ACCT 420: Topic modeling and anomaly detection

Dr. Richard M. Crowley

Front Matter

Learning objectives

Roadmap for the course

  • Theory:
    • NLP
    • Anomaly detection
  • Application:
    • Understand annual report readability
    • Examine the content of annual reports
    • Group firms on content
    • Fill in missing data
  • Methodology:
    • ML/AI (LDA, k-means, KNN)
    • Dimensionality reduction: UMAP

Group project tip #1

For reading large files, readr is your friend

library(readr)  # or library(tidyverse)
df <- read_csv("")

# OR

df <- read_csv("really_big_file.csv.gz")
  • It can read directly from zip and gzip files!
    • Like those that you can export from WRDS
    • Good for saving disk space
  • It can write directly to zip and gzip files too!

Group project tip #2

For saving intermediary results, saveRDS() + readRDS() your friend

saveRDS(really_big_object, "big_df.rds")

# Later on...
df <- readRDS("big_df.rds")
  • You can neatly save processed data, finished models, and more
    • This is particularly helpful if you want to work on something later or distribute data or results to teammates
    • As an added bonus, RDS files are compressed, taking less space on disk than csv files

If you look at the code file for this lesson, you’ll see this used extensively

Sets of documents (corpus)

Importing sets of documents (corpus)

  • I will use the readtext package for this example
    • Importing all 6,933 annual reports from 2021
  • Other options include using
    • purrr and df_map()
    • tm and VCorpus()
    • {textreadr} and read_dir()
# Needs ~6.5GB RAM
corp <- corpus(readtext("/media/Scratch/Data/10-K/2021/*.txt"))

Corpus summary

                        Text Types Tokens Sentences
1   0000002178-21-000034.txt  3906  42087      1352
2   0000002969-21-000055.txt  4848  57425      1863
3   0000003499-21-000005.txt  3413  32839       989
4   0000003570-21-000039.txt  5092  70180      1725
5   0000004127-21-000058.txt  4417  40081      1106
6   0000004281-21-000049.txt  5351  71989      2119
7   0000004457-21-000040.txt  3107  22717       785
8   0000004904-21-000010.txt  7444 160570      4711
9   0000004962-21-000013.txt  5805  82050      2155
10  0000004969-21-000009.txt  3406  35469       960
11  0000004977-21-000047.txt  5782  91119      2928
12  0000005513-21-000015.txt  5953 108414      3193
13  0000006201-21-000014.txt  5870 127350      3423
14  0000006281-21-000294.txt  4794  56351      1631
15  0000006845-21-000010.txt  3726  32487      1023
16  0000006951-21-000043.txt  4182  48369      1354
17  0000006955-21-000031.txt  4028  40131      1149
18  0000007039-21-000036.txt  3291  24652       750
19  0000007084-21-000008.txt  4849  57123      1597
20  0000007332-21-000016.txt  5395  79034      2194
21  0000007789-21-000018.txt  5806  88614      2541
22  0000008063-21-000007.txt  4202  45559      1512
23  0000008670-21-000027.txt  4669  44530      1285
24  0000008858-21-000036.txt  3238  29094       851
25  0000008868-21-000004.txt  5242  77291      2204
26  0000008947-21-000052.txt  3955  40226      1235
27  0000009346-21-000024.txt  3742  42873      1202
28  0000009984-21-000063.txt  4980  62694      2009
29  0000010048-21-000026.txt  4327  57000      1550
30  0000010254-21-000045.txt  4542  47180      1332
31  0000010795-21-000091.txt  4853  54704      1572
32  0000011544-21-000013.txt  4591  59531      1864
33  0000012208-21-000012.txt  4335  43967      1329
34  0000012927-21-000011.txt  5111  69379      2205
35  0000013239-21-000005.txt  6194  97014      2970
36  0000014272-21-000066.txt  6202  75439      2369
37  0000014693-21-000091.txt  4556  44208      1449
38  0000014707-21-000010.txt  4575  52736      1623
39  0000014846-21-000008.txt  3763  38589      1053
40  0000014930-21-000029.txt  4125  33569       997
41  0000015615-21-000006.txt  5473  79158      2292
42  0000016099-21-000047.txt  3822  45783      1411
43  0000016732-21-000103.txt  4121  47046      1473
44  0000016875-21-000008.txt  5664  67426      2220
45  0000016918-21-000060.txt  4496  56444      1581
46  0000017313-21-000075.txt  4677  80835      2203
47  0000017843-21-000030.txt  4123  50058      1569
48  0000018230-21-000063.txt  5125  63814      2071
49  0000018255-21-000004.txt  4368  36198       999
50  0000018349-21-000014.txt  5768  79631      2186
51  0000018926-21-000017.txt  5534  70434      1999
52  0000019584-21-000003.txt  2846  22490       746
53  0000019612-21-000031.txt  5655  83426      2444
54  0000019617-21-000236.txt  7701 173810      4731
55  0000020212-21-000019.txt  5249  64176      1783
56  0000020286-21-000013.txt  5624  81960      2717
57  0000021076-21-000016.txt  3316  24576       626
58  0000021175-21-000022.txt  4371  61659      1830
59  0000021344-21-000008.txt  5876  94705      2783
60  0000021510-21-000060.txt  5978  80631      2384
61  0000021665-21-000007.txt  4443  55593      1537
62  0000022356-21-000015.txt  5285  71881      2331
63  0000022444-21-000126.txt  4349  42979      1323
64  0000023194-21-000015.txt  3970  32748      1032
65  0000023197-21-000082.txt  5748  78652      2332
66  0000024090-21-000012.txt  5025  63463      1991
67  0000024491-21-000011.txt  4592  51961      1559
68  0000024545-21-000004.txt  6056  93506      2651
69  0000025232-21-000008.txt  4250  47677      1344
70  0000026172-21-000012.txt  5008  59732      1824
71  0000026324-21-000007.txt  4309  41245      1315
72  0000027419-21-000010.txt  3545  26796       864
73  0000027904-21-000003.txt  5330  71448      2558
74  0000027996-21-000033.txt  4710  63000      1955
75  0000028412-21-000054.txt  5421  76597      2245
76  0000028823-21-000059.txt  5324  59713      1638
77  0000028917-21-000066.txt  3116  22366       725
78  0000029332-21-000015.txt  3898  35472      1242
79  0000029644-21-000029.txt  3665  31719      1026
80  0000029905-21-000010.txt  4926  55720      1652
81  0000029915-21-000003.txt  3417  29762       918
82  0000029989-21-000004.txt  2727  24447       770
83  0000030625-21-000034.txt  5328  67204      1956
84  0000030697-21-000002.txt  5041  69427      1918
85  0000031791-21-000003.txt  5814  75407      2093
86  0000032604-21-000038.txt  4490  38969      1220
87  0000033185-21-000025.txt  5369  72460      2351
88  0000033213-21-000006.txt  5471  74141      2102
89  0000034067-21-000015.txt  4795  47094      1491
90  0000034088-21-000012.txt  4820  49954      1686
91  0000034563-21-000061.txt  4048  33522       980
92  0000034782-21-000036.txt  5135  55219      1807
93  0000034903-21-000020.txt  4412  49681      1361
94  0000035214-21-000006.txt  3946  45199      1335
95  0000035527-21-000100.txt  6929 143059      3952
96  0000036047-21-000018.txt  4841  60926      1680
97  0000036966-21-000012.txt  7196 120376      3636
98  0000037472-21-000023.txt  2881  21127       640
99  0000037785-21-000024.txt  5440  64611      2072
100 0000037808-21-000011.txt  6030  84205      2519

