  • Thus far, everything we’ve worked with is what is known as structured data
    • Structured data is numeric, nicely indexed, and easy to use
  • Text data is unstructured
    • If we get an annual report with 200 pages of text…
      • Where is the information we want?
      • What do we want?
      • How do we crunch 200 pages into something that is…
        1. Manageable? (Structured)
        2. Meaningful?

This is what we will work on today, and we will revist some of this in the remaining class sessions

Unstructured data

  • Text
    • Open responses to question, reports, etc.
    • What it isn’t:
      • "JANUARY", "ONE", "FEMALE"
      • Months, numbers
      • Anything with clear and concise categories
  • Images, such as satellite imagery
  • Audio, such as phone call recordings
  • Video, such as security camera footage

All of these require us to determine and impose structure

Some ideas of what we can do

  1. Text extraction
    • Find all references to the CEO
    • Find if the company talked about global warming
    • Pull all telephone numbers or emails from a document
  2. Text characteristics
    • How varied is the vocabulary?
    • Is it positive or negative (sentiment)
    • Is it written in a strong manner?
  3. Text summarization or meaning
    • What is the content of the document?
    • What is the most important content of the document?
    • What other documents discuss similar issues?

Where might we encounter text data in business

  1. Business contracts
  2. Legal documents
  3. Any paperwork
  4. News
  5. Customer reviews or feedback
    • Including transcription (call centers)
  6. Consumer social media posts
  7. Chatbots and AI assistants

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • NLP is the subfield of computer science focused on analyzing large amounts of unstructured textual information
    • Much of the work builds from computer science, linguistics, and statistics
  • Unstructured text actually has some structure derived from language itself
    • Word selection
    • Grammar
    • Phrases
    • Implicit orderings
  • NLP utilizes this implicit structure to better understand textual data

NLP in everyday life

  • Autocomplete of the next word in phone keyboards
  • Voice assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, and Alexa
  • Article suggestions on websites
  • Search engine queries
  • Email features like missing attachment detection

Case: How leveraging NLP helps call centers

What are call centers using NLP for?

How does NLP help call centers with their business?


Where an we make use of NLP in business?

  • We can use it for call centers
  • We can make products out of it (like Google Duplex and other tech firms)
  • Where else?

Working with 1 text file

Before we begin: Special characters

  • Some characters in R have special meanings for string functions
    • \ | ( ) [ { } ^ $ * + ? . !
  • To type a special character, we need to precede it with a \
    • Since \ is a special character, we’ll need to put \ before \
      • To type $, we would use \\$
  • Also, some spacing characters have special symbols:
    • \t is tab
    • \r is newline (files from Macs)
    • \r\n is newline (files from Windows)
    • \n is newline (files from Unix, Linux, etc.)
    • You’ll need to write \\ to get the backslashes though

Loading in text data from files

  • Use read_file() from tidyverse’s readr package to read in text data
  • We’ll use Microsoft’s annual report from 2021
    • Note that there is a full text link at the bottom which is a .txt file
    • I will instead use a cleaner version derived from the linked file
      • The cleaner version can be made using the same techniques we will discuss today
# Read text from a .txt file using read_file()
doc <- read_file("../../Data/0001564590-21-039151.txt")
# str_wrap is from stringr from tidyverse
# The first 500 characters of the second paragraph
cat(str_wrap(substring(doc,1728,2228), 80))
Microsoft is a technology company whose mission is to empower every person
and every organization on the planet to achieve more. We strive to create
local opportunity, growth, and impact in every country around the world. Our
platforms and tools help drive small business productivity, large business
competitiveness, and public-sector efficiency. They also support new startups,
improve educational and health outcomes, and empower human ingenuity. We bring
technology and products together into ex

Loading from other file types

  • Ideally you have a .txt file already – such files are generally just the text of the documents
  • Other common file types:
    • HTML files (particularly common from web data)
      • You can load it as a text file – just note that there are html tags embedded in it
        • Things like <a>, <table>, <img>, etc.
      • You can load from a URL using httr or {RCurl}
      • In R, you can use XML or rvest to parse out specific pieces of html files
      • If you use python, use lxml or BeautifulSoup 4 (bs4) to quickly turn these into structured documents
      • In R, you can process JSON data using jsonlite

Loading from other file types

  • Ideally you have a .txt file already – such files are generally just the text of the documents
  • Other common file types:
    • PDF files
      • Use pdftools to extract text into a vector of pages of text
      • Use {tabulizer} to extract tables straight from PDF files!
        • This is very painful to code by hand without this package
        • The package itself is a bit difficult to install, requiring Java and rJava, though

Example using html


httpResponse <- GET('')
html = httr::content(httpResponse, "text")
paste0('...', str_wrap(substring(html, 11305, 11363), 80), '...')
[1] "...ntent=\"The live Ethereum price today is $1,592.03 USD with..."
xpath <- '//*[@id="section-coin-overview"]/div[2]/span/text()'
hdoc = htmlParse(html, asText=TRUE)  # from XML
price <- xpathSApply(hdoc, xpath, xmlValue)
print(paste0("Ethereum was priced at ", price,
             " when these slides were compiled"))
[1] "Ethereum was priced at $1,592.10 when these slides were compiled"

Automating crypto pricing in a document

# The actual version I use (with caching to avoid repeated lookups) is in the appendix
cryptoMC <- function(name) {
  httpResponse <- GET(paste('',name,'/',sep=''))
  html = httr::content(httpResponse, "text")
  xpath <- '//*[@id="section-coin-overview"]/div[2]/span/text()'
  hdoc = htmlParse(html, asText=TRUE)
  plain.text <- xpathSApply(hdoc, xpath, xmlValue)
paste("Ethereum was priced at", cryptoMC("ethereum"))
[1] "Ethereum was priced at $1,592.10"
paste("Litecoin was priced at", cryptoMC("litecoin"))
[1] "Litecoin was priced at $64.56"

Basic text functions in R

  • Subsetting text
  • Transformation
    • Changing case
    • Adding or combining text
    • Replacing text
    • Breaking text apart
  • Finding text

We will cover these using stringr as opposed to base R – stringr’s commands are much more consistent

  • Every function in stringr can take a vector of strings for the first argument, which is tidy

Subsetting text

  • Base R: Use substr() or substring()
  • stringr: use str_sub()
    • First argument is a vector of strings
    • Second argument is the starting position (inclusive)
    • Third argument is that ending position (inclusive)
cat(str_wrap(str_sub(doc, 138177, 138384), 80))
In fiscal year 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact our business
operations and financial results. Cloud usage and demand benefited as customers
accelerate their digital transformation priorities.
cat(str_wrap(str_sub(doc, 144162 , 144476), 80))
Operating expenses increased $2.0 billion or 4% driven by investments in cloud
engineering and commercial sales, offset in part by savings related to COVID-19
across each of our segments, prior year charges associated with the closing of
our Microsoft Store physical locations, and a reduction in bad debt expense.

Transforming text

  • Commonly used functions:
    • tolower() or str_to_lower(): make the text lowercase
    • toupper() or str_to_upper(): MAKE THE TEXT UPPERCASE
    • str_to_title(): Make the Text Titlecase
  • paste() to combine text
    • It puts spaces between by default
      • You can change this with the sep= option
    • If everything to combine is in 1 vector, use collapse= with the desired separator
    • paste0() is paste with sep=""

Examples: Case

sentence <- str_sub(doc, 138287, 138384)
[1] "cloud usage and demand benefited as customers accelerate their digital transformation priorities. "
[1] "Cloud Usage And Demand Benefited As Customers Accelerate Their Digital Transformation Priorities. "
  • The str_ prefixed functions support non-English languages as well
# You can run this in an R terminal! (It doesn't work in Rmarkdown though)
str_to_upper("Cloud usage and demand benefited...", locale='tr')  # Turkish

Examples: paste

# board is a list of director names
# titles is a list of the director's titles
paste(board, titles, sep=", ")
 [1] "Reid Hoffman, Partner, Greylock Partners"                                        
 [2] "Hugh Johnston, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer, PepsiCo"               
 [3] "Teri List, Former Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Gap Inc."
 [4] "Satya Nadella, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer"                             
 [5] "Sandra E. Peterson, Lead Independent Director"                                   
 [6] "Penny Pritzker, Founder and Chairman, PSP Partners"                              
 [7] "Carlos Rodriguez, Executive Chair, ADP, Inc."                                    
 [8] "Charles W. Scharf, CEO and President, Wells Fargo & Company"                     
 [9] "John W. Stanton, Chairman, Trilogy Partnerships"                                 
[10] "John W. Thompson, Partner, Lightspeed Venture Partners"                          
[11] "Emma Walmsley, CEO, GSK"                                                         
[12] "Padmasree Warrior, Founder, President and CEO, Fable Group Inc."                 
cat(str_wrap(paste0("Microsoft's board consists of: ",
                    paste(board[1:length(board)-1], collapse=", "),
                    ", and ", board[length(board)], "."), 80))
Microsoft's board consists of: Reid Hoffman, Hugh Johnston, Teri List, Satya
Nadella, Sandra E. Peterson, Penny Pritzker, Carlos Rodriguez, Charles W.
Scharf, John W. Stanton, John W. Thompson, Emma Walmsley, and Padmasree Warrior.

Transforming text

  • Replace text with str_replace_all()
    • First argument is text data
    • Second argument is what you want to remove
    • Third argument is the replacement
  • If you only want to replace the first occurrence, use str_replace() instead
[1] "Cloud usage and demand benefited as customers accelerate their digital transformation priorities. "
str_replace_all(sentence, "digital transformation", "data science")
[1] "Cloud usage and demand benefited as customers accelerate their data science priorities. "

Transforming text

  • Split text using str_split()
    • This function returns a list of vectors!
      • This is because it will turn every string passed to it into a vector, and R can’t have a vector of vectors
    • [[1]] can extract the first vector
  • You can also limit the number of splits using n=
    • A bit more elegant solution is using str_split_fixed() with n=
      • Returns a character matrix (nicer than a list)

Example: Splitting text

paragraphs <- str_split(doc, '\n')[[1]]

# number of paragraphs
[1] 474
# First paragraph of the MD&A
cat(str_wrap(paragraphs[206], 80))
The following Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations (“MD&A”) is intended to help the reader understand
the results of operations and financial condition of Microsoft Corporation.
MD&A is provided as a supplement to, and should be read in conjunction with,
our consolidated financial statements and the accompanying Notes to Financial
Statements (Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K). This section generally discusses
the results of our operations for the year ended June 30, 2021 compared to
the year ended June 30, 2020. For a discussion of the year ended June 30, 2020
compared to the year ended June 30, 2019, please refer to Part II, Item 7,
“Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2020.

Finding phrases in text

  • How did I find the previous examples?
str_locate_all(str_to_lower(doc), "net income")
       start    end
 [1,] 139992 140001
 [2,] 142476 142485
 [3,] 144664 144673
 [4,] 144834 144843
 [5,] 148712 148721
 [6,] 151464 151473
 [7,] 177859 177868
 [8,] 216135 216144
 [9,] 217104 217113
[10,] 218151 218160
[11,] 219629 219638

Finding phrases in text

  • 4 primary functions:
    1. str_detect(): Reports TRUE or FALSE for the presence of a string in the text
    2. str_count(): Reports the number of times a string is in the text
    3. str_locate(): Reports the first location of a string in the text
      • str_locate_all(): Reports every location as a list of matrices
    4. str_extract(): Reports the matched phrases
  • All take a character vector as the first argument, and something to match for the second argument

Example: Finding phrases

  • How many paragraphs mention net income in any case?
x <- str_detect(str_to_lower(paragraphs), "revenue")
[1] 86
  • What is the most net income is mentioned in any paragraph
x <- str_count(str_to_lower(paragraphs), "revenue")
 [1] 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 0 1 0
[1] 5

Example: Finding phrases

  • Where is net income first mentioned in the document?
str_locate(str_to_lower(doc), "revenue")
     start   end
[1,] 31243 31249
  • First mention of net income
    • This function may look useless now, but it’ll be on of the most useful later
str_extract(str_to_lower(doc), "revenue")
[1] "revenue"

R Practice

  • Text data is already loaded, as if it was loaded using read_file()
  • Try:
    • Subsetting the text data
    • Transforming the text data
      • To all upper case
      • Replacing a phrase
    • Finding specific text in the document
  • Do exercises 1 through 3 in today’s practice file

Pattern matching

Finding patterns in the text (regex)

  • Regular expressions, aka regex or regexp, are ways of finding patterns in text
  • This means that instead of looking for a specific phrase, we can match a set of phrases
  • Most of the functions we discussed accept regexes for matching
    • str_replace(), str_split(), str_detect(), str_count(), str_locate(), and str_extract(), plus their variants
  • This is why str_extract() is so great – we can extract anything from a document with it!

Regex example

  • Finding full sentences mentioning COVID
# Extract all sentences mentioning COVID from the annual report
str_extract_all(doc, '(?<=^|\\.\\s{1,5})[^.]*?COVID[^.]*?\\.')
 [1] "\nIn March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a pandemic."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 [2] "The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have widespread and unpredictable impacts on global society, economies, financial markets, and business practices, and continues to impact our business operations, including our employees, customers, partners, and communities."                                                                                                                          
 [3] "Refer to Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-K) for further discussion regarding the impact of COVID-19 on our fiscal year 2021 financial results."                                                                                                                                                          
 [4] "The extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic impacts our business going forward will depend on numerous evolving factors we cannot reliably predict."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 [5] "\nWith a continued focus on digital transformation, Microsoft is helping to ensure that no one is left behind, particularly as economies recover from the COVID-19 pandemic."                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 [6] "During fiscal year 2021, our Daily Pulse surveys gave us invaluable insights into ways we could support employees through the COVID-19 pandemic and addressing racial injustice."                                                                                                                                                                                                               
 [7] "\nWe took a wide variety of measures to protect the health and well-being of our employees, suppliers, and customers during the COVID-19 pandemic."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 [8] "We implemented a global Paid Pandemic School and Childcare Closure Leave to support working parents, added wellbeing days for those who needed to take time off for mental health and wellness, implemented on-demand COVID-19 testing and vaccinations on our Redmond, Washington campus, and extended full medical plan coverage for coronavirus testing, treatment, and telehealth services."
 [9] "\nIn addition to the extraordinary steps and programs relating to COVID-19, our comprehensive benefits package includes many physical, emotional, and financial wellness programs including counseling through the Microsoft CARES Employee Assistance Program, flexible fitness benefits, savings and investment tools, adoption assistance, and back-up care for children and elders."        
[10] "The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have widespread, rapidly evolving, and unpredictable impacts on global society, economies, financial markets, and business practices."                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
[11] "The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted and may continue to impact our business operations, including our employees, customers, partners, and communities, and there is substantial uncertainty in the nature and degree of its continued effects over time."                                                                                                                                        
[12] "\nThe extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic impacts our business going forward will depend on numerous evolving factors we cannot reliably predict, including the duration and scope of the pandemic; governmental, business, and individuals' actions in response to the pandemic; and the impact on economic activity including the possibility of recession or financial market instability."
[13] "\nAs the world continues to respond to COVID-19, we are working to do our part by ensuring the safety of our employees, striving to protect the health and well-being of the communities in which we operate, and providing technology and resources to our customers to help them do their best work while remote."                                                                            
[14] "\nIn fiscal year 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact our business operations and financial results."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
[15] "We saw improvement in customer advertising spend and savings in operating expenses related to COVID-19, but experienced weakness in transactional licensing."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
[16] "The COVID-19 pandemic may continue to impact our business operations and financial operating results, and there is uncertainty in the nature and degree of its continued effects over time."                                                                                                                                                                                                    
[17] "These estimates and assumptions are affected by management’s application of accounting policies, as well as uncertainty in the current economic environment due to COVID-19."                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
[18] "Actual results and outcomes may differ from management’s estimates and assumptions due to risks and uncertainties, including uncertainty in the current economic environment due to COVID-19."                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Breaking down the example


  • (?<=...) is called a positive look-behind assertion
    • It succeeds whenever the ‘…’ matches the text before what you want to find
    • ^ is the start of the string
    • \\.\\s{1,5} is a period followed by some whitespace characters (up to 5)
      • A quirk of look-behinds is you need to specify a maxmimum length for everything
    • | is an or
    • Taken together: the look-behind matches if there is a new paragraph or a period followed by whitespace
  • [^.]*?
    • [^.] is anything except a period
    • * means 0 or more of the preceeding pattern
    • ? means keep it as short as possible
  • COVID is the literal text
  • \\. is a period

Breaking down the example

  • Let’s examine the output: In fiscal year 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact our business operations and financial results.
  • Our regex was (?<=^|\\.\\s{1,5})[^.]*?COVID[^.]*?\\.
  • Matching regex components to output:
    • (?<=^|\\.\\s{1,5}) \(\Rightarrow\) start of the paragraph (via ^)
    • [^.]*? \(\Rightarrow\) In fiscal year 2021, the
    • COVID \(\Rightarrow\) COVID
    • [^.]*? \(\Rightarrow\) -19 pandemic continued to impact our business operations and financial results
    • \\. \(\Rightarrow\) .

Useful regex components: Content

  • There’s a nice cheat sheet here
  • Matching collections of characters
    • . matches everything
    • [:alpha:] matches all letters
    • [:lower:] matches all lowercase letters
    • [:upper:] matches all UPPERCASE letters
    • [:digit:] matches all numbers 0 through 9
    • [:alnum:] matches all letters and numbers
    • [:punct:] matches all punctuation
    • [:graph:] matches all letters, numbers, and punctuation
    • [:space:] or \s match ANY whitespace
      • \S is the exact opposite
    • [:blank:] matches whitespace except newlines

Example: Regex content

text <- c("abcde", 'ABCDE', '12345', '!?!?.', 'ABC123?', "With space", "New\nline")
text alpha lower upper digit alnum

Example: Regex content

text <- c("abcde", 'ABCDE', '12345', '!?!?.', 'ABC123?', "With space", "New\nline")
text punct graph space blank period

Useful regex components: Form

  • [ ] can be used to create a class of characters to look for
    • [abc] matches anything that is a, b, c
  • [^ ] can be used to create a class of everything else
    • [^abc] matches anything that isn’t a, b, or c
  • Quantity, where x is some element
    • x? looks for 0 or 1 of x
    • x* looks for 0 or more of x
    • x+ looks for 1 or more of x
    • x{n} looks for n (a number) of x
    • x{n, } looks for at least n of x
    • x{n,m} looks for at least n and at most m of x
  • Lazy operators
    • Regexes always prefer the longest match by default
    • Append ? to any quantity operator to make it prefer the shortest match possible

Useful regex components: Form

  • Position
    • ^ indicates the start of the string
    • $ indicates the end of the string
  • Grouping
    • ( ) can be used to group components
    • | can be used within groups as a logical or
    • Groups can be referenced later using the position of the group within the regex
      • \\1 refers to the first group
      • \\2 refers to the second group

Example: Regexes on real estate firm names

# Real estate firm names with 3 vowels in a row
str_subset(RE_names, '[AEIOU]{3}')
# Real estate firm names with no vowels
str_subset(RE_names, '^[^AEIOU]+$')
[1] "FGP LTD"     "MBK PCL"     "MYP LTD"     "R T C L LTD"
# Real estate firm names with at least 12 vowels
str_subset(RE_names, '([^AEIOU]*[AEIOU]){11,}')
# Real estate firm names with a repeated 4 letter pattern
str_subset(RE_names, '([:upper:]{4}).*\\1')

Why is regex so important?

  • Regex can be used to match anything in text
    • Simple things like phone numbers
    • More complex things like addresses
  • It can be used to parse through large markup documents
    • HTML, XML, LaTeX, etc.
  • Very good for validating the format of text
    • For birthday in the format YYYYMMDD, you could validate with:
      • YYYY: [12][90][:digit:][:digit:]
      • MM: [01][:digit:]
      • DD: [0123][:digit:]

Cavaet: Regexes are generally slow. If you can code something to avoid them, that is often better. But often that may be infeasible.

Some extras

  • While the str_*() functions use regex by default, they actually have four modes
    1. You can specify a regex normally
      • Or you can use regex() to construct more customized ones, such as regexes that operate by line in a string
    2. You can specify an exact string to match using fixed() – fast but fragile
    3. You can specify an exact string to match using coll() – slow but robust; recognizes characters that are equivalent
      • Important when dealing with non-English words, since certain characters can be encoded in multiple ways
    4. You can ask for boundaries with boundary() such as words, using boundary("word")

Expanding usage

  • Anything covered so far can be used for text in data
    • Ex.: Firm names or addresses in Compustat
# Compustat firm names example
df_RE_names <- df_RE %>%
  group_by(isin) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  mutate(SG_in_name = str_detect(conm, "(SG|SINGAPORE)"),
         name_length = str_length(conm),
         SG_firm = ifelse(fic=="SGP",1,0)) %>%

df_RE_names %>%
  group_by(SG_firm) %>%
  mutate(pct_SG = mean(SG_in_name) * 100) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(SG_firm, pct_SG)
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  SG_firm pct_SG
    <dbl>  <dbl>
1       0  0.746
2       1  4.76 

Expanding usage

df_RE_names %>%
  group_by(fic) %>%
  mutate(avg_name_length = mean(name_length)) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(fic, avg_name_length) %>%
  arrange(desc(avg_name_length), fic) %>%
  datatable(options = list(pageLength = 5))

R Practice 2

  • This practice explores the previously used practice data using regular expressions for various purposes
  • Do exercises 4 and 5 in today’s practice file

Readability and Sentiment


  • Thanks to the quanteda package, readability is very easy to calculate in R
  • There are many readability measures, however
    • Flesch Kinkaid grade level: A measure of readability developed for the U.S. Navy to ensure manuals were written at a level any 15 year old should be able to understand
    • Fog: A grade level index that was commonly used in business and publishing
    • Coleman-Liau: An index with a unique calculation method, relying only on character counts

Readability: Flesch Kincaid

\[ 0.39 \left(\frac{\#~words}{\#~sentences}\right) + 11.8\left(\frac{\#~syllables}{\#~words}\right) - 15.59 \]

  • An approximate grade level required for reading a document
    • Lower is more readable
    • A JC or poly graduate should read at a level of 12
      • New York Times articles are usually around 13
    • A Bachelor’s degree could be necessary for anything 16 or above
  document Flesch.Kincaid
1    text1       16.85874

Readability: Fog

\[ \begin{aligned} & \left[ Mean(Words~per~sentence) +\right.\\ &\left.(\%~of~words~>3~syllables)\right] \times 0.4 \end{aligned} \]

  • An approximate grade level required for reading a document
    • Lower is more readable
  document      FOG
1    text1 20.88005

Readability: Coleman-Liau

\[ 5.88\left(\frac{\#~letters}{\#~words}\right)-29.6\left(\frac{\#~sentences}{\#~words}\right)-15.8 \]

  • An approximate grade level required for reading a document
    • Lower is more readable
textstat_readability(doc, "Coleman.Liau.short")
  document Coleman.Liau.short
1    text1           15.48359

Converting text to words

  • Tidy text is when you have one token per document per row, in a data frame
  • Token is the unit of text you are interested in
    • Words: “New”
    • Phrases: “New York Times”
    • Sentences: “The New York Times is a publication.”
    • etc.
  • The tidytext package can handle this conversion for us!
    • Use the unnest_tokens() function
    • Note: it also converts to lowercase. Use the option to_lower=FALSE to avoid this if needed
# Example of "tokenizing"
df_doc <- data.frame(ID=c("0001564590-21-039151"), text=c(doc)) %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, text)
# word is the name for the new column
# text is the name of the string column in the input data

The details

ID word
0001564590-21-039151 this
0001564590-21-039151 report
0001564590-21-039151 includes
0001564590-21-039151 estimates
0001564590-21-039151 projections
0001564590-21-039151 statements

The details

  • tidytext uses the tokenizers package in the backend to do the conversion
    • You can call that package directly instead if you want to
  • Available tokenizers include: (specify with token=)
    • “word”: The default, individual words
    • “ngram”: Collections of words (default of 2, specify with n=)
    • A few other less commonly used tokenizers

Word case

  • Why convert to lowercase?
  • How much of a difference is there between “The” and “the”?
    • “Singapore” and “singapore” – still not much difference
    • Only words like “new” versus “New” matter
      • “New York” versus “new yorkshire terrier”
  • Benefit: We get rid of a bunch of distinct words!
    • Helps with the curse of dimensionality

The Curse of dimensionality

  • There are a lot of words
  • At least 171,476 according to Oxford Dictionary
  • What happens if we make a matrix of words per document?

For right now, not much

  • If we have every publicly available government filed press release in the US?
    • 1,479,068 files through July 2018…
      • ~2TB if we include all English words
      • ~45GB if we restrict just to the 3,752 words in the Microsoft annual report…


  • Stopwords – words we remove because they have little content
    • the, a, an, and, …
  • Also helps with our curse a bit – removes the words entirely
  • We’ll use the stopword package to remove stopwords
# get a list of stopwords
stop_en <- stopwords::stopwords("english")  # Snowball English
paste0(length(stop_en), " words: ", paste(stop_en[1:5], collapse=", "))
[1] "175 words: i, me, my, myself, we"
stop_SMART <- stopwords::stopwords(source="smart")  # SMART English
paste0(length(stop_SMART), " words: ", paste(stop_SMART[1:5], collapse=", "))
[1] "571 words: a, a's, able, about, above"
stop_fr <- stopwords::stopwords("french")  # Snowball French
paste0(length(stop_fr), " words: ", paste(stop_fr[1:5], collapse=", "))
[1] "164 words: au, aux, avec, ce, ces"

Applying stopwords to a corpus

  • When we have a tidy set of text, we can just use dplyr for this!
    • dplyr’s anti_join() function is like a merge, but where all matches are deleted
df_doc_stop <- df_doc %>%
[1] 37234
[1] 21171