Running readability across the corpus

# Uses ~20GB of RAM...  Break corp into chunks if RAM constrained
corp_FOG <- textstat_readability(corp, "FOG")
corp_FOG %>%
  head() %>%
document FOG
0000002178-21-000034.txt 21.11264
0000002969-21-000055.txt 22.01396
0000003499-21-000005.txt 21.81568
0000003570-21-000039.txt 24.91956
0000004127-21-000058.txt 23.87785
0000004281-21-000049.txt 22.83374

Recall that Micorsoft’s annual report had a Fog index of 20.88

Readability across documents

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
  15.14   21.46   22.47   22.75   23.44  130.85       4 
ggplot(corp_FOG, aes(x=FOG)) + geom_density() + xlim(c(10,40))

Are certain industries’ filings more readable?

  • Since the SEC has their own industry code (SIC), we’ll use that
  • SIC codes are 4 digits
    • The first two digits represent the industry
    • The third digit represents the business group
    • The fourth digit represents the specialization
  • Example: Microsoft is SIC 7372
    • 73: Business services
    • 737: Computer programming, data processing, and other computer related services
    • 7372: Prepackaged software

Are certain industries’ filings more readable?

  • Construct a data set of industries mapped to filings
df_SIC <- read.csv('../../Data/Session_8-Filings2021.csv') %>%
  select(accession, regsic) %>%
  mutate(accession=paste0(accession, ".txt")) %>%
  rename(document=accession) %>%
  mutate(industry = case_when(
    regsic >=0100 & regsic <= 0999 ~ "Agriculture",
    regsic >=1000 & regsic <= 1499 ~ "Mining",
    regsic >=1500 & regsic <= 1799 ~ "Construction",
    regsic >=2000 & regsic <= 3999 ~ "Manufacturing",
    regsic >=4000 & regsic <= 4999 ~ "Utilities",
    regsic >=5000 & regsic <= 5199 ~ "Wholesale Trade",
    regsic >=5200 & regsic <= 5999 ~ "Retail Trade",
    regsic >=6000 & regsic <= 6799 ~ "Finance",
    regsic >=7000 & regsic <= 8999 ~ "Services",
    regsic >=9100 & regsic <= 9999 ~ "Public Admin" )) %>%
  group_by(document) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  • Merge the industry data with the readability data
corp_FOG <- corp_FOG %>% left_join(df_SIC)

Are certain industries’ filings more readable?

corp_FOG %>%
  head() %>%
document FOG regsic industry
0000002178-21-000034.txt 21.11264 5172 Wholesale Trade
0000002969-21-000055.txt 22.01396 2810 Manufacturing
0000003499-21-000005.txt 21.81568 6798 Finance
0000003570-21-000039.txt 24.91956 4924 Utilities
0000004127-21-000058.txt 23.87785 3674 Manufacturing
0000004281-21-000049.txt 22.83374 3350 Manufacturing