Converting to term frequency

terms <- df_doc_stop %>%
  count(ID, word, sort=TRUE) %>%
total_terms <- terms %>% 
  group_by(ID) %>% 
  summarize(total = sum(n))
tf <- left_join(terms, total_terms) %>% mutate(tf=n/total)
                       ID                           word   n total           tf
1    0001564590-21-039151                       services 250 21171 1.180861e-02
2    0001564590-21-039151                       products 194 21171 9.163478e-03
3    0001564590-21-039151                      financial 166 21171 7.840914e-03
4    0001564590-21-039151                       business 144 21171 6.801757e-03
5    0001564590-21-039151                            tax 140 21171 6.612819e-03
6    0001564590-21-039151                        revenue 137 21171 6.471116e-03
7    0001564590-21-039151                      customers 132 21171 6.234944e-03
8    0001564590-21-039151                       software 130 21171 6.140475e-03
9    0001564590-21-039151                          cloud 124 21171 5.857069e-03
10   0001564590-21-039151                           2021 118 21171 5.573662e-03
11   0001564590-21-039151                           year 113 21171 5.337490e-03
12   0001564590-21-039151                          based 110 21171 5.195787e-03
13   0001564590-21-039151                        billion 109 21171 5.148552e-03
14   0001564590-21-039151                      microsoft 105 21171 4.959615e-03
15   0001564590-21-039151                         income 104 21171 4.912380e-03
16   0001564590-21-039151                     statements  92 21171 4.345567e-03
17   0001564590-21-039151                      including  88 21171 4.156629e-03
18   0001564590-21-039151                         fiscal  84 21171 3.967692e-03
19   0001564590-21-039151                      operating  84 21171 3.967692e-03
20   0001564590-21-039151                        related  83 21171 3.920457e-03
21   0001564590-21-039151                    information  70 21171 3.306410e-03
22   0001564590-21-039151                    development  68 21171 3.211941e-03
23   0001564590-21-039151                           fair  66 21171 3.117472e-03
24   0001564590-21-039151                    significant  66 21171 3.117472e-03
25   0001564590-21-039151                        include  65 21171 3.070238e-03
26   0001564590-21-039151                       security  65 21171 3.070238e-03
27   0001564590-21-039151                          years  65 21171 3.070238e-03
28   0001564590-21-039151                           2020  63 21171 2.975769e-03
29   0001564590-21-039151                           data  63 21171 2.975769e-03
30   0001564590-21-039151                        product  62 21171 2.928534e-03
31   0001564590-21-039151                            u.s  62 21171 2.928534e-03
32   0001564590-21-039151                          costs  61 21171 2.881300e-03
33   0001564590-21-039151                        devices  61 21171 2.881300e-03
34   0001564590-21-039151                        foreign  61 21171 2.881300e-03
35   0001564590-21-039151                    investments  61 21171 2.881300e-03
36   0001564590-21-039151                         assets  60 21171 2.834065e-03
37   0001564590-21-039151                   consolidated  59 21171 2.786831e-03
38   0001564590-21-039151                         impact  59 21171 2.786831e-03
39   0001564590-21-039151                           june  58 21171 2.739597e-03
40   0001564590-21-039151                          sales  58 21171 2.739597e-03
41   0001564590-21-039151                      employees  55 21171 2.597893e-03
42   0001564590-21-039151                             30  54 21171 2.550659e-03
43   0001564590-21-039151                       internal  54 21171 2.550659e-03
44   0001564590-21-039151                         period  54 21171 2.550659e-03
45   0001564590-21-039151                          stock  53 21171 2.503424e-03
46   0001564590-21-039151                            net  52 21171 2.456190e-03
47   0001564590-21-039151                        provide  52 21171 2.456190e-03
48   0001564590-21-039151                     recognized  52 21171 2.456190e-03
49   0001564590-21-039151                     operations  50 21171 2.361721e-03
50   0001564590-21-039151                           part  49 21171 2.314487e-03
51   0001564590-21-039151                      reporting  48 21171 2.267252e-03
52   0001564590-21-039151                      solutions  48 21171 2.267252e-03
53   0001564590-21-039151                        support  48 21171 2.267252e-03
54   0001564590-21-039151                           cash  46 21171 2.172784e-03
55   0001564590-21-039151                       included  46 21171 2.172784e-03
56   0001564590-21-039151                     management  46 21171 2.172784e-03
57   0001564590-21-039151                         server  45 21171 2.125549e-03
58   0001564590-21-039151                       increase  44 21171 2.078315e-03
59   0001564590-21-039151                  organizations  44 21171 2.078315e-03
60   0001564590-21-039151                          taxes  44 21171 2.078315e-03
61   0001564590-21-039151                     technology  44 21171 2.078315e-03
62   0001564590-21-039151                        ability  42 21171 1.983846e-03
63   0001564590-21-039151                          audit  42 21171 1.983846e-03
64   0001564590-21-039151                       benefits  42 21171 1.983846e-03
65   0001564590-21-039151                       customer  42 21171 1.983846e-03
66   0001564590-21-039151                        subject  41 21171 1.936611e-03
67   0001564590-21-039151                           cost  40 21171 1.889377e-03
68   0001564590-21-039151                         future  40 21171 1.889377e-03
69   0001564590-21-039151                      primarily  40 21171 1.889377e-03
70   0001564590-21-039151                        windows  40 21171 1.889377e-03
71   0001564590-21-039151                     accounting  39 21171 1.842143e-03
72   0001564590-21-039151                      estimated  39 21171 1.842143e-03
73   0001564590-21-039151                      generally  39 21171 1.842143e-03
74   0001564590-21-039151                         market  39 21171 1.842143e-03
75   0001564590-21-039151                         result  39 21171 1.842143e-03
76   0001564590-21-039151                        results  39 21171 1.842143e-03
77   0001564590-21-039151                        service  39 21171 1.842143e-03
78   0001564590-21-039151                           time  39 21171 1.842143e-03
79   0001564590-21-039151                        company  38 21171 1.794908e-03
80   0001564590-21-039151                         growth  38 21171 1.794908e-03
81   0001564590-21-039151                        million  38 21171 1.794908e-03
82   0001564590-21-039151                        systems  38 21171 1.794908e-03
83   0001564590-21-039151                         global  37 21171 1.747674e-03
84   0001564590-21-039151                        expense  36 21171 1.700439e-03
85   0001564590-21-039151                    liabilities  36 21171 1.700439e-03
86   0001564590-21-039151                           term  36 21171 1.700439e-03
87   0001564590-21-039151                         affect  35 21171 1.653205e-03
88   0001564590-21-039151                     agreements  35 21171 1.653205e-03
89   0001564590-21-039151                        control  35 21171 1.653205e-03
90   0001564590-21-039151                            due  35 21171 1.653205e-03
91   0001564590-21-039151                          lease  35 21171 1.653205e-03
92   0001564590-21-039151                       purchase  35 21171 1.653205e-03
93   0001564590-21-039151                       continue  34 21171 1.605970e-03
94   0001564590-21-039151                     investment  34 21171 1.605970e-03
95   0001564590-21-039151                       licenses  34 21171 1.605970e-03
96   0001564590-21-039151                       required  34 21171 1.605970e-03
97   0001564590-21-039151                       research  34 21171 1.605970e-03
98   0001564590-21-039151                     commercial  33 21171 1.558736e-03
99   0001564590-21-039151                           item  33 21171 1.558736e-03
100  0001564590-21-039151                    performance  33 21171 1.558736e-03
101  0001564590-21-039151                       programs  33 21171 1.558736e-03
102  0001564590-21-039151                          risks  33 21171 1.558736e-03
103  0001564590-21-039151                             10  32 21171 1.511502e-03
104  0001564590-21-039151                   applications  32 21171 1.511502e-03
105  0001564590-21-039151                        content  32 21171 1.511502e-03
106  0001564590-21-039151                           debt  32 21171 1.511502e-03
107  0001564590-21-039151                      equipment  32 21171 1.511502e-03
108  0001564590-21-039151                       hardware  32 21171 1.511502e-03
109  0001564590-21-039151                         office  32 21171 1.511502e-03
110  0001564590-21-039151                       property  32 21171 1.511502e-03
111  0001564590-21-039151                      resources  32 21171 1.511502e-03
112  0001564590-21-039151                     securities  32 21171 1.511502e-03
113  0001564590-21-039151                           2019  31 21171 1.464267e-03
114  0001564590-21-039151                             ai  31 21171 1.464267e-03
115  0001564590-21-039151                           form  31 21171 1.464267e-03
116  0001564590-21-039151                       includes  31 21171 1.464267e-03
117  0001564590-21-039151                           laws  31 21171 1.464267e-03
118  0001564590-21-039151                        current  30 21171 1.417033e-03
119  0001564590-21-039151                      increased  30 21171 1.417033e-03
120  0001564590-21-039151                       premises  30 21171 1.417033e-03
121  0001564590-21-039151                          price  30 21171 1.417033e-03
122  0001564590-21-039151                          share  30 21171 1.417033e-03
123  0001564590-21-039151                          basis  29 21171 1.369798e-03
124  0001564590-21-039151                         change  29 21171 1.369798e-03
125  0001564590-21-039151                   compensation  29 21171 1.369798e-03
126  0001564590-21-039151                       expenses  29 21171 1.369798e-03
127  0001564590-21-039151                           make  29 21171 1.369798e-03
128  0001564590-21-039151                      offerings  29 21171 1.369798e-03
129  0001564590-21-039151                           rate  29 21171 1.369798e-03
130  0001564590-21-039151                          tools  29 21171 1.369798e-03
131  0001564590-21-039151                          users  29 21171 1.369798e-03
132  0001564590-21-039151                          azure  28 21171 1.322564e-03
133  0001564590-21-039151                      companies  28 21171 1.322564e-03
134  0001564590-21-039151                       interest  28 21171 1.322564e-03
135  0001564590-21-039151                      marketing  28 21171 1.322564e-03
136  0001564590-21-039151                        markets  28 21171 1.322564e-03
137  0001564590-21-039151                       material  28 21171 1.322564e-03
138  0001564590-21-039151                     compliance  27 21171 1.275329e-03
139  0001564590-21-039151                      computing  27 21171 1.275329e-03
140  0001564590-21-039151                       economic  27 21171 1.275329e-03
141  0001564590-21-039151                      effective  27 21171 1.275329e-03
142  0001564590-21-039151                        factors  27 21171 1.275329e-03
143  0001564590-21-039151                         gaming  27 21171 1.275329e-03
144  0001564590-21-039151                         losses  27 21171 1.275329e-03
145  0001564590-21-039151                        network  27 21171 1.275329e-03
146  0001564590-21-039151                         people  27 21171 1.275329e-03
147  0001564590-21-039151                          rates  27 21171 1.275329e-03
148  0001564590-21-039151                           risk  27 21171 1.275329e-03
149  0001564590-21-039151                   technologies  27 21171 1.275329e-03
150  0001564590-21-039151                      adversely  26 21171 1.228095e-03
151  0001564590-21-039151                      contracts  26 21171 1.228095e-03
152  0001564590-21-039151                          india  26 21171 1.228095e-03
153  0001564590-21-039151                       learning  26 21171 1.228095e-03
154  0001564590-21-039151                          legal  26 21171 1.228095e-03
155  0001564590-21-039151                        license  26 21171 1.228095e-03
156  0001564590-21-039151                       personal  26 21171 1.228095e-03
157  0001564590-21-039151                   productivity  26 21171 1.228095e-03
158  0001564590-21-039151                         credit  25 21171 1.180861e-03
159  0001564590-21-039151                       employee  25 21171 1.180861e-03
160  0001564590-21-039151                     enterprise  25 21171 1.180861e-03
161  0001564590-21-039151                       goodwill  25 21171 1.180861e-03
162  0001564590-21-039151                      licensing  25 21171 1.180861e-03
163  0001564590-21-039151                           loss  25 21171 1.180861e-03
164  0001564590-21-039151                    obligations  25 21171 1.180861e-03
165  0001564590-21-039151                       partners  25 21171 1.180861e-03
166  0001564590-21-039151                      portfolio  25 21171 1.180861e-03
167  0001564590-21-039151                        segment  25 21171 1.180861e-03
168  0001564590-21-039151                           work  25 21171 1.180861e-03
169  0001564590-21-039151                              1  24 21171 1.133626e-03
170  0001564590-21-039151                     businesses  24 21171 1.133626e-03
171  0001564590-21-039151                         claims  24 21171 1.133626e-03
172  0001564590-21-039151                         equity  24 21171 1.133626e-03
173  0001564590-21-039151                     impairment  24 21171 1.133626e-03
174  0001564590-21-039151                         public  24 21171 1.133626e-03
175  0001564590-21-039151                          world  24 21171 1.133626e-03
176  0001564590-21-039151                             19  23 21171 1.086392e-03
177  0001564590-21-039151                            365  23 21171 1.086392e-03
178  0001564590-21-039151                         access  23 21171 1.086392e-03
179  0001564590-21-039151                     conditions  23 21171 1.086392e-03
180  0001564590-21-039151                      estimates  23 21171 1.086392e-03
181  0001564590-21-039151                     experience  23 21171 1.086392e-03
182  0001564590-21-039151                    instruments  23 21171 1.086392e-03
183  0001564590-21-039151                     intangible  23 21171 1.086392e-03
184  0001564590-21-039151                    intelligent  23 21171 1.086392e-03
185  0001564590-21-039151                         issues  23 21171 1.086392e-03
186  0001564590-21-039151                          level  23 21171 1.086392e-03
187  0001564590-21-039151                           long  23 21171 1.086392e-03
188  0001564590-21-039151                        officer  23 21171 1.086392e-03
189  0001564590-21-039151                       platform  23 21171 1.086392e-03
190  0001564590-21-039151                      providing  23 21171 1.086392e-03
191  0001564590-21-039151                         system  23 21171 1.086392e-03
192  0001564590-21-039151                       addition  22 21171 1.039157e-03
193  0001564590-21-039151                     additional  22 21171 1.039157e-03
194  0001564590-21-039151                        amounts  22 21171 1.039157e-03
195  0001564590-21-039151                    competition  22 21171 1.039157e-03
196  0001564590-21-039151                          court  22 21171 1.039157e-03
197  0001564590-21-039151                         demand  22 21171 1.039157e-03
198  0001564590-21-039151                       exchange  22 21171 1.039157e-03
199  0001564590-21-039151                        general  22 21171 1.039157e-03
200  0001564590-21-039151                   intellectual  22 21171 1.039157e-03
201  0001564590-21-039151                         online  22 21171 1.039157e-03
202  0001564590-21-039151                          party  22 21171 1.039157e-03
203  0001564590-21-039151                        program  22 21171 1.039157e-03
204  0001564590-21-039151                       recorded  22 21171 1.039157e-03
205  0001564590-21-039151                     regulatory  22 21171 1.039157e-03
206  0001564590-21-039151                     reputation  22 21171 1.039157e-03
207  0001564590-21-039151                         shares  22 21171 1.039157e-03
208  0001564590-21-039151                         values  22 21171 1.039157e-03
209  0001564590-21-039151                           xbox  22 21171 1.039157e-03
210  0001564590-21-039151                          chief  21 21171 9.919229e-04
211  0001564590-21-039151                    competitive  21 21171 9.919229e-04
212  0001564590-21-039151                      corporate  21 21171 9.919229e-04
213  0001564590-21-039151                       designed  21 21171 9.919229e-04
214  0001564590-21-039151                     government  21 21171 9.919229e-04
215  0001564590-21-039151                       industry  21 21171 9.919229e-04
216  0001564590-21-039151                        portion  21 21171 9.919229e-04
217  0001564590-21-039151                    regulations  21 21171 9.919229e-04
218  0001564590-21-039151                       relating  21 21171 9.919229e-04
219  0001564590-21-039151                        variety  21 21171 9.919229e-04
220  0001564590-21-039151                        digital  20 21171 9.446885e-04
221  0001564590-21-039151                     discussion  20 21171 9.446885e-04
222  0001564590-21-039151                    environment  20 21171 9.446885e-04
223  0001564590-21-039151                      executive  20 21171 9.446885e-04
224  0001564590-21-039151                       existing  20 21171 9.446885e-04
225  0001564590-21-039151                       expected  20 21171 9.446885e-04
226  0001564590-21-039151                       judgment  20 21171 9.446885e-04
227  0001564590-21-039151                      president  20 21171 9.446885e-04
228  0001564590-21-039151                     reasonable  20 21171 9.446885e-04
229  0001564590-21-039151                             sa  20 21171 9.446885e-04
230  0001564590-21-039151                   transactions  20 21171 9.446885e-04
231  0001564590-21-039151                           user  20 21171 9.446885e-04
232  0001564590-21-039151                              8  19 21171 8.974541e-04
233  0001564590-21-039151                    acquisition  19 21171 8.974541e-04
234  0001564590-21-039151                        benefit  19 21171 8.974541e-04
235  0001564590-21-039151                           code  19 21171 8.974541e-04
236  0001564590-21-039151                          covid  19 21171 8.974541e-04
237  0001564590-21-039151                       currency  19 21171 8.974541e-04
238  0001564590-21-039151                       estimate  19 21171 8.974541e-04
239  0001564590-21-039151                 infrastructure  19 21171 8.974541e-04
240  0001564590-21-039151                          notes  19 21171 8.974541e-04
241  0001564590-21-039151                       pandemic  19 21171 8.974541e-04
242  0001564590-21-039151                      platforms  19 21171 8.974541e-04
243  0001564590-21-039151                      practices  19 21171 8.974541e-04
244  0001564590-21-039151                        pricing  19 21171 8.974541e-04
245  0001564590-21-039151                          range  19 21171 8.974541e-04
246  0001564590-21-039151                   requirements  19 21171 8.974541e-04
247  0001564590-21-039151                       transfer  19 21171 8.974541e-04
248  0001564590-21-039151                        achieve  18 21171 8.502196e-04
249  0001564590-21-039151                        actions  18 21171 8.502196e-04
250  0001564590-21-039151                    advertising  18 21171 8.502196e-04
251  0001564590-21-039151                         driven  18 21171 8.502196e-04
252  0001564590-21-039151                            end  18 21171 8.502196e-04
253  0001564590-21-039151                         expect  18 21171 8.502196e-04
254  0001564590-21-039151                            irs  18 21171 8.502196e-04
255  0001564590-21-039151                          large  18 21171 8.502196e-04
256  0001564590-21-039151                          lower  18 21171 8.502196e-04
257  0001564590-21-039151                           made  18 21171 8.502196e-04
258  0001564590-21-039151                      positions  18 21171 8.502196e-04
259  0001564590-21-039151                          refer  18 21171 8.502196e-04
260  0001564590-21-039151                         report  18 21171 8.502196e-04
261  0001564590-21-039151                         volume  18 21171 8.502196e-04
262  0001564590-21-039151                    withholding  18 21171 8.502196e-04
263  0001564590-21-039151                     accordance  17 21171 8.029852e-04
264  0001564590-21-039151                       accounts  17 21171 8.029852e-04
265  0001564590-21-039151                        acquire  17 21171 8.029852e-04
266  0001564590-21-039151                       affected  17 21171 8.029852e-04
267  0001564590-21-039151                      agreement  17 21171 8.029852e-04
268  0001564590-21-039151                         annual  17 21171 8.029852e-04
269  0001564590-21-039151                    application  17 21171 8.029852e-04
270  0001564590-21-039151                         awards  17 21171 8.029852e-04
271  0001564590-21-039151                         common  17 21171 8.029852e-04
272  0001564590-21-039151                       consumer  17 21171 8.029852e-04
273  0001564590-21-039151                       contract  17 21171 8.029852e-04
274  0001564590-21-039151                      countries  17 21171 8.029852e-04
275  0001564590-21-039151                    datacenters  17 21171 8.029852e-04
276  0001564590-21-039151                          fixed  17 21171 8.029852e-04
277  0001564590-21-039151                           gaap  17 21171 8.029852e-04
278  0001564590-21-039151                          gross  17 21171 8.029852e-04
279  0001564590-21-039151                             ii  17 21171 8.029852e-04
280  0001564590-21-039151                  jurisdictions  17 21171 8.029852e-04
281  0001564590-21-039151                            law  17 21171 8.029852e-04
282  0001564590-21-039151                      liability  17 21171 8.029852e-04
283  0001564590-21-039151                       linkedin  17 21171 8.029852e-04
284  0001564590-21-039151                        require  17 21171 8.029852e-04
285  0001564590-21-039151                         rights  17 21171 8.029852e-04
286  0001564590-21-039151                            ssp  17 21171 8.029852e-04
287  0001564590-21-039151                        vendors  17 21171 8.029852e-04
288  0001564590-21-039151                         amount  16 21171 7.557508e-04
289  0001564590-21-039151                      assurance  16 21171 7.557508e-04
290  0001564590-21-039151                         audits  16 21171 7.557508e-04
291  0001564590-21-039151                          board  16 21171 7.557508e-04
292  0001564590-21-039151                          broad  16 21171 7.557508e-04
293  0001564590-21-039151                        centers  16 21171 7.557508e-04
294  0001564590-21-039151                         charge  16 21171 7.557508e-04
295  0001564590-21-039151                     commission  16 21171 7.557508e-04
296  0001564590-21-039151                        compete  16 21171 7.557508e-04
297  0001564590-21-039151                     components  16 21171 7.557508e-04
298  0001564590-21-039151                         create  16 21171 7.557508e-04
299  0001564590-21-039151                           date  16 21171 7.557508e-04
300  0001564590-21-039151                      determine  16 21171 7.557508e-04
301  0001564590-21-039151                     determined  16 21171 7.557508e-04
302  0001564590-21-039151                         highly  16 21171 7.557508e-04
303  0001564590-21-039151                            iot  16 21171 7.557508e-04
304  0001564590-21-039151                         manage  16 21171 7.557508e-04
305  0001564590-21-039151                        matters  16 21171 7.557508e-04
306  0001564590-21-039151                       measures  16 21171 7.557508e-04
307  0001564590-21-039151                           note  16 21171 7.557508e-04
308  0001564590-21-039151                         number  16 21171 7.557508e-04
309  0001564590-21-039151                          offer  16 21171 7.557508e-04
310  0001564590-21-039151                        parties  16 21171 7.557508e-04
311  0001564590-21-039151                      potential  16 21171 7.557508e-04
312  0001564590-21-039151                       reported  16 21171 7.557508e-04
313  0001564590-21-039151                           sell  16 21171 7.557508e-04
314  0001564590-21-039151                          table  16 21171 7.557508e-04
315  0001564590-21-039151                         talent  16 21171 7.557508e-04
316  0001564590-21-039151                           vice  16 21171 7.557508e-04
317  0001564590-21-039151                           2013  15 21171 7.085164e-04
318  0001564590-21-039151                        average  15 21171 7.085164e-04
319  0001564590-21-039151                  circumstances  15 21171 7.085164e-04
320  0001564590-21-039151                      continued  15 21171 7.085164e-04
321  0001564590-21-039151                       decision  15 21171 7.085164e-04
322  0001564590-21-039151                    determining  15 21171 7.085164e-04
323  0001564590-21-039151                        develop  15 21171 7.085164e-04
324  0001564590-21-039151                           edge  15 21171 7.085164e-04
325  0001564590-21-039151                    experiences  15 21171 7.085164e-04
326  0001564590-21-039151                         health  15 21171 7.085164e-04
327  0001564590-21-039151                         issued  15 21171 7.085164e-04
328  0001564590-21-039151                          lives  15 21171 7.085164e-04
329  0001564590-21-039151                       maintain  15 21171 7.085164e-04
330  0001564590-21-039151                  opportunities  15 21171 7.085164e-04
331  0001564590-21-039151                           paid  15 21171 7.085164e-04
332  0001564590-21-039151                        periods  15 21171 7.085164e-04
333  0001564590-21-039151                       policies  15 21171 7.085164e-04
334  0001564590-21-039151                       provided  15 21171 7.085164e-04
335  0001564590-21-039151                      resulting  15 21171 7.085164e-04
336  0001564590-21-039151                       segments  15 21171 7.085164e-04
337  0001564590-21-039151                         source  15 21171 7.085164e-04
338  0001564590-21-039151                         states  15 21171 7.085164e-04
339  0001564590-21-039151                        surface  15 21171 7.085164e-04
340  0001564590-21-039151                          terms  15 21171 7.085164e-04
341  0001564590-21-039151                           wide  15 21171 7.085164e-04
342  0001564590-21-039151                    communities  14 21171 6.612819e-04
343  0001564590-21-039151                       controls  14 21171 6.612819e-04
344  0001564590-21-039151                       critical  14 21171 6.612819e-04
345  0001564590-21-039151                     derivative  14 21171 6.612819e-04
346  0001564590-21-039151                         design  14 21171 6.612819e-04
347  0001564590-21-039151                     developers  14 21171 6.612819e-04
348  0001564590-21-039151                       directly  14 21171 6.612819e-04
349  0001564590-21-039151                      directors  14 21171 6.612819e-04
350  0001564590-21-039151                       distinct  14 21171 6.612819e-04
351  0001564590-21-039151                        empower  14 21171 6.612819e-04
352  0001564590-21-039151                        federal  14 21171 6.612819e-04
353  0001564590-21-039151                          final  14 21171 6.612819e-04
354  0001564590-21-039151                          gains  14 21171 6.612819e-04
355  0001564590-21-039151                           harm  14 21171 6.612819e-04
356  0001564590-21-039151                  international  14 21171 6.612819e-04
357  0001564590-21-039151                           july  14 21171 6.612819e-04
358  0001564590-21-039151                  manufacturers  14 21171 6.612819e-04
359  0001564590-21-039151                        margins  14 21171 6.612819e-04
360  0001564590-21-039151                             mr  14 21171 6.612819e-04
361  0001564590-21-039151                           oems  14 21171 6.612819e-04
362  0001564590-21-039151                        operate  14 21171 6.612819e-04
363  0001564590-21-039151                          plans  14 21171 6.612819e-04
364  0001564590-21-039151                        protect  14 21171 6.612819e-04
365  0001564590-21-039151                        quarter  14 21171 6.612819e-04
366  0001564590-21-039151                        returns  14 21171 6.612819e-04
367  0001564590-21-039151                       solution  14 21171 6.612819e-04
368  0001564590-21-039151                  subscriptions  14 21171 6.612819e-04
369  0001564590-21-039151                       training  14 21171 6.612819e-04
370  0001564590-21-039151                      uncertain  14 21171 6.612819e-04
371  0001564590-21-039151                       unearned  14 21171 6.612819e-04
372  0001564590-21-039151                         united  14 21171 6.612819e-04
373  0001564590-21-039151                             12  13 21171 6.140475e-04
374  0001564590-21-039151                           2016  13 21171 6.140475e-04
375  0001564590-21-039151                      accounted  13 21171 6.140475e-04
376  0001564590-21-039151                       acquired  13 21171 6.140475e-04
377  0001564590-21-039151                       analysis  13 21171 6.140475e-04
378  0001564590-21-039151                       carrying  13 21171 6.140475e-04
379  0001564590-21-039151                    competitors  13 21171 6.140475e-04
380  0001564590-21-039151                      completed  13 21171 6.140475e-04
381  0001564590-21-039151                       decrease  13 21171 6.140475e-04
382  0001564590-21-039151                     engagement  13 21171 6.140475e-04
383  0001564590-21-039151                           fail  13 21171 6.140475e-04
384  0001564590-21-039151                        finance  13 21171 6.140475e-04
385  0001564590-21-039151                        forward  13 21171 6.140475e-04
386  0001564590-21-039151                    independent  13 21171 6.140475e-04
387  0001564590-21-039151                     innovation  13 21171 6.140475e-04
388  0001564590-21-039151                           lead  13 21171 6.140475e-04
389  0001564590-21-039151                           life  13 21171 6.140475e-04
390  0001564590-21-039151                          local  13 21171 6.140475e-04
391  0001564590-21-039151                       measured  13 21171 6.140475e-04
392  0001564590-21-039151                           meet  13 21171 6.140475e-04
393  0001564590-21-039151                           open  13 21171 6.140475e-04
394  0001564590-21-039151                      presented  13 21171 6.140475e-04
395  0001564590-21-039151                          state  13 21171 6.140475e-04
396  0001564590-21-039151                      suppliers  13 21171 6.140475e-04
397  0001564590-21-039151                           ways  13 21171 6.140475e-04
398  0001564590-21-039151                              2  12 21171 5.668131e-04
399  0001564590-21-039151                           2004  12 21171 5.668131e-04
400  0001564590-21-039151                     activities  12 21171 5.668131e-04
401  0001564590-21-039151                        adverse  12 21171 5.668131e-04
402  0001564590-21-039151                     assessment  12 21171 5.668131e-04
403  0001564590-21-039151                        balance  12 21171 5.668131e-04
404  0001564590-21-039151                      committee  12 21171 5.668131e-04
405  0001564590-21-039151                      company's  12 21171 5.668131e-04
406  0001564590-21-039151                        depends  12 21171 5.668131e-04
407  0001564590-21-039151                     designated  12 21171 5.668131e-04
408  0001564590-21-039151                       dynamics  12 21171 5.668131e-04
409  0001564590-21-039151                       earnings  12 21171 5.668131e-04
410  0001564590-21-039151                         effect  12 21171 5.668131e-04
411  0001564590-21-039151                         events  12 21171 5.668131e-04
412  0001564590-21-039151                         github  12 21171 5.668131e-04
413  0001564590-21-039151                           held  12 21171 5.668131e-04
414  0001564590-21-039151                     increasing  12 21171 5.668131e-04
415  0001564590-21-039151                   increasingly  12 21171 5.668131e-04
416  0001564590-21-039151                            key  12 21171 5.668131e-04
417  0001564590-21-039151                         leases  12 21171 5.668131e-04
418  0001564590-21-039151                   management’s  12 21171 5.668131e-04
419  0001564590-21-039151                     materially  12 21171 5.668131e-04
420  0001564590-21-039151                     maturities  12 21171 5.668131e-04
421  0001564590-21-039151                        metrics  12 21171 5.668131e-04
422  0001564590-21-039151                    opportunity  12 21171 5.668131e-04
423  0001564590-21-039151                        partner  12 21171 5.668131e-04
424  0001564590-21-039151                            pay  12 21171 5.668131e-04
425  0001564590-21-039151                           plan  12 21171 5.668131e-04
426  0001564590-21-039151                       position  12 21171 5.668131e-04
427  0001564590-21-039151                        quality  12 21171 5.668131e-04
428  0001564590-21-039151                         reduce  12 21171 5.668131e-04
429  0001564590-21-039151                    repurchases  12 21171 5.668131e-04
430  0001564590-21-039151                     separately  12 21171 5.668131e-04
431  0001564590-21-039151                         social  12 21171 5.668131e-04
432  0001564590-21-039151                           sold  12 21171 5.668131e-04
433  0001564590-21-039151                       standard  12 21171 5.668131e-04
434  0001564590-21-039151                       strategy  12 21171 5.668131e-04
435  0001564590-21-039151                         supply  12 21171 5.668131e-04
436  0001564590-21-039151                        supreme  12 21171 5.668131e-04
437  0001564590-21-039151                           unit  12 21171 5.668131e-04
438  0001564590-21-039151                        working  12 21171 5.668131e-04
439  0001564590-21-039151                       activity  11 21171 5.195787e-04
440  0001564590-21-039151                        address  11 21171 5.195787e-04
441  0001564590-21-039151                    adjustments  11 21171 5.195787e-04
442  0001564590-21-039151                       adoption  11 21171 5.195787e-04
443  0001564590-21-039151                        african  11 21171 5.195787e-04
444  0001564590-21-039151                       american  11 21171 5.195787e-04
445  0001564590-21-039151                    authorities  11 21171 5.195787e-04
446  0001564590-21-039151                          black  11 21171 5.195787e-04
447  0001564590-21-039151                        capital  11 21171 5.195787e-04
448  0001564590-21-039151                          cases  11 21171 5.195787e-04
449  0001564590-21-039151                 communications  11 21171 5.195787e-04
450  0001564590-21-039151                  comprehensive  11 21171 5.195787e-04
451  0001564590-21-039151                       computer  11 21171 5.195787e-04
452  0001564590-21-039151                         dollar  11 21171 5.195787e-04
453  0001564590-21-039151                        efforts  11 21171 5.195787e-04
454  0001564590-21-039151                         ensure  11 21171 5.195787e-04
455  0001564590-21-039151                    established  11 21171 5.195787e-04
456  0001564590-21-039151                     facilities  11 21171 5.195787e-04
457  0001564590-21-039151                           game  11 21171 5.195787e-04
458  0001564590-21-039151                           grow  11 21171 5.195787e-04
459  0001564590-21-039151                          limit  11 21171 5.195787e-04
460  0001564590-21-039151                        limited  11 21171 5.195787e-04
461  0001564590-21-039151                          march  11 21171 5.195787e-04
462  0001564590-21-039151                         months  11 21171 5.195787e-04
463  0001564590-21-039151                     negatively  11 21171 5.195787e-04
464  0001564590-21-039151                        patents  11 21171 5.195787e-04
465  0001564590-21-039151                       payments  11 21171 5.195787e-04
466  0001564590-21-039151                            pre  11 21171 5.195787e-04
467  0001564590-21-039151                         prices  11 21171 5.195787e-04
468  0001564590-21-039151                          prior  11 21171 5.195787e-04
469  0001564590-21-039151                       regional  11 21171 5.195787e-04
470  0001564590-21-039151                         review  11 21171 5.195787e-04
471  0001564590-21-039151                          scale  11 21171 5.195787e-04
472  0001564590-21-039151                        selling  11 21171 5.195787e-04
473  0001564590-21-039151                         served  11 21171 5.195787e-04
474  0001564590-21-039151                          small  11 21171 5.195787e-04
475  0001564590-21-039151                       specific  11 21171 5.195787e-04
476  0001564590-21-039151                      standards  11 21171 5.195787e-04
477  0001564590-21-039151                        success  11 21171 5.195787e-04
478  0001564590-21-039151                           tcja  11 21171 5.195787e-04
479  0001564590-21-039151                      technical  11 21171 5.195787e-04
480  0001564590-21-039151                         trends  11 21171 5.195787e-04
481  0001564590-21-039151                     unresolved  11 21171 5.195787e-04
482  0001564590-21-039151                        zenimax  11 21171 5.195787e-04
483  0001564590-21-039151                           2009  10 21171 4.723442e-04
484  0001564590-21-039151                        account  10 21171 4.723442e-04
485  0001564590-21-039151                           anti  10 21171 4.723442e-04
486  0001564590-21-039151                       approved  10 21171 4.723442e-04
487  0001564590-21-039151                  approximately  10 21171 4.723442e-04
488  0001564590-21-039151                    assumptions  10 21171 4.723442e-04
489  0001564590-21-039151                          build  10 21171 4.723442e-04
490  0001564590-21-039151                      condition  10 21171 4.723442e-04
491  0001564590-21-039151                      consumers  10 21171 4.723442e-04
492  0001564590-21-039151                     datacenter  10 21171 4.723442e-04
493  0001564590-21-039151                       deferred  10 21171 4.723442e-04
494  0001564590-21-039151                         device  10 21171 4.723442e-04
495  0001564590-21-039151                          drive  10 21171 4.723442e-04
496  0001564590-21-039151                         enable  10 21171 4.723442e-04
497  0001564590-21-039151                             eu  10 21171 4.723442e-04
498  0001564590-21-039151                       evidence  10 21171 4.723442e-04
499  0001564590-21-039151                      financing  10 21171 4.723442e-04
500  0001564590-21-039151                    flexibility  10 21171 4.723442e-04
501  0001564590-21-039151                           flow  10 21171 4.723442e-04
502  0001564590-21-039151                          human  10 21171 4.723442e-04
503  0001564590-21-039151                     individual  10 21171 4.723442e-04
504  0001564590-21-039151                      inventory  10 21171 4.723442e-04
505  0001564590-21-039151                        ireland  10 21171 4.723442e-04
506  0001564590-21-039151                        largest  10 21171 4.723442e-04
507  0001564590-21-039151                      locations  10 21171 4.723442e-04
508  0001564590-21-039151                         margin  10 21171 4.723442e-04
509  0001564590-21-039151                          media  10 21171 4.723442e-04
510  0001564590-21-039151                    methodology  10 21171 4.723442e-04
511  0001564590-21-039151                             ms  10 21171 4.723442e-04
512  0001564590-21-039151                         nature  10 21171 4.723442e-04
513  0001564590-21-039151                     observable  10 21171 4.723442e-04
514  0001564590-21-039151                            oem  10 21171 4.723442e-04
515  0001564590-21-039151                        opinion  10 21171 4.723442e-04
516  0001564590-21-039151                          order  10 21171 4.723442e-04
517  0001564590-21-039151                   organization  10 21171 4.723442e-04
518  0001564590-21-039151                          power  10 21171 4.723442e-04
519  0001564590-21-039151                     procedures  10 21171 4.723442e-04
520  0001564590-21-039151                     protection  10 21171 4.723442e-04
521  0001564590-21-039151                        reduced  10 21171 4.723442e-04
522  0001564590-21-039151                         remain  10 21171 4.723442e-04
523  0001564590-21-039151                     repurchase  10 21171 4.723442e-04
524  0001564590-21-039151                         senior  10 21171 4.723442e-04
525  0001564590-21-039151                            set  10 21171 4.723442e-04
526  0001564590-21-039151                        updates  10 21171 4.723442e-04
527  0001564590-21-039151                vulnerabilities  10 21171 4.723442e-04
528  0001564590-21-039151                             20   9 21171 4.251098e-04
529  0001564590-21-039151                              3   9 21171 4.251098e-04
530  0001564590-21-039151                            act   9 21171 4.251098e-04
531  0001564590-21-039151                      allocated   9 21171 4.251098e-04
532  0001564590-21-039151                        america   9 21171 4.251098e-04
533  0001564590-21-039151                     applicable   9 21171 4.251098e-04
534  0001564590-21-039151                       approach   9 21171 4.251098e-04
535  0001564590-21-039151                         attack   9 21171 4.251098e-04
536  0001564590-21-039151                        attract   9 21171 4.251098e-04
537  0001564590-21-039151                   capabilities   9 21171 4.251098e-04
538  0001564590-21-039151                          chain   9 21171 4.251098e-04
539  0001564590-21-039151                    commitments   9 21171 4.251098e-04
540  0001564590-21-039151                      community   9 21171 4.251098e-04
541  0001564590-21-039151                       competes   9 21171 4.251098e-04
542  0001564590-21-039151                     considered   9 21171 4.251098e-04
543  0001564590-21-039151                     consulting   9 21171 4.251098e-04
544  0001564590-21-039151                        culture   9 21171 4.251098e-04
545  0001564590-21-039151                      developer   9 21171 4.251098e-04
546  0001564590-21-039151                     developing   9 21171 4.251098e-04
547  0001564590-21-039151                     disclosure   9 21171 4.251098e-04
548  0001564590-21-039151                   distribution   9 21171 4.251098e-04
549  0001564590-21-039151                  effectiveness   9 21171 4.251098e-04
550  0001564590-21-039151                    engineering   9 21171 4.251098e-04
551  0001564590-21-039151                     evaluating   9 21171 4.251098e-04
552  0001564590-21-039151                         evolve   9 21171 4.251098e-04
553  0001564590-21-039151                         extent   9 21171 4.251098e-04
554  0001564590-21-039151                     geographic   9 21171 4.251098e-04
555  0001564590-21-039151                        hedging   9 21171 4.251098e-04
556  0001564590-21-039151                            ibm   9 21171 4.251098e-04
557  0001564590-21-039151                    impairments   9 21171 4.251098e-04
558  0001564590-21-039151                      inclusive   9 21171 4.251098e-04
559  0001564590-21-039151                       incurred   9 21171 4.251098e-04
560  0001564590-21-039151                         inputs   9 21171 4.251098e-04
561  0001564590-21-039151                      instances   9 21171 4.251098e-04
562  0001564590-21-039151                     integrated   9 21171 4.251098e-04
563  0001564590-21-039151                       intended   9 21171 4.251098e-04
564  0001564590-21-039151                         medium   9 21171 4.251098e-04
565  0001564590-21-039151                         method   9 21171 4.251098e-04
566  0001564590-21-039151                          multi   9 21171 4.251098e-04
567  0001564590-21-039151                       multiple   9 21171 4.251098e-04
568  0001564590-21-039151                         obtain   9 21171 4.251098e-04
569  0001564590-21-039151                       offering   9 21171 4.251098e-04
570  0001564590-21-039151                       outcomes   9 21171 4.251098e-04
571  0001564590-21-039151                            pcs   9 21171 4.251098e-04
572  0001564590-21-039151                       physical   9 21171 4.251098e-04
573  0001564590-21-039151                     principles   9 21171 4.251098e-04
574  0001564590-21-039151                     provisions   9 21171 4.251098e-04
575  0001564590-21-039151                        ratably   9 21171 4.251098e-04
576  0001564590-21-039151                          reach   9 21171 4.251098e-04
577  0001564590-21-039151                        receive   9 21171 4.251098e-04
578  0001564590-21-039151                    recognition   9 21171 4.251098e-04
579  0001564590-21-039151                        reflect   9 21171 4.251098e-04
580  0001564590-21-039151                        reports   9 21171 4.251098e-04
581  0001564590-21-039151                       requires   9 21171 4.251098e-04
582  0001564590-21-039151                         retail   9 21171 4.251098e-04
583  0001564590-21-039151                         search   9 21171 4.251098e-04
584  0001564590-21-039151                         secure   9 21171 4.251098e-04
585  0001564590-21-039151                      september   9 21171 4.251098e-04
586  0001564590-21-039151                         sheets   9 21171 4.251098e-04
587  0001564590-21-039151                        similar   9 21171 4.251098e-04
588  0001564590-21-039151                      statement   9 21171 4.251098e-04
589  0001564590-21-039151                        storage   9 21171 4.251098e-04
590  0001564590-21-039151                        testing   9 21171 4.251098e-04
591  0001564590-21-039151                          total   9 21171 4.251098e-04
592  0001564590-21-039151                          trade   9 21171 4.251098e-04
593  0001564590-21-039151                    uncertainty   9 21171 4.251098e-04
594  0001564590-21-039151                      valuation   9 21171 4.251098e-04
595  0001564590-21-039151                             15   8 21171 3.778754e-04
596  0001564590-21-039151                           2011   8 21171 3.778754e-04
597  0001564590-21-039151                       accepted   8 21171 3.778754e-04
598  0001564590-21-039151                      aggregate   8 21171 3.778754e-04
599  0001564590-21-039151                      allowance   8 21171 3.778754e-04
600  0001564590-21-039151                   amortization   8 21171 3.778754e-04
601  0001564590-21-039151                       annually   8 21171 3.778754e-04
602  0001564590-21-039151                          areas   8 21171 3.778754e-04
603  0001564590-21-039151                         assess   8 21171 3.778754e-04
604  0001564590-21-039151                          asset   8 21171 3.778754e-04
605  0001564590-21-039151                         brands   8 21171 3.778754e-04
606  0001564590-21-039151                       changing   8 21171 3.778754e-04
607  0001564590-21-039151                        complex   8 21171 3.778754e-04
608  0001564590-21-039151                      component   8 21171 3.778754e-04
609  0001564590-21-039151                  consideration   8 21171 3.778754e-04
610  0001564590-21-039151                         damage   8 21171 3.778754e-04
611  0001564590-21-039151                        deliver   8 21171 3.778754e-04
612  0001564590-21-039151                         depend   8 21171 3.778754e-04
613  0001564590-21-039151                         differ   8 21171 3.778754e-04
614  0001564590-21-039151                        diluted   8 21171 3.778754e-04
615  0001564590-21-039151                      ecosystem   8 21171 3.778754e-04
616  0001564590-21-039151                    effectively   8 21171 3.778754e-04
617  0001564590-21-039151                        enables   8 21171 3.778754e-04
618  0001564590-21-039151                       enabling   8 21171 3.778754e-04
619  0001564590-21-039151                          ended   8 21171 3.778754e-04
620  0001564590-21-039151                    enterprises   8 21171 3.778754e-04
621  0001564590-21-039151                       evaluate   8 21171 3.778754e-04
622  0001564590-21-039151                       evolving   8 21171 3.778754e-04
623  0001564590-21-039151                        failure   8 21171 3.778754e-04
624  0001564590-21-039151                         fourth   8 21171 3.778754e-04
625  0001564590-21-039151                          games   8 21171 3.778754e-04
626  0001564590-21-039151                         groups   8 21171 3.778754e-04
627  0001564590-21-039151                        improve   8 21171 3.778754e-04
628  0001564590-21-039151                       insights   8 21171 3.778754e-04
629  0001564590-21-039151                   intelligence   8 21171 3.778754e-04
630  0001564590-21-039151                       internet   8 21171 3.778754e-04
631  0001564590-21-039151                       numerous   8 21171 3.778754e-04
632  0001564590-21-039151                         offset   8 21171 3.778754e-04
633  0001564590-21-039151                         oracle   8 21171 3.778754e-04
634  0001564590-21-039151                    outstanding   8 21171 3.778754e-04
635  0001564590-21-039151                             pc   8 21171 3.778754e-04
636  0001564590-21-039151                          pcaob   8 21171 3.778754e-04
637  0001564590-21-039151                      penalties   8 21171 3.778754e-04
638  0001564590-21-039151                      perpetual   8 21171 3.778754e-04
639  0001564590-21-039151                          proxy   8 21171 3.778754e-04
640  0001564590-21-039151                         quoted   8 21171 3.778754e-04
641  0001564590-21-039151                         record   8 21171 3.778754e-04
642  0001564590-21-039151                      remaining   8 21171 3.778754e-04
643  0001564590-21-039151                   reputational   8 21171 3.778754e-04
644  0001564590-21-039151                    responsible   8 21171 3.778754e-04
645  0001564590-21-039151                         safety   8 21171 3.778754e-04
646  0001564590-21-039151                         single   8 21171 3.778754e-04
647  0001564590-21-039151                          space   8 21171 3.778754e-04
648  0001564590-21-039151                          store   8 21171 3.778754e-04
649  0001564590-21-039151                      strategic   8 21171 3.778754e-04
650  0001564590-21-039151                    substantial   8 21171 3.778754e-04
651  0001564590-21-039151                  technological   8 21171 3.778754e-04
652  0001564590-21-039151                         things   8 21171 3.778754e-04
653  0001564590-21-039151                 transformation   8 21171 3.778754e-04
654  0001564590-21-039151                   unauthorized   8 21171 3.778754e-04
655  0001564590-21-039151                          units   8 21171 3.778754e-04
656  0001564590-21-039151                            web   8 21171 3.778754e-04
657  0001564590-21-039151                      worldwide   8 21171 3.778754e-04
658  0001564590-21-039151                           2014   7 21171 3.306410e-04
659  0001564590-21-039151                           2017   7 21171 3.306410e-04
660  0001564590-21-039151                           2018   7 21171 3.306410e-04
661  0001564590-21-039151                              4   7 21171 3.306410e-04
662  0001564590-21-039151                     accelerate   7 21171 3.306410e-04
663  0001564590-21-039151                   acquisitions   7 21171 3.306410e-04
664  0001564590-21-039151                         active   7 21171 3.306410e-04
665  0001564590-21-039151                         actual   7 21171 3.306410e-04
666  0001564590-21-039151                 administrative   7 21171 3.306410e-04
667  0001564590-21-039151                     allocation   7 21171 3.306410e-04
668  0001564590-21-039151                      announced   7 21171 3.306410e-04
669  0001564590-21-039151                        appeals   7 21171 3.306410e-04
670  0001564590-21-039151                      beginning   7 21171 3.306410e-04
671  0001564590-21-039151                          built   7 21171 3.306410e-04
672  0001564590-21-039151                     challenges   7 21171 3.306410e-04
673  0001564590-21-039151                  collaboration   7 21171 3.306410e-04
674  0001564590-21-039151                      committed   7 21171 3.306410e-04
675  0001564590-21-039151                  communication   7 21171 3.306410e-04
676  0001564590-21-039151                      company’s   7 21171 3.306410e-04
677  0001564590-21-039151                      comprises   7 21171 3.306410e-04
678  0001564590-21-039151                       consists   7 21171 3.306410e-04
679  0001564590-21-039151                  contingencies   7 21171 3.306410e-04
680  0001564590-21-039151                           core   7 21171 3.306410e-04
681  0001564590-21-039151                       coverage   7 21171 3.306410e-04
682  0001564590-21-039151                       creating   7 21171 3.306410e-04
683  0001564590-21-039151                     currencies   7 21171 3.306410e-04
684  0001564590-21-039151                      decisions   7 21171 3.306410e-04
685  0001564590-21-039151                        decline   7 21171 3.306410e-04
686  0001564590-21-039151                         degree   7 21171 3.306410e-04
687  0001564590-21-039151                         deploy   7 21171 3.306410e-04
688  0001564590-21-039151                    derivatives   7 21171 3.306410e-04
689  0001564590-21-039151                  determination   7 21171 3.306410e-04
690  0001564590-21-039151                     disruption   7 21171 3.306410e-04
691  0001564590-21-039151                      dividends   7 21171 3.306410e-04
692  0001564590-21-039151                           earn   7 21171 3.306410e-04
693  0001564590-21-039151                        effects   7 21171 3.306410e-04
694  0001564590-21-039151                            eps   7 21171 3.306410e-04
695  0001564590-21-039151                    equivalents   7 21171 3.306410e-04
696  0001564590-21-039151                       european   7 21171 3.306410e-04
697  0001564590-21-039151                      expanding   7 21171 3.306410e-04
698  0001564590-21-039151                      exposures   7 21171 3.306410e-04
699  0001564590-21-039151                           face   7 21171 3.306410e-04
700  0001564590-21-039151                     facilitate   7 21171 3.306410e-04
701  0001564590-21-039151                      favorable   7 21171 3.306410e-04
702  0001564590-21-039151                    feasibility   7 21171 3.306410e-04
703  0001564590-21-039151                          flows   7 21171 3.306410e-04
704  0001564590-21-039151                      framework   7 21171 3.306410e-04
705  0001564590-21-039151                          grant   7 21171 3.306410e-04
706  0001564590-21-039151                        greater   7 21171 3.306410e-04
707  0001564590-21-039151                           high   7 21171 3.306410e-04
708  0001564590-21-039151                         higher   7 21171 3.306410e-04
709  0001564590-21-039151                       identity   7 21171 3.306410e-04
710  0001564590-21-039151                        impacts   7 21171 3.306410e-04
711  0001564590-21-039151                      important   7 21171 3.306410e-04
712  0001564590-21-039151                   incorporated   7 21171 3.306410e-04
713  0001564590-21-039151                internationally   7 21171 3.306410e-04
714  0001564590-21-039151                      investors   7 21171 3.306410e-04
715  0001564590-21-039151                       lawsuits   7 21171 3.306410e-04
716  0001564590-21-039151                       licensed   7 21171 3.306410e-04
717  0001564590-21-039151                          major   7 21171 3.306410e-04
718  0001564590-21-039151                  manufacturing   7 21171 3.306410e-04
719  0001564590-21-039151                          model   7 21171 3.306410e-04
720  0001564590-21-039151                         nuance   7 21171 3.306410e-04
721  0001564590-21-039151                     obligation   7 21171 3.306410e-04
722  0001564590-21-039151                    operational   7 21171 3.306410e-04
723  0001564590-21-039151                        options   7 21171 3.306410e-04
724  0001564590-21-039151                          owned   7 21171 3.306410e-04
725  0001564590-21-039151                     percentage   7 21171 3.306410e-04
726  0001564590-21-039151                     plaintiffs   7 21171 3.306410e-04
727  0001564590-21-039151                        premium   7 21171 3.306410e-04
728  0001564590-21-039151                        present   7 21171 3.306410e-04
729  0001564590-21-039151                        privacy   7 21171 3.306410e-04
730  0001564590-21-039151                        process   7 21171 3.306410e-04
731  0001564590-21-039151                     productive   7 21171 3.306410e-04
732  0001564590-21-039151                  professionals   7 21171 3.306410e-04
733  0001564590-21-039151                       progress   7 21171 3.306410e-04
734  0001564590-21-039151                       provider   7 21171 3.306410e-04
735  0001564590-21-039151                      providers   7 21171 3.306410e-04
736  0001564590-21-039151                         puerto   7 21171 3.306410e-04
737  0001564590-21-039151                      purchased   7 21171 3.306410e-04
738  0001564590-21-039151                      purchases   7 21171 3.306410e-04
739  0001564590-21-039151                       purposes   7 21171 3.306410e-04
740  0001564590-21-039151                     receivable   7 21171 3.306410e-04
741  0001564590-21-039151                      recognize   7 21171 3.306410e-04
742  0001564590-21-039151                      reduction   7 21171 3.306410e-04
743  0001564590-21-039151                    reliability   7 21171 3.306410e-04
744  0001564590-21-039151                    repurchased   7 21171 3.306410e-04
745  0001564590-21-039151                         retain   7 21171 3.306410e-04
746  0001564590-21-039151                           rico   7 21171 3.306410e-04
747  0001564590-21-039151                          rules   7 21171 3.306410e-04
748  0001564590-21-039151                         sector   7 21171 3.306410e-04
749  0001564590-21-039151                        settled   7 21171 3.306410e-04
750  0001564590-21-039151                          shift   7 21171 3.306410e-04
751  0001564590-21-039151                          short   7 21171 3.306410e-04
752  0001564590-21-039151                         strive   7 21171 3.306410e-04
753  0001564590-21-039151                 sustainability   7 21171 3.306410e-04
754  0001564590-21-039151                          taxed   7 21171 3.306410e-04
755  0001564590-21-039151                         timing   7 21171 3.306410e-04
756  0001564590-21-039151                  uncertainties   7 21171 3.306410e-04
757  0001564590-21-039151                          usage   7 21171 3.306410e-04
758  0001564590-21-039151                     washington   7 21171 3.306410e-04
759  0001564590-21-039151                      workforce   7 21171 3.306410e-04
760  0001564590-21-039151                         action   6 21171 2.834065e-04
761  0001564590-21-039151                       adequate   6 21171 2.834065e-04
762  0001564590-21-039151                       adjusted   6 21171 2.834065e-04
763  0001564590-21-039151                       advanced   6 21171 2.834065e-04
764  0001564590-21-039151                      affecting   6 21171 2.834065e-04
765  0001564590-21-039151                     allowances   6 21171 2.834065e-04
766  0001564590-21-039151                      antitrust   6 21171 2.834065e-04
767  0001564590-21-039151                          apply   6 21171 2.834065e-04
768  0001564590-21-039151                      appointed   6 21171 2.834065e-04
769  0001564590-21-039151                        attacks   6 21171 2.834065e-04
770  0001564590-21-039151                           base   6 21171 2.834065e-04
771  0001564590-21-039151                         brings   6 21171 2.834065e-04
772  0001564590-21-039151                       building   6 21171 2.834065e-04
773  0001564590-21-039151                    capitalized   6 21171 2.834065e-04
774  0001564590-21-039151                        channel   6 21171 2.834065e-04
775  0001564590-21-039151                       channels   6 21171 2.834065e-04
776  0001564590-21-039151                          china   6 21171 2.834065e-04
777  0001564590-21-039151                        closing   6 21171 2.834065e-04
778  0001564590-21-039151                     collection   6 21171 2.834065e-04
779  0001564590-21-039151                       columbia   6 21171 2.834065e-04
780  0001564590-21-039151                     commitment   6 21171 2.834065e-04
781  0001564590-21-039151                         comply   6 21171 2.834065e-04
782  0001564590-21-039151                        conduct   6 21171 2.834065e-04
783  0001564590-21-039151                        console   6 21171 2.834065e-04
784  0001564590-21-039151                       consoles   6 21171 2.834065e-04
785  0001564590-21-039151                    consumption   6 21171 2.834065e-04
786  0001564590-21-039151                      continues   6 21171 2.834065e-04
787  0001564590-21-039151                     corruption   6 21171 2.834065e-04
788  0001564590-21-039151                        country   6 21171 2.834065e-04
789  0001564590-21-039151                       december   6 21171 2.834065e-04
790  0001564590-21-039151                     defendants   6 21171 2.834065e-04
791  0001564590-21-039151                         delays   6 21171 2.834065e-04
792  0001564590-21-039151                     delivering   6 21171 2.834065e-04
793  0001564590-21-039151                       delivery   6 21171 2.834065e-04
794  0001564590-21-039151                    denominated   6 21171 2.834065e-04
795  0001564590-21-039151                      dependent   6 21171 2.834065e-04
796  0001564590-21-039151                         detect   6 21171 2.834065e-04
797  0001564590-21-039151                   determinable   6 21171 2.834065e-04
798  0001564590-21-039151                         direct   6 21171 2.834065e-04
799  0001564590-21-039151                    disruptions   6 21171 2.834065e-04
800  0001564590-21-039151                   distributors   6 21171 2.834065e-04
801  0001564590-21-039151                        diverse   6 21171 2.834065e-04
802  0001564590-21-039151                      diversity   6 21171 2.834065e-04
803  0001564590-21-039151                       division   6 21171 2.834065e-04
804  0001564590-21-039151                     efficiency   6 21171 2.834065e-04
805  0001564590-21-039151                         effort   6 21171 2.834065e-04
806  0001564590-21-039151                        embrace   6 21171 2.834065e-04
807  0001564590-21-039151                    enforcement   6 21171 2.834065e-04
808  0001564590-21-039151                  entertainment   6 21171 2.834065e-04
809  0001564590-21-039151                           espp   6 21171 2.834065e-04
810  0001564590-21-039151                     evaluation   6 21171 2.834065e-04
811  0001564590-21-039151                       february   6 21171 2.834065e-04
812  0001564590-21-039151                           free   6 21171 2.834065e-04
813  0001564590-21-039151                           gdpr   6 21171 2.834065e-04
814  0001564590-21-039151                         google   6 21171 2.834065e-04
815  0001564590-21-039151                          group   6 21171 2.834065e-04
816  0001564590-21-039151                       guidance   6 21171 2.834065e-04
817  0001564590-21-039151                     guidelines   6 21171 2.834065e-04
818  0001564590-21-039151                       handling   6 21171 2.834065e-04
819  0001564590-21-039151                          hedge   6 21171 2.834065e-04
820  0001564590-21-039151                         hedged   6 21171 2.834065e-04
821  0001564590-21-039151                         hybrid   6 21171 2.834065e-04
822  0001564590-21-039151                       impacted   6 21171 2.834065e-04
823  0001564590-21-039151                    implemented   6 21171 2.834065e-04
824  0001564590-21-039151                    integration   6 21171 2.834065e-04
825  0001564590-21-039151                     internally   6 21171 2.834065e-04
826  0001564590-21-039151                         invest   6 21171 2.834065e-04
827  0001564590-21-039151                      invoicing   6 21171 2.834065e-04
828  0001564590-21-039151                          items   6 21171 2.834065e-04
829  0001564590-21-039151                           line   6 21171 2.834065e-04
830  0001564590-21-039151                         longer   6 21171 2.834065e-04
831  0001564590-21-039151                    maintaining   6 21171 2.834065e-04
832  0001564590-21-039151                         making   6 21171 2.834065e-04
833  0001564590-21-039151                       managing   6 21171 2.834065e-04
834  0001564590-21-039151                        members   6 21171 2.834065e-04
835  0001564590-21-039151                    microsoft’s   6 21171 2.834065e-04
836  0001564590-21-039151                         mobile   6 21171 2.834065e-04
837  0001564590-21-039151                     objectives   6 21171 2.834065e-04
838  0001564590-21-039151                         offers   6 21171 2.834065e-04
839  0001564590-21-039151                        ongoing   6 21171 2.834065e-04
840  0001564590-21-039151                        outcome   6 21171 2.834065e-04
841  0001564590-21-039151                         patent   6 21171 2.834065e-04
842  0001564590-21-039151                        payment   6 21171 2.834065e-04
843  0001564590-21-039151                        perform   6 21171 2.834065e-04
844  0001564590-21-039151                         policy   6 21171 2.834065e-04
845  0001564590-21-039151                       presents   6 21171 2.834065e-04
846  0001564590-21-039151                        prevent   6 21171 2.834065e-04
847  0001564590-21-039151                     previously   6 21171 2.834065e-04
848  0001564590-21-039151                      principal   6 21171 2.834065e-04
849  0001564590-21-039151                        private   6 21171 2.834065e-04
850  0001564590-21-039151                      processes   6 21171 2.834065e-04
851  0001564590-21-039151                      provision   6 21171 2.834065e-04
852  0001564590-21-039151                    qualitative   6 21171 2.834065e-04
853  0001564590-21-039151                         racial   6 21171 2.834065e-04
854  0001564590-21-039151                        rapidly   6 21171 2.834065e-04
855  0001564590-21-039151                        readily   6 21171 2.834065e-04
856  0001564590-21-039151                       realized   6 21171 2.834065e-04
857  0001564590-21-039151                      reference   6 21171 2.834065e-04
858  0001564590-21-039151                      regularly   6 21171 2.834065e-04