Are certain industries’ filings more readable?

ggplot(corp_FOG[!$industry),], aes(x=factor(industry), y=FOG)) +
  geom_violin(draw_quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) + ylim(c(10, 40))

Are certain industries’ filings more readable?

ggplot(corp_FOG[!$industry),], aes(x=FOG)) +
  geom_density() + facet_wrap(~industry) + xlim(c(10, 40))

quanteda bonus: References across text (Global warming)

corp_tokens <- tokens(corp)  # This takes a couple hours to run

# kwic() is very fast to run though
kwic(corp_tokens, pattern = phrase("global warming"), window = 3) %>%
  as.tibble() %>%
  mutate(text=paste(pre,keyword,post)) %>%
  left_join(select(df_SIC, document, industry), by = c("docname" = "document")) %>%
  select(docname, text) %>%
  sample_n(100) %>%
  datatable(options = list(pageLength = 5), rownames=F)

quanteda bonus: Mentions by industry

quanteda bonus: References across text (COVID-19)

corp_tokens <- tokens(corp)  # This takes a couple hours to run

# kwic() is very fast to run though
kwic(corp_tokens, pattern = phrase(c("COVID-19", "coronavirus")), window = 3) %>%
  as.tibble() %>%
  mutate(text=paste(pre,keyword,post)) %>%
  left_join(select(df_SIC, document, industry), by = c("docname" = "document")) %>%
  select(docname, text) %>%
  sample_n(100) %>%
  datatable(options = list(pageLength = 5), rownames=F)

quanteda bonus: Mentions by industry

Going beyond simple text measures

What’s next

  • Armed with an understanding of how to process unstructured data, all of the sudden the amount of data available to us is expanding rapidly
  • To an extent, anything in the world can be viewed as data, which can get overwhelming pretty fast
  • We’ll require some better and newer tools to deal with this

Problem: What do firms discuss in annual reports?

  • This is a hard question to answer – our sample has 317,759,360 words in it!
    • 22.1 days for the “world’s fastest reader”, per this source
    • 315.2 days for a standard speed reader (700wpm)
    • 882.7 days for an average reader (250wpm)


  1. We could read a small sample of them.
    • Imprecise, risks missing out on some types of discussion
    • We need a second computer process to apply our findings to the rest of the documents
  2. Have a computer read all of them!

Recall the topic variable from session 6

  • Topic was a set of 31 variables indicating how much a given topic was discussed
  • This measure was created by making a machine read every annual report
    • The computer then used a technique called LDA to process these reports’ content into topics

This is our end goal, but we’ll work our way up

Term document matrices (TDM)

  • Before we begin, we’ll need a matrix of word counts per document
  • We’ll create something called a sparse matrix for this
  • A sparse matrix is a matrix that only lists values that aren’t 0

Think about the structure of a matrix where rows are document names and columns are individual words. How much of this matrix will be 0s?

Making a TDM

  • In quanteda, use dfm()
  • Useful additions:
    • We can pipe the output of dfm() to dfm_remove() to remove stopwords
      • You can use remove=stopwords() for a simple list
      • We can use SMART like last week: remove=stopwords(source='smart')
      • The stopwords() function is provided by the stopwords package, and actually supports over 50 languages, including Chinese, English, Hindi, and Malay
      • For other languages: remove=stopwords("zh", source="stopwords-iso")
      • With remove=c(...), You can supply a list of stop words to remove
    • We can remove particularly frequent or infrequent terms with dfm_trim()
  • We can preprocess our tokens() output as well
    • Pass it to tokens_wordstem() for stemming
      • Ex.: code, coding, and coder would all become cod
    • tokens() has the options remove_punct=T and remove_numbers=T too

Making a TDM

# Simplest way
tdm <- dfm(corp_tokens)

# With stopwords
tdm <- dfm(corp_tokens) %>%

# With stopwords and stemming -> Used in next slides
# 683M elements in the output
corp_tokens2 <- tokens(corp_tokens, remove_punct=TRUE, remove_numbers=TRUE) %>%
tdm <- dfm(corp_tokens2) %>%
  dfm_trim(min_termfreq=10, termfreq_type = "count")
# adding industry to the tdm
docs <- docnames(corp)
docs <- data.frame(document=docs)
docs <- docs %>% left_join(df_SIC)
docvars(tdm, field="industry") <- docs$industry

What words matter by industry?

topfeatures(tdm, n=5, groups="industry")
compani       $    oper financi    year 
   9223    8862    6112    5829    5317 

      $    oper compani financi million 
  14917   11563   11447   11268   10931 

   loan compani    busi       $ financi 
 466138  450468  424405  423439  360063 

product compani       $  includ financi 
 690259  536844  498176  411262  362766 

   oper compani       $ financi     oil 
  68529   66552   66374   48157   45090 

$`Retail Trade`
compani       $    oper financi  includ 
  60697   60076   53995   46448   44738 

compani       $    oper financi    busi 
 250136  234430  190355  188140  181628 

      $    oper compani  includ million 
 109619   96571   88532   80891   79997 

$`Wholesale Trade`
compani       $    oper financi product 
  32805   30518   23833   23060   21674 

This isn’t very informative


  • Words counts are not very informative
  • Knowing the words that show up frequently in one group but not in the others would be much more useful
  • This is called TF-IDF
    • Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency
  • Think of it roughly as:

\[ \frac{\text{How many times a word is in the document}}{\text{How many documents the word is in}} \]

  • We can easily calculate TF-IDF using dfm_tfidf() from quanteda
    • The options we’ll specify are used to match a more standard output

The actual TF-IDF equation we’ll use

\[ \frac{f_{w,d}}{f_d} \cdot -\log_2\left(\frac{n_w}{N}\right) \]

  • \(w\) represents 1 word
  • \(d\) represents 1 document
  • \(f_{w,d}\) is the number of times \(w\) appears in \(d\)
  • \(f_{d}\) is the number of times any word appears in \(d\)
  • \(n_w\) is the number of documents with \(w\) at least once
  • \(N\) is the number of documents

What words matter by industry?

tfidf_mat <- dfm_tfidf(tdm, base=2, scheme_tf="prop")
topfeatures(tfidf_mat, n=5, groups=industry)
  cannabi       prc   avocado       yew      uspb 
0.2668476 0.2599917 0.2108610 0.1990909 0.1921867 

 homebuild 2020-12-31 2019-12-31       home  ck1723866 
 0.4848714  0.2985789  0.2360784  0.2351432  0.2049281 

   mortgag      fargo         ab 2020-12-31 2019-12-31 
 22.799752  14.987289  13.155708  11.641575   7.004365 

    clinic        fda      trial 2020-12-31    patient 
 12.176848   8.397263   8.002860   6.812589   6.555764 

     oil      gas    drill    miner     gold 
3.567497 3.309704 2.865018 1.945640 1.350271 

$`Retail Trade`
   restaur 2021-01-30 merchandis  franchise      store 
 2.1737584  1.1272627  1.0692899  0.9448629  0.8498510 

2020-12-31       game 2019-12-31     client 2020-01-01 
  2.650871   2.199351   1.852566   1.701759   1.451234 

2020-12-31 2019-12-31        gas 2020-01-01 2018-12-31 
 2.8123115  2.0785280  1.5214459  1.2668153  0.8849584 

$`Wholesale Trade`
2020-12-31 2019-12-31    graybar 2021-09-30      hsiao 
 0.4319546  0.3064838  0.2765405  0.2624720  0.2567148 

These terms are often more meaningful

Moving on to LDA

What is LDA?

  • Latent Dirichlet Allocation
  • One of the most popular methods under the field of topic modeling
  • LDA is a Bayesian method of assessing the content of a document
  • LDA assumes there are a set of topics in each document, and that this set follows a Dirichlet prior for each document
    • Words within topics also have a Dirichlet prior

More details from the creator

An example of LDA

How does it work?

  1. Reads all the documents
    • Calculates counts of each word within the document, tied to a specific ID used across all documents
  2. Uses variation in words within and across documents to infer topics
    • By using a Gibbs sampler to simulate the underlying distributions (MCMC method)
  • It’s a bit complicated mathematically, but it boils down to a system where generating a document follows a couple rules:
    1. Topics in a document follow a multinomial/categorical distribution
    2. Words in a topic follow a multinomial/categorical distribution

What type of Algorithm is LDA?

  • Because of the distributional assumptions (which include priors), this is Bayesian
  • Because of the way a Gibbs sampler approximates the distributions, this is machine learning

Implementations in R

  • There are at least four good implementations of LDA in R
    1. stm: A bit of a tweak on the usual LDA model that plays nicely with quanteda and also has an associated {stmBrowser} package for visualization (on Github)
    2. {lda}: A somewhat rigid package with difficult setup syntax, but it plays nicely with the great LDAvis package for visualizing models. Supported by quanteda.
    3. {topicmodels}: An extensible topic modeling framework that plays nicely with quanteda
    4. mallet: An R package to interface with the venerable MALLET Java package, capable of more advanced topic modeling

Implementing a topic model in STM

# quanteda's conversion for the stm package
out <- convert(tdm, to = 'stm')
# quanteda's conversion for the lda package
# out <- convert(tdm, to = 'lda')
# quanteda's conversion for the topicmodels package
# out <- convert(tdm, to = 'topicmodels')
  • Creates a list of 3 items:
    • out$documents: Index number for each word with count/document
    • out$vocab: Words and their index numbers
    • out$meta a data frame of information from the corpus (industry)
      [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]
[1,] 23097 23101 23124 23144 23153
[2,]     2     2     1     3    89
[1] "consult"  "consum"   "consumpt" "contamin" "content" 

Running the model

  • We will use the stm() function from the stm package
    • It has a lot of options that you can explore to tweak the model
    • The most important is K, the number of topics we want. I’ll use 10 for simplicity, but often we need more to neatly categorize the text
      • K=100 is a popular choice when we are using the output of LDA as an input to another model
      • The model we used in Session 6 had K=31, as that captures the most restatements in-sample
topics <- stm(out$documents, out$vocab, K=10)