859  0001564590-21-039151                     regulators   6 21171 2.834065e-04
860  0001564590-21-039151                       relative   6 21171 2.834065e-04
861  0001564590-21-039151                       relevant   6 21171 2.834065e-04
862  0001564590-21-039151                         remote   6 21171 2.834065e-04
863  0001564590-21-039151                      represent   6 21171 2.834065e-04
864  0001564590-21-039151                      resellers   6 21171 2.834065e-04
865  0001564590-21-039151                     resolution   6 21171 2.834065e-04
866  0001564590-21-039151                        respect   6 21171 2.834065e-04
867  0001564590-21-039151                 responsibility   6 21171 2.834065e-04
868  0001564590-21-039151                   restrictions   6 21171 2.834065e-04
869  0001564590-21-039151                         return   6 21171 2.834065e-04
870  0001564590-21-039151                        savings   6 21171 2.834065e-04
871  0001564590-21-039151                        section   6 21171 2.834065e-04
872  0001564590-21-039151                           seek   6 21171 2.834065e-04
873  0001564590-21-039151                       separate   6 21171 2.834065e-04
874  0001564590-21-039151                         serves   6 21171 2.834065e-04
875  0001564590-21-039151                   shareholders   6 21171 2.834065e-04
876  0001564590-21-039151                  significantly   6 21171 2.834065e-04
877  0001564590-21-039151                         skills   6 21171 2.834065e-04
878  0001564590-21-039151                          skype   6 21171 2.834065e-04
879  0001564590-21-039151                      statutory   6 21171 2.834065e-04
880  0001564590-21-039151                     strategies   6 21171 2.834065e-04
881  0001564590-21-039151                      streaming   6 21171 2.834065e-04
882  0001564590-21-039151                      subscribe   6 21171 2.834065e-04
883  0001564590-21-039151                   subscription   6 21171 2.834065e-04
884  0001564590-21-039151                        threats   6 21171 2.834065e-04
885  0001564590-21-039151                         timely   6 21171 2.834065e-04
886  0001564590-21-039151                    transaction   6 21171 2.834065e-04
887  0001564590-21-039151                     transition   6 21171 2.834065e-04
888  0001564590-21-039151                      typically   6 21171 2.834065e-04
889  0001564590-21-039151                       versions   6 21171 2.834065e-04
890  0001564590-21-039151                        website   6 21171 2.834065e-04
891  0001564590-21-039151                       weighted   6 21171 2.834065e-04
892  0001564590-21-039151                             11   5 21171 2.361721e-04
893  0001564590-21-039151                             16   5 21171 2.361721e-04
894  0001564590-21-039151                             18   5 21171 2.361721e-04
895  0001564590-21-039151                           2006   5 21171 2.361721e-04
896  0001564590-21-039151                           2012   5 21171 2.361721e-04
897  0001564590-21-039151                           2022   5 21171 2.361721e-04
898  0001564590-21-039151                             50   5 21171 2.361721e-04
899  0001564590-21-039151                              7   5 21171 2.361721e-04
900  0001564590-21-039151                      advantage   5 21171 2.361721e-04
901  0001564590-21-039151                    adversaries   5 21171 2.361721e-04
902  0001564590-21-039151                          apple   5 21171 2.361721e-04
903  0001564590-21-039151                          april   5 21171 2.361721e-04
904  0001564590-21-039151                       bethesda   5 21171 2.361721e-04
905  0001564590-21-039151                        british   5 21171 2.361721e-04
906  0001564590-21-039151                         broker   5 21171 2.361721e-04
907  0001564590-21-039151                       calendar   5 21171 2.361721e-04
908  0001564590-21-039151                       capacity   5 21171 2.361721e-04
909  0001564590-21-039151                         carbon   5 21171 2.361721e-04
910  0001564590-21-039151                  carryforwards   5 21171 2.361721e-04
911  0001564590-21-039151                         choice   5 21171 2.361721e-04
912  0001564590-21-039151                     classified   5 21171 2.361721e-04
913  0001564590-21-039151                        climate   5 21171 2.361721e-04
914  0001564590-21-039151                          close   5 21171 2.361721e-04
915  0001564590-21-039151                    combination   5 21171 2.361721e-04
916  0001564590-21-039151                      commenced   5 21171 2.361721e-04
917  0001564590-21-039151                      competing   5 21171 2.361721e-04
918  0001564590-21-039151                       complete   5 21171 2.361721e-04
919  0001564590-21-039151                      conducted   5 21171 2.361721e-04
920  0001564590-21-039151                    corporation   5 21171 2.361721e-04
921  0001564590-21-039151                        credits   5 21171 2.361721e-04
922  0001564590-21-039151                          cross   5 21171 2.361721e-04
923  0001564590-21-039151                      decreased   5 21171 2.361721e-04
924  0001564590-21-039151                      deploying   5 21171 2.361721e-04
925  0001564590-21-039151                        desktop   5 21171 2.361721e-04
926  0001564590-21-039151                      developed   5 21171 2.361721e-04
927  0001564590-21-039151                      difficult   5 21171 2.361721e-04
928  0001564590-21-039151                       disclose   5 21171 2.361721e-04
929  0001564590-21-039151                    disclosures   5 21171 2.361721e-04
930  0001564590-21-039151                    distributed   5 21171 2.361721e-04
931  0001564590-21-039151                       district   5 21171 2.361721e-04
932  0001564590-21-039151                        dynamic   5 21171 2.361721e-04
933  0001564590-21-039151                      economies   5 21171 2.361721e-04
934  0001564590-21-039151                       emerging   5 21171 2.361721e-04
935  0001564590-21-039151                         engage   5 21171 2.361721e-04
936  0001564590-21-039151                          enter   5 21171 2.361721e-04
937  0001564590-21-039151                       entities   5 21171 2.361721e-04
938  0001564590-21-039151                   environments   5 21171 2.361721e-04
939  0001564590-21-039151                          event   5 21171 2.361721e-04
940  0001564590-21-039151                    examination   5 21171 2.361721e-04
941  0001564590-21-039151                      exclusive   5 21171 2.361721e-04
942  0001564590-21-039151                   expenditures   5 21171 2.361721e-04
943  0001564590-21-039151                       exposure   5 21171 2.361721e-04
944  0001564590-21-039151                          filed   5 21171 2.361721e-04
945  0001564590-21-039151                          fines   5 21171 2.361721e-04
946  0001564590-21-039151                          firms   5 21171 2.361721e-04
947  0001564590-21-039151                          focus   5 21171 2.361721e-04
948  0001564590-21-039151                           full   5 21171 2.361721e-04
949  0001564590-21-039151                  functionality   5 21171 2.361721e-04
950  0001564590-21-039151                      functions   5 21171 2.361721e-04
951  0001564590-21-039151                       generate   5 21171 2.361721e-04
952  0001564590-21-039151                   geopolitical   5 21171 2.361721e-04
953  0001564590-21-039151                          grade   5 21171 2.361721e-04
954  0001564590-21-039151                      headcount   5 21171 2.361721e-04
955  0001564590-21-039151                          helps   5 21171 2.361721e-04
956  0001564590-21-039151                           hood   5 21171 2.361721e-04
957  0001564590-21-039151                       impaired   5 21171 2.361721e-04
958  0001564590-21-039151                   improvements   5 21171 2.361721e-04
959  0001564590-21-039151                     inadequate   5 21171 2.361721e-04
960  0001564590-21-039151                      inclusion   5 21171 2.361721e-04
961  0001564590-21-039151                          incur   5 21171 2.361721e-04
962  0001564590-21-039151                        indices   5 21171 2.361721e-04
963  0001564590-21-039151                    individuals   5 21171 2.361721e-04
964  0001564590-21-039151                       inherent   5 21171 2.361721e-04
965  0001564590-21-039151                      installed   5 21171 2.361721e-04
966  0001564590-21-039151                         intend   5 21171 2.361721e-04
967  0001564590-21-039151                    inventories   5 21171 2.361721e-04
968  0001564590-21-039151                            job   5 21171 2.361721e-04
969  0001564590-21-039151                           jobs   5 21171 2.361721e-04
970  0001564590-21-039151                          labor   5 21171 2.361721e-04
971  0001564590-21-039151                    legislative   5 21171 2.361721e-04
972  0001564590-21-039151                    limitations   5 21171 2.361721e-04
973  0001564590-21-039151                          linux   5 21171 2.361721e-04
974  0001564590-21-039151                      liquidity   5 21171 2.361721e-04
975  0001564590-21-039151                            low   5 21171 2.361721e-04
976  0001564590-21-039151                        machine   5 21171 2.361721e-04
977  0001564590-21-039151                       managers   5 21171 2.361721e-04
978  0001564590-21-039151                        mindset   5 21171 2.361721e-04
979  0001564590-21-039151                        mission   5 21171 2.361721e-04
980  0001564590-21-039151                         models   5 21171 2.361721e-04
981  0001564590-21-039151                       monetary   5 21171 2.361721e-04
982  0001564590-21-039151                          north   5 21171 2.361721e-04
983  0001564590-21-039151                          occur   5 21171 2.361721e-04
984  0001564590-21-039151                        offered   5 21171 2.361721e-04
985  0001564590-21-039151                         option   5 21171 2.361721e-04
986  0001564590-21-039151                         orders   5 21171 2.361721e-04
987  0001564590-21-039151                 organizational   5 21171 2.361721e-04
988  0001564590-21-039151                      ownership   5 21171 2.361721e-04
989  0001564590-21-039151                        payroll   5 21171 2.361721e-04
990  0001564590-21-039151                      personnel   5 21171 2.361721e-04
991  0001564590-21-039151                       planning   5 21171 2.361721e-04
992  0001564590-21-039151                          point   5 21171 2.361721e-04
993  0001564590-21-039151                      political   5 21171 2.361721e-04
994  0001564590-21-039151                       portions   5 21171 2.361721e-04
995  0001564590-21-039151                           post   5 21171 2.361721e-04
996  0001564590-21-039151                     production   5 21171 2.361721e-04
997  0001564590-21-039151                   professional   5 21171 2.361721e-04
998  0001564590-21-039151                      qualified   5 21171 2.361721e-04
999  0001564590-21-039151                         rating   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1000 0001564590-21-039151                    receivables   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1001 0001564590-21-039151                       received   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1002 0001564590-21-039151                       reflects   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1003 0001564590-21-039151                         region   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1004 0001564590-21-039151                     registered   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1005 0001564590-21-039151                         relate   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1006 0001564590-21-039151                  relationships   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1007 0001564590-21-039151                       revenues   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1008 0001564590-21-039151                            rou   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1009 0001564590-21-039151                           sale   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1010 0001564590-21-039151                      sanctions   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1011 0001564590-21-039151                     settlement   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1012 0001564590-21-039151                           size   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1013 0001564590-21-039151                       spending   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1014 0001564590-21-039151                          stack   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1015 0001564590-21-039151                          staff   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1016 0001564590-21-039151                     successful   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1017 0001564590-21-039151                     sufficient   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1018 0001564590-21-039151                       supplier   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1019 0001564590-21-039151                     supporting   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1020 0001564590-21-039151                    sustainable   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1021 0001564590-21-039151                          teams   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1022 0001564590-21-039151                      transfers   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1023 0001564590-21-039151                          trial   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1024 0001564590-21-039151                    unfavorable   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1025 0001564590-21-039151                       variable   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1026 0001564590-21-039151                         vendor   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1027 0001564590-21-039151                       warranty   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1028 0001564590-21-039151                        world’s   5 21171 2.361721e-04
1029 0001564590-21-039151                          1.000   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1030 0001564590-21-039151                            1.6   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1031 0001564590-21-039151                           19.7   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1032 0001564590-21-039151                           1996   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1033 0001564590-21-039151                             1a   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1034 0001564590-21-039151                            2.0   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1035 0001564590-21-039151                            2.7   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1036 0001564590-21-039151                           2002   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1037 0001564590-21-039151                           2010   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1038 0001564590-21-039151                              5   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1039 0001564590-21-039151                   accelerating   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1040 0001564590-21-039151                   accompanying   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1041 0001564590-21-039151                 accountability   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1042 0001564590-21-039151                        accrued   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1043 0001564590-21-039151                       achieved   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1044 0001564590-21-039151                   additionally   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1045 0001564590-21-039151                        advance   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1046 0001564590-21-039151                       advances   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1047 0001564590-21-039151                      advancing   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1048 0001564590-21-039151                     advantages   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1049 0001564590-21-039151                         agents   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1050 0001564590-21-039151                    amortizable   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1051 0001564590-21-039151                      amortized   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1052 0001564590-21-039151                      analytics   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1053 0001564590-21-039151                     anticipate   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1054 0001564590-21-039151                        applies   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1055 0001564590-21-039151                       applying   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1056 0001564590-21-039151                       approval   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1057 0001564590-21-039151                        arising   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1058 0001564590-21-039151                   arrangements   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1059 0001564590-21-039151                          array   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1060 0001564590-21-039151                           asia   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1061 0001564590-21-039151                        aspects   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1062 0001564590-21-039151                        audited   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1063 0001564590-21-039151                   availability   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1064 0001564590-21-039151                           back   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1065 0001564590-21-039151                           bing   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1066 0001564590-21-039151                          brand   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1067 0001564590-21-039151                       canadian   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1068 0001564590-21-039151                     capability   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1069 0001564590-21-039151                     categories   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1070 0001564590-21-039151                       combined   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1071 0001564590-21-039151                       compared   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1072 0001564590-21-039151                     compromise   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1073 0001564590-21-039151                       concerns   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1074 0001564590-21-039151                        connect   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1075 0001564590-21-039151                   consequences   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1076 0001564590-21-039151                     consistent   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1077 0001564590-21-039151                     consisting   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1078 0001564590-21-039151                     contribute   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1079 0001564590-21-039151                       criminal   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1080 0001564590-21-039151                   cyberattacks   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1081 0001564590-21-039151                          daily   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1082 0001564590-21-039151                        damages   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1083 0001564590-21-039151                       database   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1084 0001564590-21-039151                           days   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1085 0001564590-21-039151                        default   4 21171 1.889377e-04
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1087 0001564590-21-039151                     definitive   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1088 0001564590-21-039151                       deloitte   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1089 0001564590-21-039151                   depreciation   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1090 0001564590-21-039151                    differences   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1091 0001564590-21-039151                     difficulty   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1092 0001564590-21-039151                       director   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1093 0001564590-21-039151                     discounted   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1094 0001564590-21-039151                    disposition   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1095 0001564590-21-039151                     distribute   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1096 0001564590-21-039151                   distributing   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1097 0001564590-21-039151                    distributor   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1098 0001564590-21-039151                diversification   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1099 0001564590-21-039151                    diversified   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1100 0001564590-21-039151                       doubtful   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1101 0001564590-21-039151                          early   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1102 0001564590-21-039151                        economy   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1103 0001564590-21-039151                     ecosystems   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1104 0001564590-21-039151                       eligible   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1105 0001564590-21-039151                         employ   4 21171 1.889377e-04
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1107 0001564590-21-039151                        enhance   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1108 0001564590-21-039151                        entered   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1109 0001564590-21-039151                  environmental   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1110 0001564590-21-039151                         ethics   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1111 0001564590-21-039151                           euro   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1112 0001564590-21-039151                        exclude   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1113 0001564590-21-039151                       excluded   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1114 0001564590-21-039151                      execution   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1115 0001564590-21-039151                       exercise   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1116 0001564590-21-039151                         expert   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1117 0001564590-21-039151                     expiration   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1118 0001564590-21-039151                        exposed   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1119 0001564590-21-039151                       extended   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1120 0001564590-21-039151                      extensive   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1121 0001564590-21-039151                       external   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1122 0001564590-21-039151                           firm   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1123 0001564590-21-039151                         formal   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1124 0001564590-21-039151                         gamers   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1125 0001564590-21-039151                    geographies   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1126 0001564590-21-039151                       globally   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1127 0001564590-21-039151                           goal   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1128 0001564590-21-039151                   governmental   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1129 0001564590-21-039151                    governments   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1130 0001564590-21-039151                        granted   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1131 0001564590-21-039151                        growing   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1132 0001564590-21-039151                         hedges   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1133 0001564590-21-039151                     historical   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1134 0001564590-21-039151                          hogan   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1135 0001564590-21-039151                        holding   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1136 0001564590-21-039151                         hosted   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1137 0001564590-21-039151                        hosting   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1138 0001564590-21-039151                          hours   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1139 0001564590-21-039151                     identified   4 21171 1.889377e-04
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1143 0001564590-21-039151                   institutions   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1144 0001564590-21-039151                       investee   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1145 0001564590-21-039151                       investor   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1146 0001564590-21-039151                       invoiced   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1147 0001564590-21-039151                        january   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1148 0001564590-21-039151                      judgments   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1149 0001564590-21-039151                      knowledge   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1150 0001564590-21-039151                        leaders   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1151 0001564590-21-039151                          learn   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1152 0001564590-21-039151                         levels   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1153 0001564590-21-039151                         liquid   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1154 0001564590-21-039151                     litigation   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1155 0001564590-21-039151                            llc   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1156 0001564590-21-039151                        located   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1157 0001564590-21-039151                        managed   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1158 0001564590-21-039151                    manufacture   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1159 0001564590-21-039151                       maturity   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1160 0001564590-21-039151                             md   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1161 0001564590-21-039151                        meeting   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1162 0001564590-21-039151                         member   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1163 0001564590-21-039151                         misuse   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1164 0001564590-21-039151                            mix   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1165 0001564590-21-039151                          mixed   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1166 0001564590-21-039151                        monitor   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1167 0001564590-21-039151                        monthly   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1168 0001564590-21-039151                       negative   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1169 0001564590-21-039151                       networks   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1170 0001564590-21-039151                       november   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1171 0001564590-21-039151                       nuance’s   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1172 0001564590-21-039151                        offices   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1173 0001564590-21-039151                       optional   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1174 0001564590-21-039151                        outlets   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1175 0001564590-21-039151                       outlines   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1176 0001564590-21-039151                      oversight   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1177 0001564590-21-039151                        pattern   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1178 0001564590-21-039151                     performing   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1179 0001564590-21-039151                       periodic   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1180 0001564590-21-039151                         person   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1181 0001564590-21-039151                         planet   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1182 0001564590-21-039151                           play   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1183 0001564590-21-039151                       powerful   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1184 0001564590-21-039151                    preparation   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1185 0001564590-21-039151                       prepared   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1186 0001564590-21-039151                         priced   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1187 0001564590-21-039151                        primary   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1188 0001564590-21-039151                    proceedings   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1189 0001564590-21-039151                      producing   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1190 0001564590-21-039151                       projects   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1191 0001564590-21-039151                     properties   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1192 0001564590-21-039151                           psus   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1193 0001564590-21-039151                       publicly   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1194 0001564590-21-039151                        ranging   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1195 0001564590-21-039151                          rapid   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1196 0001564590-21-039151                        reality   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1197 0001564590-21-039151                     realizable   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1198 0001564590-21-039151                        records   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1199 0001564590-21-039151                        redmond   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1200 0001564590-21-039151                       reducing   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1201 0001564590-21-039151                     reductions   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1202 0001564590-21-039151                   relationship   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1203 0001564590-21-039151                       released   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1204 0001564590-21-039151                       resource   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1205 0001564590-21-039151                       response   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1206 0001564590-21-039151                       restrict   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1207 0001564590-21-039151                      royalties   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1208 0001564590-21-039151                            run   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1209 0001564590-21-039151                        satisfy   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1210 0001564590-21-039151                       scrutiny   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1211 0001564590-21-039151                        servers   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1212 0001564590-21-039151                          shows   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1213 0001564590-21-039151                      singapore   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1214 0001564590-21-039151                          sizes   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1215 0001564590-21-039151                    specialized   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1216 0001564590-21-039151                          spend   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1217 0001564590-21-039151                      sponsored   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1218 0001564590-21-039151                            sql   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1219 0001564590-21-039151                         square   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1220 0001564590-21-039151                         stated   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1221 0001564590-21-039151                       straight   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1222 0001564590-21-039151                   subsidiaries   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1223 0001564590-21-039151                     subsidiary   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1224 0001564590-21-039151                         tables   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1225 0001564590-21-039151                        tablets   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1226 0001564590-21-039151                         taking   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1227 0001564590-21-039151                      terminate   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1228 0001564590-21-039151                           test   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1229 0001564590-21-039151                          times   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1230 0001564590-21-039151                         touche   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1231 0001564590-21-039151                        trading   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1232 0001564590-21-039151                        trusted   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1233 0001564590-21-039151                         unable   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1234 0001564590-21-039151                    unavailable   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1235 0001564590-21-039151                     underlying   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1236 0001564590-21-039151                    undertaking   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1237 0001564590-21-039151                         unique   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1238 0001564590-21-039151                         unlock   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1239 0001564590-21-039151                        utility   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1240 0001564590-21-039151                        vesting   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1241 0001564590-21-039151                          video   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1242 0001564590-21-039151                          virus   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1243 0001564590-21-039151                     warranties   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1244 0001564590-21-039151                       websites   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1245 0001564590-21-039151                        workers   4 21171 1.889377e-04
1246 0001564590-21-039151                            1.0   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1247 0001564590-21-039151                            1.3   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1248 0001564590-21-039151                            1.4   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1249 0001564590-21-039151                            1.7   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1250 0001564590-21-039151                             13   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1251 0001564590-21-039151                            2.6   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1252 0001564590-21-039151                           2030   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1253 0001564590-21-039151                             25   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1254 0001564590-21-039151                            4.4   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1255 0001564590-21-039151                           40.0   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1256 0001564590-21-039151                            620   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1257 0001564590-21-039151                            8.1   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1258 0001564590-21-039151                             86   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1259 0001564590-21-039151                              9   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1260 0001564590-21-039151                    accelerated   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1261 0001564590-21-039151                  accessibility   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1262 0001564590-21-039151                    accessories   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1263 0001564590-21-039151                    accumulated   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1264 0001564590-21-039151                         actors   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1265 0001564590-21-039151                          adapt   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1266 0001564590-21-039151                            add   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1267 0001564590-21-039151                          added   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1268 0001564590-21-039151                        adopted   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1269 0001564590-21-039151                         agreed   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1270 0001564590-21-039151                         allege   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1271 0001564590-21-039151                       allocate   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1272 0001564590-21-039151                    alternative   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1273 0001564590-21-039151                        althoff   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1274 0001564590-21-039151                         appeal   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1275 0001564590-21-039151                        appears   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1276 0001564590-21-039151                           area   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1277 0001564590-21-039151                    arrangement   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1278 0001564590-21-039151                     artificial   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1279 0001564590-21-039151                         assert   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1280 0001564590-21-039151                      assessing   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1281 0001564590-21-039151                       assigned   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1282 0001564590-21-039151                     assistance   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1283 0001564590-21-039151                        assumed   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1284 0001564590-21-039151                       audience   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1285 0001564590-21-039151                      audiences   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1286 0001564590-21-039151                        auditor   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1287 0001564590-21-039151                      australia   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1288 0001564590-21-039151                     authorized   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1289 0001564590-21-039151                          basic   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1290 0001564590-21-039151                      benefited   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1291 0001564590-21-039151                       breaches   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1292 0001564590-21-039151                        broadly   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1293 0001564590-21-039151                       browsing   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1294 0001564590-21-039151                             ca   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1295 0001564590-21-039151                         canada   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1296 0001564590-21-039151                       captions   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1297 0001564590-21-039151                           care   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1298 0001564590-21-039151                           case   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1299 0001564590-21-039151                   catastrophic   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1300 0001564590-21-039151                       category   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1301 0001564590-21-039151                      causation   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1302 0001564590-21-039151                         center   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1303 0001564590-21-039151                      challenge   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1304 0001564590-21-039151                    challenging   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1305 0001564590-21-039151                        charges   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1306 0001564590-21-039151                        china’s   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1307 0001564590-21-039151                          claim   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1308 0001564590-21-039151                        collect   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1309 0001564590-21-039151                   communicated   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1310 0001564590-21-039151                     completion   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1311 0001564590-21-039151                     complexity   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1312 0001564590-21-039151                        compute   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1313 0001564590-21-039151                       computed   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1314 0001564590-21-039151                      concluded   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1315 0001564590-21-039151                   confidential   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1316 0001564590-21-039151                    conjunction   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1317 0001564590-21-039151                      connected   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1318 0001564590-21-039151                   connectivity   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1319 0001564590-21-039151                      considers   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1320 0001564590-21-039151                    consistency   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1321 0001564590-21-039151                     continuing   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1322 0001564590-21-039151                     continuous   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1323 0001564590-21-039151                    contractual   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1324 0001564590-21-039151                        convert   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1325 0001564590-21-039151                    coordinated   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1326 0001564590-21-039151                        copying   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1327 0001564590-21-039151                      correlate   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1328 0001564590-21-039151                        corrupt   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1329 0001564590-21-039151                        counsel   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1330 0001564590-21-039151                        creates   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1331 0001564590-21-039151                       criteria   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1332 0001564590-21-039151                           cuts   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1333 0001564590-21-039151                  cybersecurity   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1334 0001564590-21-039151                        damaged   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1335 0001564590-21-039151                          dated   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1336 0001564590-21-039151                            day   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1337 0001564590-21-039151                       declared   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1338 0001564590-21-039151                      designing   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1339 0001564590-21-039151                       detailed   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1340 0001564590-21-039151                    deteriorate   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1341 0001564590-21-039151                   developments   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1342 0001564590-21-039151                 differentiated   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1343 0001564590-21-039151                       dilutive   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1344 0001564590-21-039151                       discount   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1345 0001564590-21-039151                       disputes   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1346 0001564590-21-039151                     disruptive   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1347 0001564590-21-039151                   domestically   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1348 0001564590-21-039151                           easy   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1349 0001564590-21-039151                    efficiently   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1350 0001564590-21-039151                      eliminate   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1351 0001564590-21-039151                     employment   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1352 0001564590-21-039151                        enacted   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1353 0001564590-21-039151                       engineer   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1354 0001564590-21-039151                       enhanced   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1355 0001564590-21-039151                     estimation   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1356 0001564590-21-039151                     excellence   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1357 0001564590-21-039151                       excludes   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1358 0001564590-21-039151                         exists   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1359 0001564590-21-039151                         expand   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1360 0001564590-21-039151                       expanded   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1361 0001564590-21-039151                   expectations   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1362 0001564590-21-039151                    experienced   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1363 0001564590-21-039151                         expire   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1364 0001564590-21-039151                         export   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1365 0001564590-21-039151                        express   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1366 0001564590-21-039151                         extend   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1367 0001564590-21-039151                       facebook   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1368 0001564590-21-039151                          faces   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1369 0001564590-21-039151                         fairly   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1370 0001564590-21-039151                         family   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1371 0001564590-21-039151                      favorably   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1372 0001564590-21-039151                            fcc   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1373 0001564590-21-039151                           fcpa   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1374 0001564590-21-039151                       features   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1375 0001564590-21-039151                           fees   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1376 0001564590-21-039151                           feet   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1377 0001564590-21-039151                           file   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1378 0001564590-21-039151                        finally   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1379 0001564590-21-039151                       flexible   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1380 0001564590-21-039151                        focused   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1381 0001564590-21-039151                     forecasted   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1382 0001564590-21-039151                          found   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1383 0001564590-21-039151                        freedom   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1384 0001564590-21-039151                           fund   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1385 0001564590-21-039151                           gain   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1386 0001564590-21-039151                        germany   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1387 0001564590-21-039151                          goals   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1388 0001564590-21-039151                       handsets   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1389 0001564590-21-039151                   headquarters   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1390 0001564590-21-039151                        helping   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1391 0001564590-21-039151                        hewlett   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1392 0001564590-21-039151                         hinder   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1393 0001564590-21-039151                           hire   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1394 0001564590-21-039151                   historically   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1395 0001564590-21-039151                       identify   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1396 0001564590-21-039151                     immaterial   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1397 0001564590-21-039151                      impacting   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1398 0001564590-21-039151                         impair   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1399 0001564590-21-039151                      implement   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1400 0001564590-21-039151                      improving   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1401 0001564590-21-039151                      incentive   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1402 0001564590-21-039151                      inception   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1403 0001564590-21-039151                     indicators   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1404 0001564590-21-039151                   individually   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1405 0001564590-21-039151                     industries   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1406 0001564590-21-039151                     initiative   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1407 0001564590-21-039151                    initiatives   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1408 0001564590-21-039151                       innovate   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1409 0001564590-21-039151                     innovative   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1410 0001564590-21-039151                      inquiries   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1411 0001564590-21-039151                interdependency   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1412 0001564590-21-039151                      interface   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1413 0001564590-21-039151                     interfaces   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1414 0001564590-21-039151                      investing   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1415 0001564590-21-039151                        involve   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1416 0001564590-21-039151                       issuance   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1417 0001564590-21-039151                        issuers   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1418 0001564590-21-039151                          japan   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1419 0001564590-21-039151                         joined   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1420 0001564590-21-039151                        joining   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1421 0001564590-21-039151                        justice   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1422 0001564590-21-039151                         launch   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1423 0001564590-21-039151                     leadership   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1424 0001564590-21-039151                        leading   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1425 0001564590-21-039151                      leasehold   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1426 0001564590-21-039151                       leverage   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1427 0001564590-21-039151                      licensees   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1428 0001564590-21-039151                            llp   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1429 0001564590-21-039151                   localization   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1430 0001564590-21-039151                           main   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1431 0001564590-21-039151                       majority   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1432 0001564590-21-039151                      malicious   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1433 0001564590-21-039151                        malware   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1434 0001564590-21-039151                   management's   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1435 0001564590-21-039151                        manager   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1436 0001564590-21-039151                         manner   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1437 0001564590-21-039151                   manufactured   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1438 0001564590-21-039151                         matter   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1439 0001564590-21-039151                       maximize   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1440 0001564590-21-039151                          means   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1441 0001564590-21-039151                    measurement   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1442 0001564590-21-039151                        methods   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1443 0001564590-21-039151                     middleware   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1444 0001564590-21-039151                   misstatement   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1445 0001564590-21-039151                       mobility   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1446 0001564590-21-039151                  modifications   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1447 0001564590-21-039151                   monetization   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1448 0001564590-21-039151                      monitored   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1449 0001564590-21-039151                          month   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1450 0001564590-21-039151                        motions   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1451 0001564590-21-039151                        nadella   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1452 0001564590-21-039151                     networking   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1453 0001564590-21-039151                       nobelium   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1454 0001564590-21-039151                      obtaining   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1455 0001564590-21-039151                         occurs   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1456 0001564590-21-039151                        october   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1457 0001564590-21-039151                       officers   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1458 0001564590-21-039151                       original   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1459 0001564590-21-039151                        packard   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1460 0001564590-21-039151                         parent   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1461 0001564590-21-039151                   partnerships   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1462 0001564590-21-039151                          parts   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1463 0001564590-21-039151                           past   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1464 0001564590-21-039151                        patches   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1465 0001564590-21-039151                        payable   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1466 0001564590-21-039151                    perceptions   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1467 0001564590-21-039151                   periodically   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1468 0001564590-21-039151                          phase   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1469 0001564590-21-039151                         portal   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1470 0001564590-21-039151                     positioned   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1471 0001564590-21-039151                    potentially   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1472 0001564590-21-039151                      preparing   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1473 0001564590-21-039151                     preventing   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1474 0001564590-21-039151                       probable   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1475 0001564590-21-039151                       problems   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1476 0001564590-21-039151                    programming   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1477 0001564590-21-039151                       prohibit   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1478 0001564590-21-039151                        project   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1479 0001564590-21-039151                    projections   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1480 0001564590-21-039151                       proposed   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1481 0001564590-21-039151                      protected   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1482 0001564590-21-039151                      protocols   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1483 0001564590-21-039151                          pulse   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1484 0001564590-21-039151                       pursuant   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1485 0001564590-21-039151                        qualify   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1486 0001564590-21-039151                   quantitative   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1487 0001564590-21-039151                        reached   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1488 0001564590-21-039151                        realize   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1489 0001564590-21-039151                      recession   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1490 0001564590-21-039151                        recruit   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1491 0001564590-21-039151                     recruiting   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1492 0001564590-21-039151                       referred   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1493 0001564590-21-039151                     regulation   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1494 0001564590-21-039151                      relations   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1495 0001564590-21-039151                        release   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1496 0001564590-21-039151                       releases   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1497 0001564590-21-039151                       reliable   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1498 0001564590-21-039151                           rely   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1499 0001564590-21-039151                   representing   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1500 0001564590-21-039151                       resolved   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1501 0001564590-21-039151                       respects   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1502 0001564590-21-039151                        reviews   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1503 0001564590-21-039151                           role   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1504 0001564590-21-039151                          roles   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1505 0001564590-21-039151                        royalty   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1506 0001564590-21-039151                           rsus   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1507 0001564590-21-039151                           samr   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1508 0001564590-21-039151                            sap   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1509 0001564590-21-039151                   satisfaction   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1510 0001564590-21-039151                      scenarios   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1511 0001564590-21-039151                        science   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1512 0001564590-21-039151                          scope   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1513 0001564590-21-039151                        sensors   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1514 0001564590-21-039151                       settings   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1515 0001564590-21-039151                         settle   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1516 0001564590-21-039151                      shortages   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1517 0001564590-21-039151                        skilled   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1518 0001564590-21-039151                          smith   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1519 0001564590-21-039151                      softworks   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1520 0001564590-21-039151                     solorigate   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1521 0001564590-21-039151                  sophisticated   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1522 0001564590-21-039151                       sourcing   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1523 0001564590-21-039151                       spectrum   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1524 0001564590-21-039151                     sponsoring   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1525 0001564590-21-039151                     standalone   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1526 0001564590-21-039151                           stay   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1527 0001564590-21-039151                   stockholders   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1528 0001564590-21-039151                           stop   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1529 0001564590-21-039151                         strong   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1530 0001564590-21-039151                         studio   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1531 0001564590-21-039151                        studios   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1532 0001564590-21-039151                     subsequent   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1533 0001564590-21-039151                        succeed   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1534 0001564590-21-039151                       superior   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1535 0001564590-21-039151                         survey   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1536 0001564590-21-039151                        surveys   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1537 0001564590-21-039151                      sustained   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1538 0001564590-21-039151                           swap   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1539 0001564590-21-039151                       talented   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1540 0001564590-21-039151                           team   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1541 0001564590-21-039151             telecommunications   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1542 0001564590-21-039151                      temporary   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1543 0001564590-21-039151                            ten   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1544 0001564590-21-039151                      terrorist   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1545 0001564590-21-039151                          tests   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1546 0001564590-21-039151                            top   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1547 0001564590-21-039151                        traffic   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1548 0001564590-21-039151                      transform   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1549 0001564590-21-039151                      translate   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1550 0001564590-21-039151                   transparency   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1551 0001564590-21-039151                       treadway   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1552 0001564590-21-039151                       ultimate   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1553 0001564590-21-039151                     understand   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1554 0001564590-21-039151                        unified   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1555 0001564590-21-039151                       uniquely   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1556 0001564590-21-039151                     unrealized   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1557 0001564590-21-039151                   unrecognized   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1558 0001564590-21-039151                      unsecured   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1559 0001564590-21-039151                        updated   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1560 0001564590-21-039151                       upgrades   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1561 0001564590-21-039151                         valued   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1562 0001564590-21-039151                       ventures   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1563 0001564590-21-039151                           vest   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1564 0001564590-21-039151                           view   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1565 0001564590-21-039151                         vision   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1566 0001564590-21-039151                          voice   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1567 0001564590-21-039151                         waiver   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1568 0001564590-21-039151                          women   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1569 0001564590-21-039151                      workloads   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1570 0001564590-21-039151                        written   3 21171 1.417033e-04