What this looks like while running

LDA model

Topic 1 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: 2020-12-31, 2019-12-31, 2020-01-01, 2018-12-31, 2019-01-01, 2018-01-01, decemb 
     FREX: nnn:operatingleasememb, vtr:seniorshousingcommunitiesmemb, fcpt:olivegardenmemb, wpc:realestatesubjecttooperatingleasememb, exc:exelongenerationcollcmemb, ess:unencumberedapartmentcommunitiesmemb, kim:shoppingcentermemb 
     Lift: adc:seniorunsecureddebtmemb, aegco, aep:amortizationofdeferredcostsmemb, aep:changesinfundedstatusmemb, aep:excessaditthatisnotsubjecttoratenormalizationrequirementsmemb, aep:ohiopowercomemb, aep:publicservicecoofoklahomamemb 
     Score: 2020-12-31, 2019-12-31, 2020-01-01, 2018-12-31, 2019-01-01, 2018-01-01, nnn:operatingleasememb 
Topic 2 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: servic, loan, mortgag, exhibit, report, bank, nation 
     FREX: corelog, pentalpha, dbtca, dbntc, lnr, ncmslt, cwcapit 
     Lift: ikb, -1122, #39, #41, 2013-c10, 2013-c11, 2013-c12 
     Score: mortgag, pentalpha, dbtca, dbntc, fargo, cwcapit, corelog 
Topic 3 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: servic, oper, busi, result, includ, financi, custom 
     FREX: telesat, telesat’, zoominfo, apus, hcn, sciplay, airtoken 
     Lift: 001-32877, 704game, 90-10, accd:commonstockwarrantsmemb, acuriti, addus, adt:firstliencreditagreementmemb 
     Score: custom, revenu, cost, increas, softwar, client, game 
Topic 4 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: compani, $, stock, share, financi, common, year 
     FREX: ncm, hemp-deriv, auctus, yew, zander, appliancesmart, indus’s 
     Lift: 280e, adnani, ankang, baod, bellridg, biofirst, biohealth 
     Score: company’, cannabi, compani, mr, penni, board, stock 
Topic 5 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: invest, compani, interest, $, ani, asset, valu 
     FREX: uscf, pre-incent, ck11, bdcs, cik22, unl, bno 
     Lift: euroccp, sdci, -0.5x, -1x, -2x, 001-32975, 001-34057 
     Score: invest, reit, adviser, ck11, uscf, tenant, bdc 
Topic 6 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: oper, $, million, cost, includ, financi, gas 
     FREX: ferc, entergi, ngls, cleco, ameren, sce, pbf 
     Lift: _________________________________________________________________________________________, —pge, #2016-n01, 000-00404, 001-05324, 001-37419, 1-06196 
     Score: oil, gas, drill, ferc, cost, ngls, energi 
Topic 7 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: product, develop, clinic, ani, approv, includ, requir 
     FREX: preclin, nda, tumor, cgmp, post-market, biosimilar, placebo 
     Lift: —licens, 0.3mg, 03-133, 1-caart, 1-gram, 11-point, 16-posit 
     Score: clinic, fda, patent, preclin, patient, nda, trial 
Topic 8 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: busi, combin, share, ani, initi, compani, public 
     FREX: post-busi, founder, pre-initi, kaleyra, blank, consumm, worthless 
     Lift: 14e-5, 3—initial, 340-10-s99-1, 5am’s, 7gc, acpgp, alberton’ 
     Score: warrant, combin, busi, target, initi, founder, redempt 
Topic 9 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: $, million, compani, oper, product, includ, financi 
     FREX: 2019-12-29, 2019-12-28, 2021-01-02, 2018-12-30, 2021-10-31, 2021-01-30, 2018-12-29 
     Lift: 000-06920, 1-12936, 2015-10-27, 2017-11-26, 2018-04-28, 2018-05-27, 2018-11-25 
     Score: us-gaap:pensionplansdefinedbenefitmemb, custom, cost, 2021-01-02, 2019-12-29, 2019-12-28, product 
Topic 10 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: loan, $, financi, compani, bank, loss, rate 
     FREX: fhlb, us-gaap:residentialportfoliosegmentmemb, tdrs, cet1, cblr, alll, four-famili 
     Lift: 000-32891, 001-33572, 001-33912, 001-34042, 001-35593, 09-4, 30-59 
     Score: us-gaap:commercialportfoliosegmentmemb, fhlb, us-gaap:consumerportfoliosegmentmemb, loan, us-gaap:commercialrealestateportfoliosegmentmemb, mortgag, rate 
  • Highest prob is a straightforward measure to interpret
    • The words with the highest probability of being chosen in the topic

Applying our topic model to our data

out$meta$industry <- factor(out$meta$industry)

doc_topics = data.frame(document=names(out$documents),
for (i in 2:10) {
  temp = data.frame(document=names(out$documents),
  doc_topics = rbind(doc_topics, temp)
# Proportional topics (%)
doc_topics <- doc_topics %>%
  group_by(document) %>%
  mutate(topic_prop = weight / sum(weight)) %>%
# Manually label topics
topic_labels = data.frame(topic = 1:10,
  topic_name = c('XBRL', 'Banking', 'Services', 'Equity',
                 'Investment', 'Energy', 'R&D',
                 'Compensation', 'Financial', 'Debt'))

doc_topics <- doc_topics %>% left_join(topic_labels)