1571 0001564590-21-039151       3 21171 1.417033e-04
1572 0001564590-21-039151                           0.30   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1573 0001564590-21-039151                            1.5   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1574 0001564590-21-039151                            100   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1575 0001564590-21-039151                           12.0   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1576 0001564590-21-039151                           12.5   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1577 0001564590-21-039151                           13.4   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1578 0001564590-21-039151                           1975   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1579 0001564590-21-039151                            2.3   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1580 0001564590-21-039151                            2.4   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1581 0001564590-21-039151                           2003   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1582 0001564590-21-039151                           2007   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1583 0001564590-21-039151                           2015   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1584 0001564590-21-039151                           2026   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1585 0001564590-21-039151                             22   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1586 0001564590-21-039151                             23   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1587 0001564590-21-039151                             26   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1588 0001564590-21-039151                             29   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1589 0001564590-21-039151                            3.3   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1590 0001564590-21-039151                            3.4   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1591 0001564590-21-039151                             31   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1592 0001564590-21-039151                            399   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1593 0001564590-21-039151                            5.2   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1594 0001564590-21-039151                          56.00   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1595 0001564590-21-039151                            7.5   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1596 0001564590-21-039151                            768   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1597 0001564590-21-039151                            8.7   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1598 0001564590-21-039151                             82   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1599 0001564590-21-039151                             88   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1600 0001564590-21-039151                             90   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1601 0001564590-21-039151                     accessible   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1602 0001564590-21-039151                     accurately   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1603 0001564590-21-039151                       actively   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1604 0001564590-21-039151                      additions   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1605 0001564590-21-039151                     adequately   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1606 0001564590-21-039151                         adjust   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1607 0001564590-21-039151                 administration   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1608 0001564590-21-039151                          adopt   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1609 0001564590-21-039151                       adopting   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1610 0001564590-21-039151                    advertisers   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1611 0001564590-21-039151                       advisors   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1612 0001564590-21-039151                       advocacy   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1613 0001564590-21-039151                        affects   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1614 0001564590-21-039151                       agencies   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1615 0001564590-21-039151                         agency   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1616 0001564590-21-039151                  2 21171 9.446885e-05
1617 0001564590-21-039151                          align   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1618 0001564590-21-039151                        alleged   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1619 0001564590-21-039151                      alliances   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1620 0001564590-21-039151                          alter   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1621 0001564590-21-039151                         amazon   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1622 0001564590-21-039151                      ambitions   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1623 0001564590-21-039151                       analyses   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1624 0001564590-21-039151                        applied   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1625 0001564590-21-039151                      approvals   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1626 0001564590-21-039151                    approximate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1627 0001564590-21-039151                   architecture   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1628 0001564590-21-039151                          arise   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1629 0001564590-21-039151                            art   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1630 0001564590-21-039151                    assessments   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1631 0001564590-21-039151                     assignment   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1632 0001564590-21-039151                      attackers   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1633 0001564590-21-039151                     attracting   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1634 0001564590-21-039151                     attractive   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1635 0001564590-21-039151                   attributable   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1636 0001564590-21-039151                     attributes   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1637 0001564590-21-039151                       auditors   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1638 0001564590-21-039151                     australian   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1639 0001564590-21-039151                      authentic   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1640 0001564590-21-039151                    authorizing   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1641 0001564590-21-039151                       automate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1642 0001564590-21-039151                         backed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1643 0001564590-21-039151                    backgrounds   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1644 0001564590-21-039151                            bad   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1645 0001564590-21-039151                       balances   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1646 0001564590-21-039151                     beneficial   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1647 0001564590-21-039151                         billed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1648 0001564590-21-039151                          bonds   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1649 0001564590-21-039151                      borrowing   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1650 0001564590-21-039151                     boundaries   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1651 0001564590-21-039151                  breakthroughs   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1652 0001564590-21-039151                          bring   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1653 0001564590-21-039151                        broader   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1654 0001564590-21-039151                        brought   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1655 0001564590-21-039151                      buildings   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1656 0001564590-21-039151                         builds   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1657 0001564590-21-039151                            buy   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1658 0001564590-21-039151                     calculated   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1659 0001564590-21-039151                   calculations   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1660 0001564590-21-039151                     california   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1661 0001564590-21-039151                      capossela   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1662 0001564590-21-039151                        caption   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1663 0001564590-21-039151                         career   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1664 0001564590-21-039151                          cares   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1665 0001564590-21-039151                          carry   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1666 0001564590-21-039151                       cellular   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1667 0001564590-21-039151                         centre   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1668 0001564590-21-039151                  certification   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1669 0001564590-21-039151                      certified   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1670 0001564590-21-039151                           chat   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1671 0001564590-21-039151                          cisco   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1672 0001564590-21-039151                          civil   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1673 0001564590-21-039151                          class   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1674 0001564590-21-039151                        classes   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1675 0001564590-21-039151                         client   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1676 0001564590-21-039151                        closely   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1677 0001564590-21-039151                    collaborate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1678 0001564590-21-039151                     collateral   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1679 0001564590-21-039151                    collections   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1680 0001564590-21-039151                   collectively   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1681 0001564590-21-039151                   combinations   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1682 0001564590-21-039151                         coming   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1683 0001564590-21-039151                       commands   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1684 0001564590-21-039151                   commencement   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1685 0001564590-21-039151                   commissioner   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1686 0001564590-21-039151                  communicating   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1687 0001564590-21-039151                  compatibility   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1688 0001564590-21-039151                     compelling   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1689 0001564590-21-039151                competitiveness   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1690 0001564590-21-039151                    compromised   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1691 0001564590-21-039151                  computational   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1692 0001564590-21-039151                       conflict   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1693 0001564590-21-039151                     conformity   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1694 0001564590-21-039151                     connecting   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1695 0001564590-21-039151                 considerations   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1696 0001564590-21-039151                    constraints   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1697 0001564590-21-039151                      contained   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1698 0001564590-21-039151                   continuously   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1699 0001564590-21-039151                   contribution   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1700 0001564590-21-039151                  controversial   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1701 0001564590-21-039151                        conveys   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1702 0001564590-21-039151                      cooperate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1703 0001564590-21-039151                           coso   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1704 0001564590-21-039151                        counter   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1705 0001564590-21-039151                   counterparts   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1706 0001564590-21-039151                        courses   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1707 0001564590-21-039151                         courts   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1708 0001564590-21-039151                          cover   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1709 0001564590-21-039151                        covered   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1710 0001564590-21-039151                       covering   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1711 0001564590-21-039151                        created   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1712 0001564590-21-039151                     creativity   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1713 0001564590-21-039151                       creators   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1714 0001564590-21-039151                        curated   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1715 0001564590-21-039151                      customary   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1716 0001564590-21-039151                   cyberthreats   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1717 0001564590-21-039151                         dating   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1718 0001564590-21-039151                       declines   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1719 0001564590-21-039151                     deductible   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1720 0001564590-21-039151                         defend   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1721 0001564590-21-039151                       defining   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1722 0001564590-21-039151                          delay   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1723 0001564590-21-039151                        demands   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1724 0001564590-21-039151                     department   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1725 0001564590-21-039151                     deployment   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1726 0001564590-21-039151                    depreciated   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1727 0001564590-21-039151                         detail   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1728 0001564590-21-039151                        details   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1729 0001564590-21-039151                       detected   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1730 0001564590-21-039151                      detection   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1731 0001564590-21-039151                         devote   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1732 0001564590-21-039151                      digitized   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1733 0001564590-21-039151                       diminish   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1734 0001564590-21-039151                       disagree   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1735 0001564590-21-039151                      disclosed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1736 0001564590-21-039151                       discover   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1737 0001564590-21-039151                       disposal   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1738 0001564590-21-039151                   dispositions   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1739 0001564590-21-039151                        disrupt   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1740 0001564590-21-039151                    disseminate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1741 0001564590-21-039151                      diversion   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1742 0001564590-21-039151                            doj   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1743 0001564590-21-039151                        driving   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1744 0001564590-21-039151                       duration   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1745 0001564590-21-039151                         earned   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1746 0001564590-21-039151                         easily   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1747 0001564590-21-039151                        educate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1748 0001564590-21-039151                    educational   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1749 0001564590-21-039151                          elect   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1750 0001564590-21-039151                        element   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1751 0001564590-21-039151                    eliminating   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1752 0001564590-21-039151                          email   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1753 0001564590-21-039151                       emission   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1754 0001564590-21-039151                      emissions   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1755 0001564590-21-039151                       employed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1756 0001564590-21-039151                       employer   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1757 0001564590-21-039151                     empowering   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1758 0001564590-21-039151                       empowers   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1759 0001564590-21-039151                        enabled   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1760 0001564590-21-039151                         energy   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1761 0001564590-21-039151                         entire   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1762 0001564590-21-039151                            era   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1763 0001564590-21-039151                          error   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1764 0001564590-21-039151                      essential   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1765 0001564590-21-039151                   establishing   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1766 0001564590-21-039151                      estimable   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1767 0001564590-21-039151                         ethnic   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1768 0001564590-21-039151                      evolution   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1769 0001564590-21-039151                       examples   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1770 0001564590-21-039151                        exceeds   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1771 0001564590-21-039151                         excess   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1772 0001564590-21-039151                      excluding   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1773 0001564590-21-039151                         exempt   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1774 0001564590-21-039151                      expansion   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1775 0001564590-21-039151                      expedient   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1776 0001564590-21-039151                       expensed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1777 0001564590-21-039151                        expired   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1778 0001564590-21-039151                     exploiting   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1779 0001564590-21-039151                      expressed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1780 0001564590-21-039151                       failures   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1781 0001564590-21-039151                           fasb   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1782 0001564590-21-039151                        feature   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1783 0001564590-21-039151                          field   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1784 0001564590-21-039151                           find   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1785 0001564590-21-039151                         flawed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1786 0001564590-21-039151                   fluctuations   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1787 0001564590-21-039151                      footprint   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1788 0001564590-21-039151                          force   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1789 0001564590-21-039151                      forecasts   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1790 0001564590-21-039151                        formats   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1791 0001564590-21-039151                         france   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1792 0001564590-21-039151                          fraud   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1793 0001564590-21-039151                       frequent   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1794 0001564590-21-039151                          fully   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1795 0001564590-21-039151                        funding   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1796 0001564590-21-039151                          funds   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1797 0001564590-21-039151                        futures   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1798 0001564590-21-039151                        gaining   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1799 0001564590-21-039151                         gather   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1800 0001564590-21-039151                      generated   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1801 0001564590-21-039151                     generation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1802 0001564590-21-039151                          gilti   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1803 0001564590-21-039151                         giving   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1804 0001564590-21-039151                          globe   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1805 0001564590-21-039151                     governance   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1806 0001564590-21-039151                          graph   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1807 0001564590-21-039151                          great   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1808 0001564590-21-039151                           hand   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1809 0001564590-21-039151                        harmful   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1810 0001564590-21-039151                     healthcare   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1811 0001564590-21-039151                      hierarchy   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1812 0001564590-21-039151                         holder   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1813 0001564590-21-039151                           host   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1814 0001564590-21-039151                        hostile   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1815 0001564590-21-039151                            hub   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1816 0001564590-21-039151                          ideas   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1817 0001564590-21-039151                      identical   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1818 0001564590-21-039151                 identification   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1819 0001564590-21-039151                        illegal   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1820 0001564590-21-039151                      immersive   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1821 0001564590-21-039151                    immigration   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1822 0001564590-21-039151                         impede   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1823 0001564590-21-039151                       implicit   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1824 0001564590-21-039151                        imposes   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1825 0001564590-21-039151                       improper   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1826 0001564590-21-039151                    improvement   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1827 0001564590-21-039151                  inappropriate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1828 0001564590-21-039151                   inconsistent   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1829 0001564590-21-039151                    incorporate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1830 0001564590-21-039151                  incorporating   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1831 0001564590-21-039151                    incremental   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1832 0001564590-21-039151                indemnification   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1833 0001564590-21-039151                   independence   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1834 0001564590-21-039151                     indirectly   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1835 0001564590-21-039151                       inequity   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1836 0001564590-21-039151                      inflation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1837 0001564590-21-039151                      influence   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1838 0001564590-21-039151                         inform   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1839 0001564590-21-039151                       informed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1840 0001564590-21-039151                       infringe   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1841 0001564590-21-039151                   infringement   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1842 0001564590-21-039151                      ingenuity   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1843 0001564590-21-039151                        inhibit   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1844 0001564590-21-039151                     injunctive   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1845 0001564590-21-039151                    innovations   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1846 0001564590-21-039151                          input   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1847 0001564590-21-039151                    instability   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1848 0001564590-21-039151                       instance   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1849 0001564590-21-039151                     instrument   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1850 0001564590-21-039151                   insufficient   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1851 0001564590-21-039151                    integrating   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1852 0001564590-21-039151                    integrators   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1853 0001564590-21-039151                         intent   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1854 0001564590-21-039151                       interact   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1855 0001564590-21-039151                 interconnected   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1856 0001564590-21-039151               interoperability   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1857 0001564590-21-039151                interpretations   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1858 0001564590-21-039151                  interrelation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1859 0001564590-21-039151                      introduce   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1860 0001564590-21-039151                     introduced   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1861 0001564590-21-039151                        invoice   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1862 0001564590-21-039151                       involved   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1863 0001564590-21-039151                       involves   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1864 0001564590-21-039151                      involving   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1865 0001564590-21-039151                         israel   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1866 0001564590-21-039151                          issue   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1867 0001564590-21-039151                       japanese   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1868 0001564590-21-039151                           java   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1869 0001564590-21-039151                          joint   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1870 0001564590-21-039151                   jurisdiction   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1871 0001564590-21-039151                        kingdom   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1872 0001564590-21-039151                          korea   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1873 0001564590-21-039151                           land   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1874 0001564590-21-039151                         laptop   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1875 0001564590-21-039151                         larger   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1876 0001564590-21-039151                         latest   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1877 0001564590-21-039151                          layer   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1878 0001564590-21-039151                         leader   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1879 0001564590-21-039151                         leased   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1880 0001564590-21-039151                            led   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1881 0001564590-21-039151                        library   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1882 0001564590-21-039151                      lifecycle   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1883 0001564590-21-039151                     likelihood   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1884 0001564590-21-039151                          lines   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1885 0001564590-21-039151                     linkedin’s   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1886 0001564590-21-039151                          lived   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1887 0001564590-21-039151                       location   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1888 0001564590-21-039151                           lose   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1889 0001564590-21-039151                           lsps   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1890 0001564590-21-039151                      magnifies   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1891 0001564590-21-039151                     maintained   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1892 0001564590-21-039151                    maintenance   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1893 0001564590-21-039151                          makes   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1894 0001564590-21-039151                     manipulate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1895 0001564590-21-039151                   marketplaces   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1896 0001564590-21-039151                      materials   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1897 0001564590-21-039151                         mcafee   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1898 0001564590-21-039151                        measure   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1899 0001564590-21-039151                      measuring   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1900 0001564590-21-039151                          meets   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1901 0001564590-21-039151                            men   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1902 0001564590-21-039151                      messaging   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1903 0001564590-21-039151                         metric   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1904 0001564590-21-039151                         middle   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1905 0001564590-21-039151                       military   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1906 0001564590-21-039151                       minority   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1907 0001564590-21-039151                     moderation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1908 0001564590-21-039151                       monetize   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1909 0001564590-21-039151                          money   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1910 0001564590-21-039151                       monopoly   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1911 0001564590-21-039151                          moved   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1912 0001564590-21-039151                       movement   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1913 0001564590-21-039151                  multinational   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1914 0001564590-21-039151                      multitude   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1915 0001564590-21-039151                          named   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1916 0001564590-21-039151                         nation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1917 0001564590-21-039151                       national   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1918 0001564590-21-039151                        natural   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1919 0001564590-21-039151                       navigate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1920 0001564590-21-039151                         needed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1921 0001564590-21-039151                    netherlands   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1922 0001564590-21-039151                   noncompliant   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1923 0001564590-21-039151                            npa   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1924 0001564590-21-039151                     occurrence   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1925 0001564590-21-039151                        offline   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1926 0001564590-21-039151                           okta   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1927 0001564590-21-039151                     onboarding   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1928 0001564590-21-039151                       onedrive   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1929 0001564590-21-039151                        ontario   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1930 0001564590-21-039151                       operated   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1931 0001564590-21-039151                      operation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1932 0001564590-21-039151                      operators   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1933 0001564590-21-039151                       opinions   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1934 0001564590-21-039151                       oriented   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1935 0001564590-21-039151                        outages   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1936 0001564590-21-039151                        outlook   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1937 0001564590-21-039151             2 21171 9.446885e-05
1938 0001564590-21-039151                       overhead   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1939 0001564590-21-039151                           pace   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1940 0001564590-21-039151                        package   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1941 0001564590-21-039151                       packaged   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1942 0001564590-21-039151                  participation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1943 0001564590-21-039151                           pass   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1944 0001564590-21-039151                      passwords   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1945 0001564590-21-039151                       patented   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1946 0001564590-21-039151                       patterns   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1947 0001564590-21-039151                        pending   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1948 0001564590-21-039151                      perceived   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1949 0001564590-21-039151                         permit   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1950 0001564590-21-039151                        persist   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1951 0001564590-21-039151                            php   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1952 0001564590-21-039151                         piracy   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1953 0001564590-21-039151                          place   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1954 0001564590-21-039151                         places   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1955 0001564590-21-039151                         points   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1956 0001564590-21-039151                           poll   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1957 0001564590-21-039151                           pose   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1958 0001564590-21-039151                    possibility   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1959 0001564590-21-039151                          pound   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1960 0001564590-21-039151                      practical   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1961 0001564590-21-039151                       practice   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1962 0001564590-21-039151                        predict   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1963 0001564590-21-039151                  predominantly   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1964 0001564590-21-039151                    preliminary   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1965 0001564590-21-039151                   presentation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1966 0001564590-21-039151                       pressure   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1967 0001564590-21-039151                      pressures   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1968 0001564590-21-039151                      prevented   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1969 0001564590-21-039151                       previous   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1970 0001564590-21-039151                      privately   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1971 0001564590-21-039151                            pro   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1972 0001564590-21-039151                    probability   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1973 0001564590-21-039151                     processing   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1974 0001564590-21-039151                        produce   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1975 0001564590-21-039151                       produced   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1976 0001564590-21-039151                     profitable   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1977 0001564590-21-039151                      projected   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1978 0001564590-21-039151                       promised   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1979 0001564590-21-039151                       promises   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1980 0001564590-21-039151                        promote   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1981 0001564590-21-039151                     promotions   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1982 0001564590-21-039151                     proofpoint   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1983 0001564590-21-039151                     protecting   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1984 0001564590-21-039151                    provisional   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1985 0001564590-21-039151                     publishers   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1986 0001564590-21-039151                            put   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1987 0001564590-21-039151                        putting   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1988 0001564590-21-039151                     quantities   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1989 0001564590-21-039151                      quarterly   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1990 0001564590-21-039151                         quebec   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1991 0001564590-21-039151                          radio   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1992 0001564590-21-039151                         reader   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1993 0001564590-21-039151                      realizing   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1994 0001564590-21-039151                         recast   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1995 0001564590-21-039151                       receipts   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1996 0001564590-21-039151                         recent   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1997 0001564590-21-039151                    reconciling   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1998 0001564590-21-039151                    recoverable   2 21171 9.446885e-05
1999 0001564590-21-039151                       recovery   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2000 0001564590-21-039151                     reflecting   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2001 0001564590-21-039151                     reflective   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2002 0001564590-21-039151                         reform   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2003 0001564590-21-039151                        refunds   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2004 0001564590-21-039151                        regions   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2005 0001564590-21-039151                       reliably   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2006 0001564590-21-039151                         relief   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2007 0001564590-21-039151                         relies   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2008 0001564590-21-039151                        remains   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2009 0001564590-21-039151                    remediation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2010 0001564590-21-039151                       remotely   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2011 0001564590-21-039151                         remove   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2012 0001564590-21-039151                       reopened   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2013 0001564590-21-039151                         repair   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2014 0001564590-21-039151                 representation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2015 0001564590-21-039151                       reseller   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2016 0001564590-21-039151                      reselling   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2017 0001564590-21-039151                      resolving   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2018 0001564590-21-039151                        respond   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2019 0001564590-21-039151               responsibilities   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2020 0001564590-21-039151                     restricted   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2021 0001564590-21-039151                       resulted   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2022 0001564590-21-039151                      retailers   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2023 0001564590-21-039151                      retaining   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2024 0001564590-21-039151                        rewards   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2025 0001564590-21-039151                        roadmap   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2026 0001564590-21-039151                           rule   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2027 0001564590-21-039151                          ruled   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2028 0001564590-21-039151                      scheduled   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2029 0001564590-21-039151                         school   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2030 0001564590-21-039151                     scientific   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2031 0001564590-21-039151                     scrutinize   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2032 0001564590-21-039151                         secret   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2033 0001564590-21-039151                      secretary   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2034 0001564590-21-039151                         select   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2035 0001564590-21-039151                       seminars   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2036 0001564590-21-039151                           sets   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2037 0001564590-21-039151                         shared   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2038 0001564590-21-039151                     sharepoint   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2039 0001564590-21-039151                        sharing   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2040 0001564590-21-039151                          sheet   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2041 0001564590-21-039151                        shortly   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2042 0001564590-21-039151                      similarly   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2043 0001564590-21-039151                         simple   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2044 0001564590-21-039151                     simplifies   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2045 0001564590-21-039151                    simplifying   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2046 0001564590-21-039151                     situations   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2047 0001564590-21-039151                          slack   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2048 0001564590-21-039151                        smaller   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2049 0001564590-21-039151                           snap   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2050 0001564590-21-039151                        society   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2051 0001564590-21-039151                           sole   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2052 0001564590-21-039151                         solely   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2053 0001564590-21-039151                 sophistication   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2054 0001564590-21-039151                        sources   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2055 0001564590-21-039151                       spanning   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2056 0001564590-21-039151                          spans   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2057 0001564590-21-039151                          speed   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2058 0001564590-21-039151                   stakeholders   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2059 0001564590-21-039151                       startups   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2060 0001564590-21-039151                          steps   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2061 0001564590-21-039151                    stockholder   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2062 0001564590-21-039151                         stores   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2063 0001564590-21-039151                 stratification   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2064 0001564590-21-039151                  strengthening   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2065 0001564590-21-039151                      structure   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2066 0001564590-21-039151                       students   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2067 0001564590-21-039151                     subjecting   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2068 0001564590-21-039151                     subjective   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2069 0001564590-21-039151                   subsequently   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2070 0001564590-21-039151                   successfully   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2071 0001564590-21-039151                          suite   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2072 0001564590-21-039151                     summarizes   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2073 0001564590-21-039151                       supports   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2074 0001564590-21-039151                       symantec   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2075 0001564590-21-039151                      synergies   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2076 0001564590-21-039151                     systematic   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2077 0001564590-21-039151                         taxing   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2078 0001564590-21-039151                       teamwork   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2079 0001564590-21-039151                     techniques   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2080 0001564590-21-039151                     telehealth   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2081 0001564590-21-039151                         tested   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2082 0001564590-21-039151                         titles   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2083 0001564590-21-039151                           tons   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2084 0001564590-21-039151                           tool   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2085 0001564590-21-039151                         topics   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2086 0001564590-21-039151                         traded   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2087 0001564590-21-039151                    traditional   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2088 0001564590-21-039151                    transferred   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2089 0001564590-21-039151                     translated   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2090 0001564590-21-039151                 transportation   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2091 0001564590-21-039151                         travel   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2092 0001564590-21-039151                      treatment   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2093 0001564590-21-039151                       troubled   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2094 0001564590-21-039151                           type   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2095 0001564590-21-039151                          types   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2096 0001564590-21-039151                        unclear   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2097 0001564590-21-039151                  understanding   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2098 0001564590-21-039151                      undertake   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2099 0001564590-21-039151                   unobservable   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2100 0001564590-21-039151                  unpredictable   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2101 0001564590-21-039151                    unqualified   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2102 0001564590-21-039151                         update   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2103 0001564590-21-039151                        upfront   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2104 0001564590-21-039151                         user’s   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2105 0001564590-21-039151                    utilization   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2106 0001564590-21-039151                        utilize   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2107 0001564590-21-039151                    variability   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2108 0001564590-21-039151                           vars   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2109 0001564590-21-039151                           vary   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2110 0001564590-21-039151                        varying   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2111 0001564590-21-039151                         versus   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2112 0001564590-21-039151                       vertical   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2113 0001564590-21-039151                         vested   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2114 0001564590-21-039151                        violate   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2115 0001564590-21-039151                 virtualization   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2116 0001564590-21-039151                         vmware   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2117 0001564590-21-039151                  vulnerability   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2118 0001564590-21-039151                    warehousing   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2119 0001564590-21-039151                         weaken   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2120 0001564590-21-039151                       weakness   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2121 0001564590-21-039151                      wellbeing   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2122 0001564590-21-039151                       wellness   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2123 0001564590-21-039151                          we’re   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2124 0001564590-21-039151                     widespread   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2125 0001564590-21-039151                       withdrew   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2126 0001564590-21-039151                      withstand   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2127 0001564590-21-039151                      workplace   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2128 0001564590-21-039151                         worlds   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2129 0001564590-21-039151                            yen   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2130 0001564590-21-039151                          young   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2131 0001564590-21-039151                           zoom   2 21171 9.446885e-05