A nice visualization of our STM model

  • Using LDAvis via {STM}’s toLDAvis() function
    • Need LDAvis and servr installed to run
    • Note: LDAvis scrambles the topic numbers (e.g., topic 1 is LDAvis’ topic 9)
# Code to generate LDAvis
toLDAvis(topics, out$documents, R=10)

Click to view

  • Using {stmBrowser}’s stmBrowser() function
    • Install from github, not CRAN
# code to generate stmBrowser
stmBrowser(topics, data=data.frame(text=names(out$documents),
           c('industry'), text='text')

Click to view

Topic content of the Microsoft 10-K

doc_topics %>% filter(document=='0001564590-21-039151.txt')
# A tibble: 10 × 6
   document                 industry topic    weight topic_prop topic_name  
   <chr>                    <fct>    <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>       
 1 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services     1 0.00488    0.00488   XBRL        
 2 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services     2 0.0000168  0.0000168 Banking     
 3 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services     3 0.814      0.814     Services    
 4 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services     4 0.000219   0.000219  Equity      
 5 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services     5 0.000164   0.000164  Investment  
 6 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services     6 0.0000879  0.0000879 Energy      
 7 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services     7 0.00116    0.00116   R&D         
 8 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services     8 0.000330   0.000330  Compensation
 9 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services     9 0.177      0.177     Financial   
10 0001564590-21-039151.txt Services    10 0.00158    0.00158   Debt        

Topic content of the Microsoft 10-K versus Apple

doc_topics %>%
  filter(document=='0001564590-21-039151.txt' |
         document=='0000320193-21-000105.txt') %>%
  mutate(Company=ifelse(document=='0001564590-21-039151.txt', 'MSFT','AAPL')) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=factor(topic_name), y=topic_prop, fill=factor(topic_name))) + 
  geom_col() + facet_wrap(~Company) + 
  theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(),axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

Topic content by industry

doc_topics %>%
  group_by(industry, topic) %>%
  mutate(topic_prop = mean(topic_prop)) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=factor(topic_name), y=topic_prop, fill=factor(topic_name))) + 
  geom_col() + facet_wrap(~industry) +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(),axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

What we have accomplished?

  • We have created a measure of the content of annual reports
    • This gives us some insight as to what is discussed in any annual report from 2021 by looking at only 10 numbers as opposed to having to read the whole document
      • We can apply it to other years as well, though it will be a bit less accurate if new content is discussed in those years
    • We can use this measure in a variety of ways
      • Some forecasting related, such as building in firm disclosure into prediction models
      • Some forensics related, such as our model in Session 6


How might we leverage LDA (or other topic modeling methods) to improve and simplify analytics?

  • What other contexts or data could we use LDA on?
  • What other problems can we solve with LDA?

Clustering without known groups

Problem: Classifying companies based on disclosure

  • While industry code is one classification of firms, it has a number of drawbacks:
    1. The classification system is old and perhaps misses new industries
    2. It relies on self-reporting
    3. Firms’ classifications rarely change, even when firms themselves change

We’ll build a different classification system, based on what they discuss in their annual reports


  • One important aspect of detecting anomalies is determining groups in the data
    • We call this clustering
  • If we find that a few elements of our data don’t match the usual groups in the data, we can consider this to be an anomaly
    • Similar to the concept of outliers, but taking into account multiple variables simultaneously
  • The grey dot is at the mean of both the \(x\) and \(y\) dimensions
    • it isn’t an outlier
  • But there are 4 clear clusters… and it doesn’t belong to any!

One clustering approach: k-means

\[ \min_{C_k} \sum_{k=1}^{K} \sum_{x_i\in C_k} \left(x_i - \mu_k\right)^2 \]

  • Minimizes the sum of squared distance between points within groups
  • Technically this is a machine learning algorithm, despite its simplicity
  • You need to specify the number of groups you want
  • Pros:
    • Very fast to run
    • Simple interpretation
  • Cons
    • Simple algorithm
    • Need to specify \(k\), the number of clusters

Prepping data

  • We will need data to be in a matrix format, with…
    • 1 row for each observation
    • 1 column for each variable we want to cluster by
  • Since our data is currently in a long format, we’ll recast this with tidyr
wide_topics <- spread(doc_topics[,c(1,2,5,6)], topic_name, topic_prop)
# Note: dropping XBRL here
mat <- wide_topics[,3:11]

mat[,1:6] %>% head(n=3) %>% html_df(highlight_cols = c())
Banking Compensation Debt Energy Equity Financial
0.0000806 0.0007570 0.0045723 0.6573965 0.0012891 0.2155210
0.0000057 0.0000372 0.0000445 0.1259373 0.0000565 0.8653703
0.0372616 0.0004645 0.0083611 0.1996815 0.0501601 0.0380236

Calculating k-means

clusters <- kmeans(mat, 9)

# Add clusters back into our data
wide_topics$kmean <- clusters$cluster

clusters$cluster %>% head()
[1] 4 3 5 4 3 3
  • The algorithm tells us group numbers for each observation
  • The numbers themselves are arbitrary
    • The clustering (observations sharing a group number) is what matters
  • Note: kmeans() is built into R – no packages needed