2132 0001564590-21-039151                           0.08   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2133 0001564590-21-039151                          1.001   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2134 0001564590-21-039151                          1.006   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2135 0001564590-21-039151                            1.2   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2136 0001564590-21-039151                            1.8   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2137 0001564590-21-039151                            1.9   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2138 0001564590-21-039151                           10.1   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2139 0001564590-21-039151                           10.4   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2140 0001564590-21-039151                           10.7   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2141 0001564590-21-039151                        100,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2142 0001564590-21-039151                            101   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2143 0001564590-21-039151                        103,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2144 0001564590-21-039151                         107.02   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2145 0001564590-21-039151                           10b5   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2146 0001564590-21-039151                           11.3   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2147 0001564590-21-039151                            118   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2148 0001564590-21-039151                           12.1   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2149 0001564590-21-039151                            126   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2150 0001564590-21-039151                           13.1   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2151 0001564590-21-039151                           13.6   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2152 0001564590-21-039151                           13.7   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2153 0001564590-21-039151                           13.8   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2154 0001564590-21-039151                          130.3   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2155 0001564590-21-039151                          136.5   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2156 0001564590-21-039151                            13a   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2157 0001564590-21-039151                             14   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2158 0001564590-21-039151                         14,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2159 0001564590-21-039151                           14.6   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2160 0001564590-21-039151                         140.49   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2161 0001564590-21-039151                            141   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2162 0001564590-21-039151                            146   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2163 0001564590-21-039151                           15.4   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2164 0001564590-21-039151                            157   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2165 0001564590-21-039151                           16.1   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2166 0001564590-21-039151                            161   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2167 0001564590-21-039151                             17   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2168 0001564590-21-039151                           17.0   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2169 0001564590-21-039151                           18.9   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2170 0001564590-21-039151                            180   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2171 0001564590-21-039151                        181,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2172 0001564590-21-039151                            186   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2173 0001564590-21-039151                           1933   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2174 0001564590-21-039151                           1934   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2175 0001564590-21-039151                           1992   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2176 0001564590-21-039151                           1993   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2177 0001564590-21-039151                           1995   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2178 0001564590-21-039151                           1998   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2179 0001564590-21-039151                            2.5   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2180 0001564590-21-039151                           2001   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2181 0001564590-21-039151                           2008   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2182 0001564590-21-039151                            202   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2183 0001564590-21-039151                           2025   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2184 0001564590-21-039151                           2031   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2185 0001564590-21-039151                           2041   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2186 0001564590-21-039151                           2050   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2187 0001564590-21-039151                         21,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2188 0001564590-21-039151                            21e   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2189 0001564590-21-039151                         221.13   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2190 0001564590-21-039151                         23,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2191 0001564590-21-039151                           23.0   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2192 0001564590-21-039151                             24   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2193 0001564590-21-039151                           24.1   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2194 0001564590-21-039151                           25.1   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2195 0001564590-21-039151                           25.3   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2196 0001564590-21-039151                            251   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2197 0001564590-21-039151                           27.6   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2198 0001564590-21-039151                            274   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2199 0001564590-21-039151                            27a   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2200 0001564590-21-039151                             28   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2201 0001564590-21-039151                           28.9   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2202 0001564590-21-039151                            3.0   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2203 0001564590-21-039151                            304   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2204 0001564590-21-039151                             32   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2205 0001564590-21-039151                            335   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2206 0001564590-21-039151                            339   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2207 0001564590-21-039151                           35.0   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2208 0001564590-21-039151                           36.1   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2209 0001564590-21-039151                            395   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2210 0001564590-21-039151                             3d   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2211 0001564590-21-039151                             3m   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2212 0001564590-21-039151                            4.0   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2213 0001564590-21-039151                            4.1   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2214 0001564590-21-039151                            4.3   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2215 0001564590-21-039151                            4.7   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2216 0001564590-21-039151                         40,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2217 0001564590-21-039151                            401   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2218 0001564590-21-039151                             42   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2219 0001564590-21-039151                            442   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2220 0001564590-21-039151                             45   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2221 0001564590-21-039151                             46   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2222 0001564590-21-039151                           48.5   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2223 0001564590-21-039151                            5.4   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2224 0001564590-21-039151                            500   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2225 0001564590-21-039151                            515   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2226 0001564590-21-039151                            519   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2227 0001564590-21-039151                            520   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2228 0001564590-21-039151                            579   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2229 0001564590-21-039151                        586,683   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2230 0001564590-21-039151                            6.0   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2231 0001564590-21-039151                            6.2   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2232 0001564590-21-039151                            6.4   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2233 0001564590-21-039151                             60   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2234 0001564590-21-039151                         60,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2235 0001564590-21-039151                            600   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2236 0001564590-21-039151                             63   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2237 0001564590-21-039151                         65,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2238 0001564590-21-039151                         67,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2239 0001564590-21-039151                            7.3   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2240 0001564590-21-039151                           70.0   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2241 0001564590-21-039151                             71   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2242 0001564590-21-039151                         75,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2243 0001564590-21-039151                            750   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2244 0001564590-21-039151                           76.7   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2245 0001564590-21-039151                           77.1   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2246 0001564590-21-039151                         78,000   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2247 0001564590-21-039151                             7a   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2248 0001564590-21-039151                            8.4   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2249 0001564590-21-039151                            877   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2250 0001564590-21-039151                         89,291   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2251 0001564590-21-039151                            9.3   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2252 0001564590-21-039151                            9.5   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2253 0001564590-21-039151                            9.7   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2254 0001564590-21-039151                            906   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2255 0001564590-21-039151                            965   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2256 0001564590-21-039151                             9a   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2257 0001564590-21-039151                            aaa   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2258 0001564590-21-039151                      abilities   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2259 0001564590-21-039151                         abrupt   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2260 0001564590-21-039151                        absence   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2261 0001564590-21-039151                       absolute   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2262 0001564590-21-039151                       academic   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2263 0001564590-21-039151                     acceptance   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2264 0001564590-21-039151                       accessed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2265 0001564590-21-039151                    accountable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2266 0001564590-21-039151                     accountant   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2267 0001564590-21-039151                    accountants   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2268 0001564590-21-039151                       accurate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2269 0001564590-21-039151                    achievement   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2270 0001564590-21-039151                    acknowledge   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2271 0001564590-21-039151                          acres   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2272 0001564590-21-039151                         acting   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2273 0001564590-21-039151                       activate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2274 0001564590-21-039151                      activated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2275 0001564590-21-039151                         adding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2276 0001564590-21-039151                     addressing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2277 0001564590-21-039151                           adds   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2278 0001564590-21-039151                       adequacy   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2279 0001564590-21-039151                     adjustment   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2280 0001564590-21-039151                 administrators   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2281 0001564590-21-039151                          adobe   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2282 0001564590-21-039151                       adopters   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2283 0001564590-21-039151                            ads   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2284 0001564590-21-039151                         adults   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2285 0001564590-21-039151                  advertisement   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2286 0001564590-21-039151                     advertiser   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2287 0001564590-21-039151                         advise   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2288 0001564590-21-039151                       advocate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2289 0001564590-21-039151                      advocated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2290 0001564590-21-039151                     advocating   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2291 0001564590-21-039151                        affairs   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2292 0001564590-21-039151                      affiliate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2293 0001564590-21-039151                     affordable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2294 0001564590-21-039151                         africa   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2295 0001564590-21-039151                        agility   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2296 0001564590-21-039151                          ahead   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2297 0001564590-21-039151                            aid   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2298 0001564590-21-039151                           aims   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2299 0001564590-21-039151                            air   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2300 0001564590-21-039151                             al   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2301 0001564590-21-039151                         alaska   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2302 0001564590-21-039151                         alerts   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2303 0001564590-21-039151                     algorithms   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2305 0001564590-21-039151                       alliance   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2306 0001564590-21-039151                    allocations   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2307 0001564590-21-039151                       allowing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2308 0001564590-21-039151                       altering   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2309 0001564590-21-039151                   alternatives   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2310 0001564590-21-039151                        ambient   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2311 0001564590-21-039151                       ambition   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2312 0001564590-21-039151                      amendment   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2313 0001564590-21-039151                     amendments   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2314 0001564590-21-039151                       americas   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2315 0001564590-21-039151                           amid   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2316 0001564590-21-039151                        analyze   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2317 0001564590-21-039151                    anticipated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2318 0001564590-21-039151                         apache   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2319 0001564590-21-039151                       appeared   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2320 0001564590-21-039151                    appointment   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2321 0001564590-21-039151                   approachable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2322 0001564590-21-039151                     approaches   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2323 0001564590-21-039151                       approves   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2324 0001564590-21-039151                           apps   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2325 0001564590-21-039151                            arc   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2326 0001564590-21-039151                     architects   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2327 0001564590-21-039151                      arguments   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2328 0001564590-21-039151                          armed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2329 0001564590-21-039151                          askhr   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2330 0001564590-21-039151                         aspect   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2331 0001564590-21-039151                      assembled   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2332 0001564590-21-039151                       assessed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2333 0001564590-21-039151                         assist   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2334 0001564590-21-039151                     attempting   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2335 0001564590-21-039151                 attractiveness   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2336 0001564590-21-039151                     attributed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2337 0001564590-21-039151                      augmented   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2338 0001564590-21-039151                         august   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2339 0001564590-21-039151                      authority   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2340 0001564590-21-039151                  authorization   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2341 0001564590-21-039151                 authorizations   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2342 0001564590-21-039151                      averaging   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2343 0001564590-21-039151                          avoid   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2344 0001564590-21-039151                          award   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2345 0001564590-21-039151                          aware   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2349 0001564590-21-039151                         backup   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2350 0001564590-21-039151                        ballmer   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2351 0001564590-21-039151                        banking   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2352 0001564590-21-039151                     bankruptcy   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2353 0001564590-21-039151                     bargaining   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2354 0001564590-21-039151                        barovic   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2355 0001564590-21-039151                       barriers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2356 0001564590-21-039151                          bases   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2357 0001564590-21-039151                         begins   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2358 0001564590-21-039151                          begun   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2359 0001564590-21-039151                         behalf   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2360 0001564590-21-039151                        beijing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2361 0001564590-21-039151                        beliefs   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2362 0001564590-21-039151                       believes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2363 0001564590-21-039151                           bias   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2364 0001564590-21-039151                         biased   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2365 0001564590-21-039151                            big   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2366 0001564590-21-039151                       billions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2367 0001564590-21-039151                   biographical   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2368 0001564590-21-039151                            bmc   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2369 0001564590-21-039151                         boards   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2370 0001564590-21-039151                           bold   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2371 0001564590-21-039151                           book   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2372 0001564590-21-039151                          books   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2373 0001564590-21-039151                        borders   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2374 0001564590-21-039151                           bots   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2375 0001564590-21-039151                          boxes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2376 0001564590-21-039151                          brain   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2378 0001564590-21-039151                      broadband   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2379 0001564590-21-039151                      broadened   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2380 0001564590-21-039151                        browser   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2381 0001564590-21-039151                         budget   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2382 0001564590-21-039151                            bug   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2383 0001564590-21-039151                           bugs   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2384 0001564590-21-039151                       builders   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2385 0001564590-21-039151                       bulletin   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2386 0001564590-21-039151                       bundling   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2387 0001564590-21-039151                     burdensome   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2388 0001564590-21-039151                      calculate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2389 0001564590-21-039151                    calculating   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2390 0001564590-21-039151                           call   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2391 0001564590-21-039151                         called   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2392 0001564590-21-039151                           cals   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2393 0001564590-21-039151                         campus   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2394 0001564590-21-039151                       canceled   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2395 0001564590-21-039151                        capable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2396 0001564590-21-039151                 capitalization   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2397 0001564590-21-039151                        careful   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2398 0001564590-21-039151                          carlo   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2399 0001564590-21-039151                        carries   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2400 0001564590-21-039151                      cascading   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2402 0001564590-21-039151                    categorized   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2404 0001564590-21-039151                        causing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2405 0001564590-21-039151                      cautioned   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2406 0001564590-21-039151                          cease   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2407 0001564590-21-039151                        central   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2408 0001564590-21-039151                          cents   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2409 0001564590-21-039151                   certificates   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2410 0001564590-21-039151                 certifications   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2411 0001564590-21-039151                       chairman   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2412 0001564590-21-039151                         chance   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2414 0001564590-21-039151                        charged   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2415 0001564590-21-039151                        chengdu   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2416 0001564590-21-039151                      childcare   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2417 0001564590-21-039151                       children   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2418 0001564590-21-039151                         choose   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2419 0001564590-21-039151                      clarifies   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2420 0001564590-21-039151                        clarify   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2421 0001564590-21-039151                 classification   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2422 0001564590-21-039151                       cleaning   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2423 0001564590-21-039151                         closed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2424 0001564590-21-039151                         closer   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2425 0001564590-21-039151                        closure   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2426 0001564590-21-039151                       closures   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2427 0001564590-21-039151                        cloud’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2428 0001564590-21-039151                         coding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2430 0001564590-21-039151                       cohesive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2431 0001564590-21-039151                   collaborated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2432 0001564590-21-039151                 collateralized   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2433 0001564590-21-039151                     colleagues   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2435 0001564590-21-039151                     collective   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2436 0001564590-21-039151                      colluding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2437 0001564590-21-039151                      collusive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2438 0001564590-21-039151                       colorado   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2439 0001564590-21-039151                      combating   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2440 0001564590-21-039151                       commence   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2441 0001564590-21-039151                   commensurate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2442 0001564590-21-039151                       comments   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2444 0001564590-21-039151                   commercially   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2445 0001564590-21-039151                   commission’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2448 0001564590-21-039151                  comparability   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2449 0001564590-21-039151                    comparables   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2450 0001564590-21-039151                    comparisons   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2453 0001564590-21-039151                   compensating   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2456 0001564590-21-039151                  complementary   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2457 0001564590-21-039151                     completing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2458 0001564590-21-039151                   complexities   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2459 0001564590-21-039151                      comprised   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2461 0001564590-21-039151                    conclusions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2462 0001564590-21-039151                        conform   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2464 0001564590-21-039151                       connects   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2466 0001564590-21-039151                     conspiracy   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2468 0001564590-21-039151                     constantly   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2470 0001564590-21-039151                     constraint   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2471 0001564590-21-039151                   construction   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2472 0001564590-21-039151                        consume   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2473 0001564590-21-039151                       consumed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2474 0001564590-21-039151                        contest   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2475 0001564590-21-039151                        context   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2476 0001564590-21-039151                      continent   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2477 0001564590-21-039151                    contingency   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2478 0001564590-21-039151                     continuity   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2479 0001564590-21-039151                     contractor   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2480 0001564590-21-039151                    contributed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2481 0001564590-21-039151                    contributes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2482 0001564590-21-039151                   contributing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2483 0001564590-21-039151                  contributions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2484 0001564590-21-039151                   contributors   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2485 0001564590-21-039151                     convenient   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2486 0001564590-21-039151                     convention   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2487 0001564590-21-039151                    conventions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2488 0001564590-21-039151                        cooling   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2489 0001564590-21-039151                     coordinate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2490 0001564590-21-039151                      copyright   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2491 0001564590-21-039151                    cornerstone   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2492 0001564590-21-039151                    coronavirus   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2494 0001564590-21-039151                        cortana   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2495 0001564590-21-039151                     counseling   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2496 0001564590-21-039151                   counterparty   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2497 0001564590-21-039151                         county   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2498 0001564590-21-039151                        coupled   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2499 0001564590-21-039151                         covers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2500 0001564590-21-039151                    credentials   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2501 0001564590-21-039151                         crimea   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2502 0001564590-21-039151                            crm   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2503 0001564590-21-039151                           cuba   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2504 0001564590-21-039151                       cultural   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2505 0001564590-21-039151                     cumulative   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2506 0001564590-21-039151                        curious   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2507 0001564590-21-039151                         custom   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2512 0001564590-21-039151                         cycles   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2513 0001564590-21-039151                         dakota   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2515 0001564590-21-039151                          dates   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2521 0001564590-21-039151                         deemed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2522 0001564590-21-039151                         deepen   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2527 0001564590-21-039151                      defending   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2534 0001564590-21-039151                         denial   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2535 0001564590-21-039151                         denied   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2540 0001564590-21-039151                       deposits   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2567 0001564590-21-039151                    discovering   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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2573 0001564590-21-039151                       distract   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2574 0001564590-21-039151                    distributes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2575 0001564590-21-039151                      diversify   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2576 0001564590-21-039151                       dividend   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2577 0001564590-21-039151                      divisions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2578 0001564590-21-039151                  documentation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2579 0001564590-21-039151                       domestic   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2580 0001564590-21-039151                        doubled   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2581 0001564590-21-039151                       doubling   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2582 0001564590-21-039151                      downgrade   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2583 0001564590-21-039151                      downturns   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2584 0001564590-21-039151                       downward   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2585 0001564590-21-039151                          drawn   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2586 0001564590-21-039151                         drives   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2587 0001564590-21-039151                            duo   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2588 0001564590-21-039151                         duties   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2589 0001564590-21-039151                        earning   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2590 0001564590-21-039151                          earth   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2591 0001564590-21-039151                     earthquake   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2592 0001564590-21-039151                         easier   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2593 0001564590-21-039151                           east   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2594 0001564590-21-039151                        eastern   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2595 0001564590-21-039151                        eclipse   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2596 0001564590-21-039151                   economically   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2597 0001564590-21-039151                        edition   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2598 0001564590-21-039151                      education   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2599 0001564590-21-039151                   efficiencies   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2600 0001564590-21-039151                      efficient   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2601 0001564590-21-039151                           egal   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2602 0001564590-21-039151                         elders   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2603 0001564590-21-039151                        elected   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2604 0001564590-21-039151                     electronic   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2605 0001564590-21-039151                       elements   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2606 0001564590-21-039151                    eligibility   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2607 0001564590-21-039151                     eliminated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2608 0001564590-21-039151                     eliminates   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2609 0001564590-21-039151                       embedded   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2610 0001564590-21-039151                      embracing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2611 0001564590-21-039151                         emerge   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2612 0001564590-21-039151                        emitted   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2613 0001564590-21-039151                      emotional   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2614 0001564590-21-039151                       emphasis   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2615 0001564590-21-039151                      employers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2616 0001564590-21-039151                      employing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2617 0001564590-21-039151                         empted   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2618 0001564590-21-039151                      enactment   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2619 0001564590-21-039151                      encourage   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2620 0001564590-21-039151                           ends   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2621 0001564590-21-039151                    enforceable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2622 0001564590-21-039151                      enforcing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2623 0001564590-21-039151                       engaging   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2624 0001564590-21-039151                   enhancements   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2625 0001564590-21-039151                        ensures   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2626 0001564590-21-039151                       ensuring   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2627 0001564590-21-039151                       entailed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2628 0001564590-21-039151                       entering   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2629 0001564590-21-039151                       entirety   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2630 0001564590-21-039151                        entitle   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2631 0001564590-21-039151                       entitled   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2632 0001564590-21-039151                       entity’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2633 0001564590-21-039151                          entry   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2634 0001564590-21-039151                environmentally   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2635 0001564590-21-039151                       envision   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2636 0001564590-21-039151                      epidemics   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2637 0001564590-21-039151                        equally   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2638 0001564590-21-039151                      equitable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2639 0001564590-21-039151                            erp   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2640 0001564590-21-039151                            esa   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2641 0001564590-21-039151                           esas   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2642 0001564590-21-039151                         escrow   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2643 0001564590-21-039151                      establish   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2644 0001564590-21-039151                  establishment   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2645 0001564590-21-039151                        ethical   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2646 0001564590-21-039151                         europe   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2647 0001564590-21-039151                      evaluated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2648 0001564590-21-039151                    exacerbated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2649 0001564590-21-039151                      examining   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2650 0001564590-21-039151                         exceed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2651 0001564590-21-039151                       exceeded   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2652 0001564590-21-039151                      exceeding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2653 0001564590-21-039151                      exception   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2654 0001564590-21-039151                    exceptional   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2655 0001564590-21-039151                     exceptions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2656 0001564590-21-039151                      excessive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2657 0001564590-21-039151                      exchanged   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2658 0001564590-21-039151                    exclusively   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2659 0001564590-21-039151                       executed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2660 0001564590-21-039151                      executing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2661 0001564590-21-039151                     executives   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2662 0001564590-21-039151                      exercised   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2663 0001564590-21-039151                          exert   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2664 0001564590-21-039151                        existed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2665 0001564590-21-039151                      existence   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2666 0001564590-21-039151                           exit   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2667 0001564590-21-039151                      expansive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2668 0001564590-21-039151                    expectation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2669 0001564590-21-039151                        expects   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2670 0001564590-21-039151                         expend   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2671 0001564590-21-039151                      expensive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2672 0001564590-21-039151                      expertise   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2673 0001564590-21-039151                        experts   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2674 0001564590-21-039151                       expiring   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2675 0001564590-21-039151                        exploit   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2676 0001564590-21-039151                      exploited   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2677 0001564590-21-039151                       exploits   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2678 0001564590-21-039151                        exposes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2679 0001564590-21-039151                     expression   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2680 0001564590-21-039151                    expressions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2681 0001564590-21-039151                        extends   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2682 0001564590-21-039151                  extraordinary   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2683 0001564590-21-039151                      extremely   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2684 0001564590-21-039151                      extremist   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2685 0001564590-21-039151                         facing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2686 0001564590-21-039151                         factor   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2687 0001564590-21-039151                          facts   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2688 0001564590-21-039151                         failed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2689 0001564590-21-039151                          fails   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2690 0001564590-21-039151                          false   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2691 0001564590-21-039151                       families   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2692 0001564590-21-039151                           fans   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2693 0001564590-21-039151                          fargo   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2694 0001564590-21-039151                           fast   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2695 0001564590-21-039151                      favorites   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2696 0001564590-21-039151                           fear   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2697 0001564590-21-039151                       feedback   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2698 0001564590-21-039151                          fifty   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2699 0001564590-21-039151 financecodeprofessionalconduct   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2700 0001564590-21-039151                     fingertips   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2701 0001564590-21-039151                         finite   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2702 0001564590-21-039151                      firewalls   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2703 0001564590-21-039151                       firmware   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2704 0001564590-21-039151                        fitness   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2705 0001564590-21-039151                            fix   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2706 0001564590-21-039151                          fixes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2707 0001564590-21-039151                       flagship   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2708 0001564590-21-039151                       floating   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2709 0001564590-21-039151                        florida   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2710 0001564590-21-039151                       flourish   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2711 0001564590-21-039151                     fluctuates   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2712 0001564590-21-039151                          fluid   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2713 0001564590-21-039151                        focuses   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2714 0001564590-21-039151                       focusing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2715 0001564590-21-039151                         follow   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2716 0001564590-21-039151                        footage   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2717 0001564590-21-039151                     footprints   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2718 0001564590-21-039151                         forces   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2719 0001564590-21-039151                    foreseeable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2720 0001564590-21-039151                     forfeiture   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2721 0001564590-21-039151                    forfeitures   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2722 0001564590-21-039151                          forms   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2723 0001564590-21-039151                           fort   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2724 0001564590-21-039151                       forwards   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2725 0001564590-21-039151                         foster   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2726 0001564590-21-039151                        fosters   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2727 0001564590-21-039151                        founded   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2728 0001564590-21-039151                       founding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2729 0001564590-21-039151                      franchise   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2730 0001564590-21-039151                     franchises   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2731 0001564590-21-039151                      frequency   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2732 0001564590-21-039151                      frontline   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2733 0001564590-21-039151                           fuel   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2734 0001564590-21-039151                         fueled   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2735 0001564590-21-039151                        fueling   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2736 0001564590-21-039151                     fulfilling   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2737 0001564590-21-039151                    fulfillment   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2738 0001564590-21-039151                       function   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2739 0001564590-21-039151                    fundamental   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2740 0001564590-21-039151                  fundamentally   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2741 0001564590-21-039151                         funded   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2742 0001564590-21-039151                     furloughed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2743 0001564590-21-039151                        furnish   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2744 0001564590-21-039151                      furniture   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2745 0001564590-21-039151                          gamer   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2746 0001564590-21-039151                           gaps   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2747 0001564590-21-039151                        gateway   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2748 0001564590-21-039151                      gathering   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2749 0001564590-21-039151                           gave   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2750 0001564590-21-039151                           gaze   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2751 0001564590-21-039151                        genuine   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2752 0001564590-21-039151                          geoed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2753 0001564590-21-039151                          glint   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2754 0001564590-21-039151                          goods   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2755 0001564590-21-039151                      governing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2756 0001564590-21-039151                          grids   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2757 0001564590-21-039151                       grounded   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2758 0001564590-21-039151                      guangzhou   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2759 0001564590-21-039151                          guide   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2760 0001564590-21-039151                         guided   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2761 0001564590-21-039151                             ha   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2762 0001564590-21-039151                         habits   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2763 0001564590-21-039151                        hackers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2764 0001564590-21-039151                         hamper   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2765 0001564590-21-039151                         handle   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2766 0001564590-21-039151                          hands   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2767 0001564590-21-039151                        handset   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2768 0001564590-21-039151                     harassment   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2769 0001564590-21-039151                        hardest   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2770 0001564590-21-039151                         harmed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2771 0001564590-21-039151                        harming   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2772 0001564590-21-039151                     harmonized   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2773 0001564590-21-039151                            hat   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2774 0001564590-21-039151                       headings   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2775 0001564590-21-039151                        hearing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2776 0001564590-21-039151                          heart   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2777 0001564590-21-039151                         hiring   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2778 0001564590-21-039151                            hit   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2779 0001564590-21-039151                           hold   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2780 0001564590-21-039151                        holders   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2781 0001564590-21-039151                       holdings   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2782 0001564590-21-039151                        holiday   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2783 0001564590-21-039151                       hololens   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2784 0001564590-21-039151                           home   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2785 0001564590-21-039151                         hourly   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2786 0001564590-21-039151                           http   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2787 0001564590-21-039151                          https   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2788 0001564590-21-039151                           huge   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2789 0001564590-21-039151                      hungarian   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2790 0001564590-21-039151                        hungary   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2791 0001564590-21-039151                   hypothetical   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2792 0001564590-21-039151                         iconic   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2793 0001564590-21-039151                   identifiable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2794 0001564590-21-039151                  impersonating   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2795 0001564590-21-039151                 implementation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2796 0001564590-21-039151                      implicate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2797 0001564590-21-039151                         import   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2798 0001564590-21-039151                      importing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2799 0001564590-21-039151                       imposing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2800 0001564590-21-039151                     imposition   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2801 0001564590-21-039151                      increases   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2802 0001564590-21-039151                      incurring   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2803 0001564590-21-039151               indemnifications   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2804 0001564590-21-039151                      indemnity   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2805 0001564590-21-039151                        indexed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2806 0001564590-21-039151                     indicating   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2807 0001564590-21-039151                      indicator   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2808 0001564590-21-039151                       indirect   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2809 0001564590-21-039151                         induce   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2810 0001564590-21-039151                     industrial   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2811 0001564590-21-039151                    ineffective   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2812 0001564590-21-039151                 inefficiencies   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2813 0001564590-21-039151                     inequities   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2814 0001564590-21-039151                     influenced   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2815 0001564590-21-039151                       informal   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2816 0001564590-21-039151                      informing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2817 0001564590-21-039151                  infringements   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2818 0001564590-21-039151                     infringing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2819 0001564590-21-039151                        infused   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2820 0001564590-21-039151                     inherently   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2821 0001564590-21-039151                        initial   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2822 0001564590-21-039151                      initially   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2823 0001564590-21-039151                       initiate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2824 0001564590-21-039151                      initiated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2825 0001564590-21-039151                     injunction   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2826 0001564590-21-039151                    injunctions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2827 0001564590-21-039151                            ink   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2828 0001564590-21-039151                         inking   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2829 0001564590-21-039151                 innovativeness   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2830 0001564590-21-039151                       insecure   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2831 0001564590-21-039151                         inside   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2832 0001564590-21-039151                        insider   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2833 0001564590-21-039151                        insight   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2834 0001564590-21-039151                  insignificant   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2835 0001564590-21-039151                    inspections   