Visualizing the clusters

cbind($center), data.frame(kmean=1:9)) %>%
  gather("Topics","weights",-kmean) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=factor(Topics), y=weights, fill=factor(Topics))) +
  geom_col() + 
  facet_wrap(~kmean) + 
  theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(),axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

Improving our visualization

  • There is a relatively new method (2018), UMAP, that is significantly better
    • UMAP stands for Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction
    • We will use it to reduce 68 dimensions down to 2
    • It is useful for plotting 2 dimensional representations of high dimensional data by maintaining local distance structures
      • It also maintains distances globally, mostly
    • It is computationally efficient
    • It is based on solid mathematical theory
      • Reimannian manifolds and geodesic distance

Implementing UMAP


# Build the UMAP model
umap_train <- umap(mat, ret_model = TRUE)
# Extract coordinates
umap_coords <- umap_train$embedding %>%
colnames(umap_coords) <- c('umap1', 'umap2')
# Merge coordinates into our data frame
wide_topics <- cbind(wide_topics, umap_coords)
  • We will use the uwot package to implement UMAP
  • Our goal is to extract the locations that each document should be placed at in a 2D space
  • The umap() function builds the model
  • The umap_train$embedding object contains the needed coordinates
  • Then we just add these back into our data

Visualizing with UMAP: k-means

Colored by SIC codes

       aes(x = umap1, y = umap2,
           color = industry)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.3) +

Colored by kmeans

       aes(x = umap1, y = umap2,
           color = factor(kmean))) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.3) +

Why are these graphs different?

  • Possibly due to…
    • Data: 10-K disclosure content doesn’t fully capture industry inclusion
    • LDA: The measure is noisy – it needs more data
    • SIC code: The measure doesn’t cleanly capture industry inclusion
      • Some firms are essentially misclassified
  • Recall, SIC covers Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining; Construction; Manufacturing; Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services; Wholesale Trade; Retail Trade; Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate; Services; Public Administration

Looking for anomalies

Looking for anomalies

  • k-means minimizes the distance from a central point
  • We can look for the firms that are farthest from said point!
wide_topics$dist <- sqrt(rowSums(abs(mat - fitted(clusters))))  # Distance from center
wide_topics[,c(1,2,4,8,16)] %>% arrange(desc(dist)) %>% slice(1:5) %>% html_df()
document industry Compensation Financial dist
0001104659-21-044134.txt Finance 0.9995782 2.8e-06 1.156605
0001104659-21-043939.txt Finance 0.9995650 3.4e-06 1.156594
0001140361-21-010304.txt Finance 0.9995592 3.7e-06 1.156589
0001193125-21-098450.txt Services 0.9995478 3.4e-06 1.156579
0001193125-21-102380.txt Finance 0.9995064 3.9e-06 1.156544

We are a blank check company incorporated on ________ as a Cayman Islands exempted company for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities (a “Business Combination”). All 5 files…

  • They are used for SPACs (e.g., Grab)

Looking for anomalies (ignoring finance firms)

wide_topics[,c(1,2,4,8,16)] %>%
  filter(industry!="Finance") %>%
  arrange(desc(dist)) %>%
  mutate(id=1:n()) %>%
  select(id,everything()) %>%
  slice(1:7) %>%
id document industry Compensation Financial dist
1 0001193125-21-098450.txt Services 0.9995478 3.40e-06 1.156579
2 0001193125-21-092793.txt Manufacturing 0.9988654 1.19e-05 1.155990
3 0001193125-21-100874.txt Services 0.9963810 1.17e-05 1.153839
4 0001140361-21-010411.txt Services 0.9778598 2.05e-05 1.153371
5 0001104659-21-031725.txt Manufacturing 0.9770098 2.31e-05 1.152625
6 0001213900-21-013228.txt Manufacturing 0.9944066 5.28e-05 1.152517
7 0001213900-21-010315.txt Services 0.9941140 4.19e-05 1.151873
  • All: Yet more SPACs, just with the wrong industry in their filings…

  • How many SPACs are there?

wide_topics[,c(1,2,4,8,16)] %>% filter(Compensation > 0.9, dist > 1.1) %>% nrow()
[1] 307

Looking for anomalies (ignoring high compensation discussion)

wide_topics[,c(1,2,4,8,16)] %>%
  filter(industry!="Finance", Compensation < 0.5) %>%
  arrange(desc(dist)) %>%
  mutate(id=1:n()) %>%
  select(id,everything()) %>%
  slice(1,2,3,8,9,10) %>%
id document industry Compensation Financial dist
1 0001731122-21-000373.txt Construction 0.4180281 0.0405295 1.0988544
2 0001628280-21-000722.txt Construction 0.0004643 0.2485153 1.0749207
3 0001654954-21-004244.txt Services 0.0120396 0.2998639 1.0438606
8 0001410578-21-000612.txt Construction 0.0092240 0.3515138 1.0067509
9 0001564590-21-009825.txt Services 0.0003849 0.1270724 0.9992496
10 0001712923-21-000017.txt Services 0.0101671 0.0004910 0.9990207
  • 1: Sustainable homebuilder
  • 2: Largest US homebuilder (4-7 are similar companies)
  • 3: A bankrupt, regional lessor of 12 aircraft
  • 8: Contracting services for automotive and energy firms; data center operation
  • 9: A timeshare firm spun off from Hilton
  • 10: A complex IPO-related entity with no actual operations

What we have accomplished

  • We have created a classification of firms into discrete groups based on their disclosure content of their 10-K filings
    • The classification accounts for how similar each firm’s content is to other firms’ content
  • We have used this classification to identify 10 firms which have non-standard accounting disclosures for their SIC code classification

Text based industry classification using 10-Ks has been shown to be quite viable, such as in work by Hoberg and Phillips.


What else could we use clustering to solve?

  • Where in business would we like to group something, but we don’t know the groups?

Filling in missing data

Problem: Missing data

  • You may have noticed that some of the industry measure was NA
  • What if we want to assign an industry to these firms based on the content of their 10-K filings?

Using k-means

  • One possible approach we could use is to fill based on the category assigned by k-means
  • However, as we saw, k-means and SIC code don’t line up perfectly…
    • So using this classification will definitely be noisy

A better approach with KNN

  • KNN, or K-Nearest Neighbors is a supervised approach to clustering
  • Since we already have industry classifications for most of our data, we can use that structure to inform our assignment of the missing industry codes
  • The way the model uses the information is by letting the nearest labeled points “vote” on what the point should be
    • Points are defined by 10-K content in our case

Implementing KNN in R

  • We’ll use the caret package for this, as it will allow us to use k-fold cross validation to select a model
    • The same technique we used for LASSO and xgboost
train <- wide_topics %>% filter(!
label <- wide_topics %>% filter(
trControl <- trainControl(method='cv', number=20)
tout <- train(industry ~ .,
      method = 'knn',
      tuneGrid = expand.grid(k=1:20),
      trControl = trControl,
      metric = "Accuracy",
      data = train[,c(2:11)])

Implementing KNN in R

k-Nearest Neighbors 

6742 samples
   9 predictor
   9 classes: 'Agriculture', 'Construction', 'Finance', 'Manufacturing', 'Mining', 'Retail Trade', 'Services', 'Utilities', 'Wholesale Trade' 

No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (20 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 6403, 6404, 6406, 6404, 6405, 6407, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  k   Accuracy   Kappa    
   1  0.7097283  0.6108027
   2  0.7049892  0.6046680
   3  0.7312486  0.6373751
   4  0.7450382  0.6538656
   5  0.7471123  0.6556158
   6  0.7560251  0.6668534
   7  0.7561713  0.6664935
   8  0.7528979  0.6618832
   9  0.7560264  0.6655262
  10  0.7555822  0.6646337
  11  0.7561713  0.6651377
  12  0.7589815  0.6687527
  13  0.7551291  0.6631862
  14  0.7583906  0.6676277
  15  0.7594323  0.6688836
  16  0.7606157  0.6705087
  17  0.7591355  0.6684971
  18  0.7576532  0.6664638
  19  0.7582510  0.6672672
  20  0.7589906  0.6682744

Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 16.

KNN performance as we increase k

ggplot(tout$results, aes(x=k, y=Accuracy)) +
  geom_line() + 
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=Accuracy - AccuracySD*1.96,
                  ymax=Accuracy + AccuracySD*1.96), alpha=0.2) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept=15, color="blue") + 
  xlab("k, optimal = 15")

Using KNN to fill in industry

  1. CAPITAL SOUTHWEST CORP: “closed-end, non-diversified investment company”
    • SIC missing, but clearly finance
  2. Rayonier Inc: It is a timberland REIT, but it used to be a paper manufacturer
    • SIC is 6798 (finnace) for 1 entity, missing for another, but clearly finance x
  3. AMERIPRISE CERTIFICATE COMPANY: Financial certificate firm
    • SIC missing, but clearly finance
  4. Callaway Golf: Golf equipment
    • SIC 3949 (in manufacturing)
  5. Quest Management, Inc.: No operations, but used to do marketing for fitness equipment
    • No SIC, but it would fall under services
  6. MSC Income Fund: “Closed end management investment company”
    • SIC missing, but clearly finance
label$industry_pred <- predict(tout,
         "industry_pred")] %>%
  head %>% html_df
document industry_pred
0000017313-21-000075.txt Finance
0000052827-21-000035.txt Manufacturing
0000820027-21-000014.txt Finance
0000837465-21-000003.txt Manufacturing
0001017386-21-000166.txt Services
0001047469-21-000783.txt Finance


Today, we:

  1. Processed a set of 6,933 annual reports from 2021 to examine their readability
  2. Examined the content discussed in annual reports in 2021
  3. Examined the natural groupings of content across firms
    • This doesn’t necessarily match up well with SIC codes
    • There are some firms that don’t quite fit with others in their industry (as we algorithmically identified)
  4. Filled in missing industry data using KNN, and were correct in 5 of 6 checked entries

End Matter

Wrap up

  • Keep working on the project – you have a lot of tools you can use already
    • And you will learn 1 more next week!
  • Survey on the class session at this QR code:

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