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2836 0001564590-21-039151                   installation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2837 0001564590-21-039151                   installments   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2838 0001564590-21-039151                        instant   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2839 0001564590-21-039151                    instruction   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2840 0001564590-21-039151                    intangibles   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2841 0001564590-21-039151                      integrate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2842 0001564590-21-039151                     integrator   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2843 0001564590-21-039151                      integrity   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2844 0001564590-21-039151                          intel   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2845 0001564590-21-039151                        intense   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2846 0001564590-21-039151                      intensify   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2847 0001564590-21-039151                  intentionally   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2848 0001564590-21-039151                   interactions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2849 0001564590-21-039151                   intercompany   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2850 0001564590-21-039151                 interdependent   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2851 0001564590-21-039151                     interested   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2852 0001564590-21-039151                      interests   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2853 0001564590-21-039151                      interfere   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2854 0001564590-21-039151                        interim   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2855 0001564590-21-039151                     interlocks   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2856 0001564590-21-039151                  interlocutory   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2857 0001564590-21-039151                      interpret   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2858 0001564590-21-039151                    interpreted   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2859 0001564590-21-039151                   interrelated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2860 0001564590-21-039151                      intervals   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2861 0001564590-21-039151                  interventions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2862 0001564590-21-039151                       intranet   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2863 0001564590-21-039151                    intraperiod   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2864 0001564590-21-039151                  introductions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2865 0001564590-21-039151                      intuitive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2866 0001564590-21-039151                    invalidated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2867 0001564590-21-039151                     invaluable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2868 0001564590-21-039151                       invested   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2869 0001564590-21-039151                    investigate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2870 0001564590-21-039151                  investigation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2871 0001564590-21-039151                 investigations   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2872 0001564590-21-039151                    involvement   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2873 0001564590-21-039151                          iot’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2874 0001564590-21-039151                             ip   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2875 0001564590-21-039151                           iran   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2876 0001564590-21-039151                      issuances   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2877 0001564590-21-039151                         issuer   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2878 0001564590-21-039151                        journey   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2879 0001564590-21-039151                          kinds   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2880 0001564590-21-039151                           king   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2881 0001564590-21-039151                        knowing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2882 0001564590-21-039151                      languages   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2883 0001564590-21-039151                        largely   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2884 0001564590-21-039151                           late   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2885 0001564590-21-039151                          latin   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2886 0001564590-21-039151                     lauderdale   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2887 0001564590-21-039151                       launched   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2888 0001564590-21-039151                      lawmakers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2889 0001564590-21-039151                         layers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2890 0001564590-21-039151                        layouts   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2891 0001564590-21-039151                          leaks   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2892 0001564590-21-039151                       learners   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2893 0001564590-21-039151                          leave   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2894 0001564590-21-039151                           left   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2895 0001564590-21-039151                        legally   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2896 0001564590-21-039151                     legitimate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2897 0001564590-21-039151                         lenovo   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2898 0001564590-21-039151                      leveraged   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2899 0001564590-21-039151                         lgbtqi   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2900 0001564590-21-039151                     limitation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2901 0001564590-21-039151                      limitless   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2902 0001564590-21-039151                         limits   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2903 0001564590-21-039151                    liquidation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2904 0001564590-21-039151                           list   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2905 0001564590-21-039151                         listed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2906 0001564590-21-039151                      listening   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2907 0001564590-21-039151                          lists   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2908 0001564590-21-039151                     literature   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2909 0001564590-21-039151                      litigated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2910 0001564590-21-039151                           live   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2911 0001564590-21-039151                         living   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2912 0001564590-21-039151                          loans   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2913 0001564590-21-039151                       localize   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2914 0001564590-21-039151                     localizing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2915 0001564590-21-039151                      logistics   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2916 0001564590-21-039151                           lost   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2917 0001564590-21-039151                         lowest   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2918 0001564590-21-039151                            lsp   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2919 0001564590-21-039151                  macroeconomic   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2920 0001564590-21-039151                      magnitude   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2921 0001564590-21-039151                      maintains   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2922 0001564590-21-039151                          maker   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2923 0001564590-21-039151                  manageability   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2924 0001564590-21-039151                     manageable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2925 0001564590-21-039151                     marketable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2926 0001564590-21-039151                      marketers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2927 0001564590-21-039151                    marketplace   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2928 0001564590-21-039151                         master   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2929 0001564590-21-039151                          match   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2930 0001564590-21-039151                        maximum   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2931 0001564590-21-039151                        meaning   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2932 0001564590-21-039151                   measurements   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2933 0001564590-21-039151                     mechanisms   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2934 0001564590-21-039151                      mediation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2935 0001564590-21-039151                        medical   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2936 0001564590-21-039151                       meetings   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2937 0001564590-21-039151                         mental   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2938 0001564590-21-039151                          merge   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2939 0001564590-21-039151                         merits   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2940 0001564590-21-039151                           mesh   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2941 0001564590-21-039151                            met   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2942 0001564590-21-039151                  methodologies   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2943 0001564590-21-039151                          mimic   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2944 0001564590-21-039151                       minimize   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2945 0001564590-21-039151                        minimum   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2946 0001564590-21-039151                     minorities   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2947 0001564590-21-039151                        minutes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2948 0001564590-21-039151                     misleading   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2949 0001564590-21-039151                  mismanagement   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2950 0001564590-21-039151                  misstatements   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2951 0001564590-21-039151                     mitigation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2952 0001564590-21-039151                       modeling   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2953 0001564590-21-039151                         modern   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2954 0001564590-21-039151                       modified   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2955 0001564590-21-039151                      modifying   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2956 0001564590-21-039151                       momentum   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2957 0001564590-21-039151                      monetized   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2958 0001564590-21-039151                          monte   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2959 0001564590-21-039151                       mortgage   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2960 0001564590-21-039151                         motion   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2961 0001564590-21-039151                           move   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2962 0001564590-21-039151                           msft   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2963 0001564590-21-039151              mslegalnotice2015   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2964 0001564590-21-039151                            msn   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2965 0001564590-21-039151                    multidevice   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2966 0001564590-21-039151                     multimedia   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2967 0001564590-21-039151                 multinationals   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2968 0001564590-21-039151                      municipal   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2969 0001564590-21-039151                         mutual   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2970 0001564590-21-039151                          mysql   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2971 0001564590-21-039151                      nadella’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2972 0001564590-21-039151                       narrower   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2973 0001564590-21-039151                         nasdaq   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2974 0001564590-21-039151                    nationalism   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2975 0001564590-21-039151                    nationalist   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2976 0001564590-21-039151                      navigator   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2977 0001564590-21-039151                  neighborhoods   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2978 0001564590-21-039151                        netflix   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2979 0001564590-21-039151                        netting   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2980 0001564590-21-039151                         nevada   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2981 0001564590-21-039151                          niche   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2982 0001564590-21-039151                       nintendo   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2983 0001564590-21-039151                          nokia   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2984 0001564590-21-039151                        nokia’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2985 0001564590-21-039151                       nominees   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2986 0001564590-21-039151                  noncompliance   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2987 0001564590-21-039151                     nonprofits   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2988 0001564590-21-039151                   nonrecurring   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2989 0001564590-21-039151                         normal   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2990 0001564590-21-039151                         notice   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2991 0001564590-21-039151                      notifying   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2992 0001564590-21-039151                       notional   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2993 0001564590-21-039151                        nurture   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2994 0001564590-21-039151                       nurtured   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2995 0001564590-21-039151                  objectionable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2996 0001564590-21-039151                      objective   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2997 0001564590-21-039151                       obsolete   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2998 0001564590-21-039151                      obstacles   1 21171 4.723442e-05
2999 0001564590-21-039151                       obtained   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3000 0001564590-21-039151                   occupational   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3001 0001564590-21-039151                       occurred   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3002 0001564590-21-039151                           offs   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3003 0001564590-21-039151                     offsetting   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3004 0001564590-21-039151                        omitted   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3005 0001564590-21-039151                          one’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3006 0001564590-21-039151                         onsite   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3007 0001564590-21-039151                         opened   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3008 0001564590-21-039151                       openness   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3009 0001564590-21-039151                       optimize   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3010 0001564590-21-039151                        ordered   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3011 0001564590-21-039151                       ordinary   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3012 0001564590-21-039151                       outbound   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3013 0001564590-21-039151                       outbreak   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3014 0001564590-21-039151                      outbreaks   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3015 0001564590-21-039151                         owners   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3016 0001564590-21-039151                          oxley   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3017 0001564590-21-039151                             oy   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3018 0001564590-21-039151                        pacific   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3019 0001564590-21-039151                          paper   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3020 0001564590-21-039151                      paradigms   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3021 0001564590-21-039151                        parents   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3022 0001564590-21-039151                          paris   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3023 0001564590-21-039151                    participant   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3024 0001564590-21-039151                   participants   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3025 0001564590-21-039151                    participate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3026 0001564590-21-039151                   participated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3027 0001564590-21-039151                     partnering   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3028 0001564590-21-039151                        patched   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3029 0001564590-21-039151                       patching   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3030 0001564590-21-039151                           peer   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3031 0001564590-21-039151                       perceive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3032 0001564590-21-039151                      performed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3033 0001564590-21-039151                       performs   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3034 0001564590-21-039151                      permanent   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3035 0001564590-21-039151                    permissible   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3036 0001564590-21-039151                     personally   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3037 0001564590-21-039151                        persons   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3038 0001564590-21-039151                       person’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3039 0001564590-21-039151                    perspective   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3040 0001564590-21-039151                        pertain   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3041 0001564590-21-039151                     pertaining   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3042 0001564590-21-039151                      pertinent   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3043 0001564590-21-039151                 philanthropies   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3044 0001564590-21-039151                     philosophy   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3045 0001564590-21-039151                          phone   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3046 0001564590-21-039151                         phones   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3047 0001564590-21-039151                      planetary   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3048 0001564590-21-039151                         played   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3049 0001564590-21-039151                        players   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3050 0001564590-21-039151                        playing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3051 0001564590-21-039151                          plays   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3052 0001564590-21-039151                         pledge   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3053 0001564590-21-039151                        pledged   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3054 0001564590-21-039151                        polices   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3055 0001564590-21-039151                        popular   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3056 0001564590-21-039151                       populism   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3057 0001564590-21-039151                        portals   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3058 0001564590-21-039151                       positive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3059 0001564590-21-039151                     positively   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3060 0001564590-21-039151                     possession   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3061 0001564590-21-039151                         posted   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3062 0001564590-21-039151                        powered   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3063 0001564590-21-039151                       powering   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3064 0001564590-21-039151                         powers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3065 0001564590-21-039151                      precedent   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3066 0001564590-21-039151                      preceding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3067 0001564590-21-039151                    predictable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3068 0001564590-21-039151                    predictions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3069 0001564590-21-039151                         prefer   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3070 0001564590-21-039151                      preferred   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3071 0001564590-21-039151                   preinstalled   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3072 0001564590-21-039151                  preliminarily   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3073 0001564590-21-039151                        premier   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3074 0001564590-21-039151                       presence   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3075 0001564590-21-039151                   preservation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3076 0001564590-21-039151                     prevailing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3077 0001564590-21-039151                     prevention   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3078 0001564590-21-039151                     priorities   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3079 0001564590-21-039151                     privileges   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3080 0001564590-21-039151                    proactively   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3081 0001564590-21-039151                     proceeding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3082 0001564590-21-039151                       proceeds   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3083 0001564590-21-039151                     processors   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3084 0001564590-21-039151                        procure   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3085 0001564590-21-039151                     profession   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3086 0001564590-21-039151                        profile   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3087 0001564590-21-039151                         profit   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3088 0001564590-21-039151                  profitability   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3089 0001564590-21-039151                   prohibitions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3090 0001564590-21-039151                  proliferation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3091 0001564590-21-039151                      prolonged   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3092 0001564590-21-039151                      promoting   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3093 0001564590-21-039151                       promptly   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3094 0001564590-21-039151                    proprietary   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3095 0001564590-21-039151                    prosecution   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3096 0001564590-21-039151                  protectionism   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3097 0001564590-21-039151                  protectionist   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3098 0001564590-21-039151                    protections   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3099 0001564590-21-039151                       protects   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3100 0001564590-21-039151                        proudly   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3101 0001564590-21-039151                     provider’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3102 0001564590-21-039151                            psu   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3103 0001564590-21-039151                      publicity   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3104 0001564590-21-039151                        publish   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3105 0001564590-21-039151                     purchasers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3106 0001564590-21-039151                     purchasing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3107 0001564590-21-039151                        purpose   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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3109 0001564590-21-039151                       pursuing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3110 0001564590-21-039151                           push   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3111 0001564590-21-039151                           puts   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3112 0001564590-21-039151                       quarters   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3113 0001564590-21-039151                        queries   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3114 0001564590-21-039151                          rails   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3115 0001564590-21-039151                          ranks   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3116 0001564590-21-039151                     ransomware   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3117 0001564590-21-039151                       rational   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3118 0001564590-21-039151                       reaching   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3119 0001564590-21-039151                       reaction   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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3121 0001564590-21-039151                        readers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3122 0001564590-21-039151                           real   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3123 0001564590-21-039151                        reasons   1 21171 4.723442e-05
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3130 0001564590-21-039151                      reception   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3131 0001564590-21-039151                     recognizes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3132 0001564590-21-039151                    recognizing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3133 0001564590-21-039151                      recommend   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3134 0001564590-21-039151                     reconciles   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3135 0001564590-21-039151                 reconciliation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3136 0001564590-21-039151                      recording   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3137 0001564590-21-039151                        recover   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3138 0001564590-21-039151                 recoverability   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3139 0001564590-21-039151                      recovered   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3140 0001564590-21-039151                      recruiter   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3141 0001564590-21-039151                      recurring   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3142 0001564590-21-039151                            red   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3143 0001564590-21-039151                       redefine   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3144 0001564590-21-039151                     redefining   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3145 0001564590-21-039151                       redesign   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3146 0001564590-21-039151                 redistribution   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3147 0001564590-21-039151                     reevaluate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3148 0001564590-21-039151                     refundable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3149 0001564590-21-039151                   registrant’s   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3150 0001564590-21-039151                      regulated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3151 0001564590-21-039151                     regulating   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3152 0001564590-21-039151                      regulator   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3153 0001564590-21-039151                      reinforce   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3154 0001564590-21-039151                        relates   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3155 0001564590-21-039151                        relaxed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3156 0001564590-21-039151                      releasing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3157 0001564590-21-039151                       reliance   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3158 0001564590-21-039151                         relied   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3159 0001564590-21-039151                      remainder   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3160 0001564590-21-039151                       remained   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3161 0001564590-21-039151                      remanding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3162 0001564590-21-039151                      remediate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3163 0001564590-21-039151                       remitted   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3164 0001564590-21-039151                        removal   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3165 0001564590-21-039151                        removed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3166 0001564590-21-039151                         render   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3167 0001564590-21-039151                  renegotiation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3168 0001564590-21-039151                          renew   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3169 0001564590-21-039151                           reno   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3170 0001564590-21-039151                reorganizations   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3171 0001564590-21-039151                        repairs   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3172 0001564590-21-039151                      repayment   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3173 0001564590-21-039151                     repayments   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3174 0001564590-21-039151                        replace   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3175 0001564590-21-039151                    replacement   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3176 0001564590-21-039151                    replicators   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3177 0001564590-21-039151                     reportable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3178 0001564590-21-039151                representatives   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3179 0001564590-21-039151                        request   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3180 0001564590-21-039151                      requested   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3181 0001564590-21-039151                       requests   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3182 0001564590-21-039151                    requirement   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3183 0001564590-21-039151                      requiring   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3184 0001564590-21-039151                      rescinded   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3185 0001564590-21-039151                    researching   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3186 0001564590-21-039151                         resell   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3187 0001564590-21-039151                       reserved   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3188 0001564590-21-039151                          reset   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3189 0001564590-21-039151                       residual   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3190 0001564590-21-039151                     resilience   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3191 0001564590-21-039151                      resilient   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3192 0001564590-21-039151                        resolve   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3193 0001564590-21-039151                     respectful   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3194 0001564590-21-039151                     responding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3195 0001564590-21-039151                      responses   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3196 0001564590-21-039151                       restrain   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3197 0001564590-21-039151                    restrictive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3198 0001564590-21-039151                       retailer   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3199 0001564590-21-039151                       retained   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3200 0001564590-21-039151                      retention   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3201 0001564590-21-039151                     retirement   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3202 0001564590-21-039151                  retrospective   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3203 0001564590-21-039151                       returned   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3204 0001564590-21-039151                         reveal   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3205 0001564590-21-039151                         revise   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3206 0001564590-21-039151                        revised   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3207 0001564590-21-039151                       revision   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3208 0001564590-21-039151                         reward   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3209 0001564590-21-039151                      rewarding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3210 0001564590-21-039151                         richer   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3211 0001564590-21-039151                         robust   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3212 0001564590-21-039151                           ruby   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3213 0001564590-21-039151                         ruling   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3214 0001564590-21-039151                           safe   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3215 0001564590-21-039151                    safeguarded   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3216 0001564590-21-039151                   safeguarding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3217 0001564590-21-039151                         salary   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3218 0001564590-21-039151          1 21171 4.723442e-05
3219 0001564590-21-039151                       sarbanes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3220 0001564590-21-039151                 satisfactorily   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3221 0001564590-21-039151                      satisfied   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3222 0001564590-21-039151                           save   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3223 0001564590-21-039151                      schedules   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3224 0001564590-21-039151                       scraping   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3225 0001564590-21-039151                    scrutinizes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3226 0001564590-21-039151                     seamlessly   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3227 0001564590-21-039151                      searching   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3228 0001564590-21-039151                         season   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3229 0001564590-21-039151                        seattle   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3230 0001564590-21-039151                            sec   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3231 0001564590-21-039151                        secrecy   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3232 0001564590-21-039151                       sections   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3233 0001564590-21-039151                       securely   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3234 0001564590-21-039151                       securing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3235 0001564590-21-039151                         seeker   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3236 0001564590-21-039151                        seekers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3237 0001564590-21-039151                        seeking   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3238 0001564590-21-039151                    seismically   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3239 0001564590-21-039151                      selection   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3240 0001564590-21-039151                           semi   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3241 0001564590-21-039151                      sensitive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3242 0001564590-21-039151                        sensory   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3243 0001564590-21-039151                          serve   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3244 0001564590-21-039151                        serving   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3245 0001564590-21-039151                       sessions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3246 0001564590-21-039151                    settlements   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3247 0001564590-21-039151                      severance   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3248 0001564590-21-039151                       shanghai   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3249 0001564590-21-039151                          shape   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3250 0001564590-21-039151                    shareholder   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3251 0001564590-21-039151                      sharpened   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3252 0001564590-21-039151                         shield   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3253 0001564590-21-039151                       shifting   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3254 0001564590-21-039151                           ship   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3255 0001564590-21-039151                      shipments   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3256 0001564590-21-039151                       shopping   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3257 0001564590-21-039151                        shorter   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3258 0001564590-21-039151                        silicon   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3259 0001564590-21-039151                     simplified   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3260 0001564590-21-039151                       simplify   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3261 0001564590-21-039151                 simultaneously   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3262 0001564590-21-039151                           site   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3263 0001564590-21-039151                       situated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3264 0001564590-21-039151                          skill   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3265 0001564590-21-039151                       slightly   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3266 0001564590-21-039151                         slower   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3267 0001564590-21-039151                         slowly   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3268 0001564590-21-039151                         smooth   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3269 0001564590-21-039151                       societal   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3270 0001564590-21-039151                        solicit   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3271 0001564590-21-039151                          solve   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3272 0001564590-21-039151                           sony   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3273 0001564590-21-039151                          south   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3274 0001564590-21-039151                    sovereignty   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3275 0001564590-21-039151                           span   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3276 0001564590-21-039151                          speak   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3277 0001564590-21-039151                    specialists   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3278 0001564590-21-039151                 specifications   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3279 0001564590-21-039151                    speculative   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3280 0001564590-21-039151                         sphere   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3281 0001564590-21-039151                           spin   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3282 0001564590-21-039151                         spread   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3283 0001564590-21-039151                       staffing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3284 0001564590-21-039151                          stage   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3285 0001564590-21-039151                          stand   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3286 0001564590-21-039151                      starbucks   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3287 0001564590-21-039151                          start   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3288 0001564590-21-039151                         status   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3289 0001564590-21-039151                         stayed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3290 0001564590-21-039151                           step   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3291 0001564590-21-039151                        stepped   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3292 0001564590-21-039151                      stimulate   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3293 0001564590-21-039151                   storytelling   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3294 0001564590-21-039151                         stream   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3295 0001564590-21-039151                       strength   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3296 0001564590-21-039151                     strengthen   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3297 0001564590-21-039151                      strengths   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3298 0001564590-21-039151                         strike   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3299 0001564590-21-039151                       striking   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3300 0001564590-21-039151                       striving   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3301 0001564590-21-039151                      strongest   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3302 0001564590-21-039151                      subjected   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3303 0001564590-21-039151                      submitted   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3304 0001564590-21-039151                    subscribers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3305 0001564590-21-039151                    substantive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3306 0001564590-21-039151                     substitute   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3307 0001564590-21-039151                    substituted   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3308 0001564590-21-039151                     succession   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3309 0001564590-21-039151                      successor   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3310 0001564590-21-039151                          suits   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3311 0001564590-21-039151                        summary   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3312 0001564590-21-039151                    supervision   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3313 0001564590-21-039151                     supplement   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3314 0001564590-21-039151                   supplemental   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3315 0001564590-21-039151                       supplies   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3316 0001564590-21-039151                    supportable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3317 0001564590-21-039151                      surpassed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3318 0001564590-21-039151                    surrounding   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3319 0001564590-21-039151                   surveillance   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3320 0001564590-21-039151                    susceptible   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3321 0001564590-21-039151                      suspended   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3322 0001564590-21-039151                        sustain   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3323 0001564590-21-039151                          swaps   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3324 0001564590-21-039151                      switching   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3325 0001564590-21-039151                         symbol   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3326 0001564590-21-039151                        synapse   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3327 0001564590-21-039151                          syria   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3328 0001564590-21-039151                       systemic   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3329 0001564590-21-039151                         tablet   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3330 0001564590-21-039151                           tabs   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3331 0001564590-21-039151                       tangible   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3332 0001564590-21-039151                         target   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3333 0001564590-21-039151                       targeted   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3334 0001564590-21-039151                      targeting   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3335 0001564590-21-039151                        targets   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3336 0001564590-21-039151                        tariffs   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3337 0001564590-21-039151                           task   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3338 0001564590-21-039151                           tech   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3339 0001564590-21-039151                        tenancy   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3340 0001564590-21-039151                        tencent   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3341 0001564590-21-039151                           tend   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3342 0001564590-21-039151                     terminated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3343 0001564590-21-039151                    termination   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3344 0001564590-21-039151                        testers   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3345 0001564590-21-039151                           text   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3346 0001564590-21-039151                          theft   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3347 0001564590-21-039151                      thousands   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3348 0001564590-21-039151                         threat   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3349 0001564590-21-039151                     threatened   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3350 0001564590-21-039151                         thrive   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3351 0001564590-21-039151                          today   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3352 0001564590-21-039151                        totaled   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3353 0001564590-21-039151                          track   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3354 0001564590-21-039151                       tracking   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3355 0001564590-21-039151                      trademark   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3356 0001564590-21-039151                         trades   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3357 0001564590-21-039151                       transact   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3358 0001564590-21-039151                  transactional   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3359 0001564590-21-039151                      transcend   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3360 0001564590-21-039151                transformations   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3361 0001564590-21-039151                     transforms   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3362 0001564590-21-039151                    transitions   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3363 0001564590-21-039151                    translating   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3364 0001564590-21-039151                    translation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3365 0001564590-21-039151                   translations   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3366 0001564590-21-039151                       treasury   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3367 0001564590-21-039151                          trend   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3368 0001564590-21-039151                          trust   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3369 0001564590-21-039151                         tumors   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3370 0001564590-21-039151                          tying   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3371 0001564590-21-039151                     ubiquitous   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3372 0001564590-21-039151                     ultimately   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3373 0001564590-21-039151                      unchanged   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3374 0001564590-21-039151                  unconditional   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3375 0001564590-21-039151                    unconscious   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3376 0001564590-21-039151                 unconsolidated   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3377 0001564590-21-039151                      uncovered   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3378 0001564590-21-039151                       underlie   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3379 0001564590-21-039151                      undermine   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3380 0001564590-21-039151               underrepresented   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3381 0001564590-21-039151                    underserved   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3382 0001564590-21-039151                          undue   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3383 0001564590-21-039151                         unfair   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3384 0001564590-21-039151                    unfavorably   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3385 0001564590-21-039151                         unfold   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3386 0001564590-21-039151                          union   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3387 0001564590-21-039151                   universities   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3388 0001564590-21-039151                     university   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3389 0001564590-21-039151                           unix   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3390 0001564590-21-039151                        unknown   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3391 0001564590-21-039151                     unlicensed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3392 0001564590-21-039151                        unlocks   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3393 0001564590-21-039151                 unsatisfactory   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3394 0001564590-21-039151                   unsuccessful   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3395 0001564590-21-039151                        upgrade   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3396 0001564590-21-039151                            ups   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3397 0001564590-21-039151                          urban   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3398 0001564590-21-039151                      usability   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3399 0001564590-21-039151                       utilized   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3400 0001564590-21-039151                       utilizes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3401 0001564590-21-039151                    vaccination   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3402 0001564590-21-039151                   vaccinations   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3403 0001564590-21-039151                          valid   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3404 0001564590-21-039151                     validation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3405 0001564590-21-039151                       validity   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3406 0001564590-21-039151                         valley   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3407 0001564590-21-039151                       valuable   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3408 0001564590-21-039151                        valuing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3409 0001564590-21-039151                            var   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3410 0001564590-21-039151                       variants   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3411 0001564590-21-039151                      variation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3412 0001564590-21-039151                     variations   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3413 0001564590-21-039151                         varied   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3414 0001564590-21-039151                             ve   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3415 0001564590-21-039151                       vehicles   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3416 0001564590-21-039151                        verizon   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3417 0001564590-21-039151                    versatility   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3418 0001564590-21-039151                     vertically   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3419 0001564590-21-039151                          vests   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3420 0001564590-21-039151              videoconferencing   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3421 0001564590-21-039151                         viewed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3422 0001564590-21-039151                          views   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3423 0001564590-21-039151                     vigorously   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3424 0001564590-21-039151                       violates   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3425 0001564590-21-039151                      violation   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3426 0001564590-21-039151                     violations   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3427 0001564590-21-039151                        violent   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3428 0001564590-21-039151                       virginia   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3429 0001564590-21-039151                        virtual   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3430 0001564590-21-039151                      virtually   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3431 0001564590-21-039151                     visibility   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3432 0001564590-21-039151                          visio   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3433 0001564590-21-039151                         visual   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3434 0001564590-21-039151                          vital   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3435 0001564590-21-039151                           viva   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3436 0001564590-21-039151                        volumes   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3437 0001564590-21-039151                        warrant   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3438 0001564590-21-039151                          waste   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3439 0001564590-21-039151                          water   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3440 0001564590-21-039151                      weakening   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3441 0001564590-21-039151                        weakest   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3442 0001564590-21-039151                        weather   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3443 0001564590-21-039151                        western   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3444 0001564590-21-039151                          we’ve   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3445 0001564590-21-039151                          white   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3446 0001564590-21-039151                         widely   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3447 0001564590-21-039151                      witnessed   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3448 0001564590-21-039151                          words   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3449 0001564590-21-039151                      workbench   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3450 0001564590-21-039151                         worked   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3451 0001564590-21-039151                       workflow   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3452 0001564590-21-039151                          works   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3453 0001564590-21-039151                       worksite   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3454 0001564590-21-039151                     workstyles   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3455 0001564590-21-039151                      workweeks   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3456 0001564590-21-039151                      worldview   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3457 0001564590-21-039151                      worsening   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3458 0001564590-21-039151                          write   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3459 0001564590-21-039151                         yammer   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3460 0001564590-21-039151                         yields   1 21171 4.723442e-05
3461 0001564590-21-039151                          these   1 21171 4.723442e-05


  • Sentiment works similarly to stopwords, except we are identifying words with specific, useful meanings
# Need to install the `textdata` package for the below to work
get_sentiments("afinn") %>%
  group_by(value) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
# A tibble: 11 × 2
   word         value
   <chr>        <dbl>
 1 bastard         -5
 2 ass             -4
 3 abhor           -3
 4 abandon         -2
 5 absentee        -1
 6 some kind        0
 7 aboard           1
 8 abilities        2
 9 admire           3
10 amazing          4
11 breathtaking     5
get_sentiments("bing") %>%
  group_by(sentiment) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  word    sentiment
  <chr>   <chr>    
1 2-faces negative 
2 abound  positive 


NRC Word-Emotion

get_sentiments("nrc") %>%
  group_by(sentiment) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   word        sentiment   
   <chr>       <chr>       
 1 abandoned   anger       
 2 abundance   anticipation
 3 aberration  disgust     
 4 abandon     fear        
 5 absolution  joy         
 6 abandon     negative    
 7 abba        positive    
 8 abandon     sadness     
 9 abandonment surprise    
10 abacus      trust       

Loughran & McDonald dictionary – finance specific, targeted at annual reports

get_sentiments("loughran") %>%
  group_by(sentiment) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  word           sentiment   
  <chr>          <chr>       
1 abide          constraining
2 abovementioned litigious   
3 abandon        negative    
4 able           positive    
5 aegis          superfluous 
6 abeyance       uncertainty 

Merging in sentiment data

tf_sent <- tf %>% left_join(get_sentiments("loughran"))
                    ID      word   n total          tf sentiment
1 0001564590-21-039151  services 250 21171 0.011808606      <NA>
2 0001564590-21-039151  products 194 21171 0.009163478      <NA>
3 0001564590-21-039151 financial 166 21171 0.007840914      <NA>
4 0001564590-21-039151  business 144 21171 0.006801757      <NA>
5 0001564590-21-039151       tax 140 21171 0.006612819      <NA>
                      ID      word  n total          tf    sentiment
96  0001564590-21-039151  required 34 21171 0.001605970 constraining
102 0001564590-21-039151     risks 33 21171 0.001558736  uncertainty
117 0001564590-21-039151      laws 31 21171 0.001464267    litigious
141 0001564590-21-039151 effective 27 21171 0.001275329     positive
144 0001564590-21-039151    losses 27 21171 0.001275329     negative

Summarizing document sentiment

tf_sent %>%
  spread(sentiment, tf, fill=0) %>%
  select(constraining, litigious, negative, positive, superfluous, uncertainty) %>%
constraining    litigious     negative     positive  superfluous  uncertainty 
1.284776e-02 1.690992e-02 3.226111e-02 1.785461e-02 4.723442e-05 1.218648e-02 

Visualizing sentiment

tf_sent %>% filter(! %>%
  group_by(sentiment) %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% mutate(row = row_number()) %>% filter(row < 10) %>%
  ungroup() %>% mutate(word = reorder(word, n)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=n, x=word)) + geom_col() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1)) + 
  facet_wrap(~sentiment, ncol=3, scales="free_x")

Visualizing a document as a word cloud

corp <- cast_dfm(tf, ID, word, n)
textplot_wordcloud(dfm(corp), color = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))

Another reason to use stopwords

  • Without removing stopwords, the word cloud shows almost nothing useful
corp_no_stop <- cast_dfm(tf_no_stop, ID, word, n)
textplot_wordcloud(dfm(corp_no_stop), color = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))

R Practice 3

  • Using the same data as before, we will explore
    • Readability
    • Sentiment
    • Word clouds
  • Note: Due to missing packages, you will need to run the code in RStudio, not in the DataCamp light console
  • Do exercises 6 through 8 in today’s practice file

End Matter

Wrap up

  • For next session (in 2 weeks):
    • Finish the third assignment
      • Submit on eLearn
    • Datacamp
      • Check out the recommended chapter on text analysis
    • Start on the group project
  • Survey on the class session at this QR code:

Packages used for these slides

Custom code

html_df <- function(text, cols=NULL, col1=FALSE, full=F) {
  if(!length(cols)) {
  if(!col1) {
    kable(text,"html", col.names = cols, align = c("l",rep('c',length(cols)-1))) %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped","hover"), full_width=full)
  } else {
    kable(text,"html", col.names = cols, align = c("l",rep('c',length(cols)-1))) %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped","hover"), full_width=full) %>%