ML for SS: Ensembling and Clustering

Dr. Richard M. Crowley



Paper 1: Easton et al. 2020

  • Introduces a well motivated use for clustering
  • Takes a standard approach to the introduction of a new technique
  • The points the paper makes are applicable broadly in any archival/empirical discipline

Paper 2: Qiu, Xie and Jun (2020 working)

  • A fairly straightforward paper introducing the concept of ensembling

Technical Discussion: Ensembling


  • Rolling your own is pretty doable
  • sklearn is the primary tool for constructing them in python


  • Rolling your own is pretty doable
  • There are some packages for automating ensemble construction:
    • SuperLearner
    • EnsembleML

Python is generally a bit stronger for these topics.

There is a fully worked out solution for using python, data and pretrained models are on eLearn.

Main application: Ensembling

  • Idea: Predict instances of intentional misreporting?
  • Testing: Predicting 10-K/A irregularities using finance, textual style, and topics

Dependent Variable

Intentional misreporting as stated in 10-K/A filings

Independent Variables

  • 17 Financial measures
  • 20 Style characteristics
  • 31 10-K discussion topics

This test mirrors a subset of Brown, Crowley and Elliott (2020 JAR)

We will combine the models from the past two weeks

Technical Discussion: Clustering


  • sklearn is still good for this
    • k-means and KNN
    • t-SNE
  • umap-learn for UMAP


  • For standard clustering, caret is a good choice
  • For t-SNE, Rtsne works well
  • For UMAP, umap works

Python is generally a bit stronger for these topics.

There is a fully worked out solution for using python, data is on elearn

Main application: Clustering

  • Idea: Industry classification based on the text of annual reports

Dependent Variable

SIC Codes

Independent Variables

  • 31 10-K discussion topics

Somewhat in the vein of Hoberg and Phillips (2016 JPE), though less precise


What are ensembles?

  • Ensembles are models made out of models
  • Ex.: You train 3 models using different techniques, and each seems to work well in certain cases and poorly in others
    • If you use the models in isolation, any of them would do an OK (but not great) job
    • If you make a model using all three, you can get better performance if their strengths all shine through
  • Ensembles range from simple to complex
    • Simple: a (weighted) average of a few model’s predictions

When are ensembles useful?

  1. You have multiple models that are all decent, but none are great
    • And, ideally, the models’ predictions are not highly correlated

When are ensembles useful?

  1. You have a really good model and a bunch of mediocre models
    • And, ideally the mediocre models are not highly correlated

When are ensembles useful?

  1. You really need to get just a bit more accuracy/less error out of the model, and you have some other models lying around
  2. You want a more stable model
    • It helps to stabilize predictions by limiting the effect of errors or outliers produced by any one model on your prediction
    • Think: Diversification

A simple ensemble (averaging)

  • For continuous predictions, simple averaging is viable
    • Often you may want to weight the best model a bit higher
  • For binary or categorical predictions, consider averaging ranks
    • i.e., instead of using a probability from a logit, use ranks 1, 2, 3, etc.
    • Ranks average a bit better, as scores on binary models (particularly when evaluated with measures like AUC) can have extremely different variances across models
      • In which case the ensemble is really just the most volatile model’s prediction…
        • Not much of an ensemble

A more complex ensemble (voting model)

  • If you have a model the is very good at predicting a binary outcome, ensembling can still help
    • This is particularly true when you have other models that capture different aspects of the problem
  • Let the other models vote against the best model, and use their prediction if they are above some threshold of agreement

A lot more complex ensemble

  • Stacking models (2 layers)
    1. Train models on subsets (folds) of the training data
    2. Make predictions for each model on the folds it wasn’t applied to
    3. Train a new model that takes those predictions as inputs (and optionally the data set as well)
  • Blending (similar to stacking)
    • Like stacking, but using predictions on a hold out sample instead of folds (and thus all models are using the same data for predictions)

A simple averaging ensemble of our models

test_X_ens =  pd.DataFrame({'XGBoost':   models['XGBoost'].predict_proba(models['test_X_ML'])[:,1],
                            'SVC': logistic(models['SVC'].decision_function(models['test_X_ML'])),
                            'ElasticNet':        models['ElasticNet'].predict_proba(models['test_X_ML'])[:,1],
                            'LASSO':     models['LASSO'].predict_proba(models['test_X_ML'])[:,1],
                            'logit':  models['logit'].predict(models['test_pd'][models['vars']])})

rank_X_ens = test_X_ens.rank()
arank_X_ens = rank_X_ens.XGBoost + rank_X_ens.SVC + rank_X_ens.ElasticNet + rank_X_ens.LASSO + rank_X_ens.logit
auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(models['test_pd'].Restate_Int, arank_X_ens)
fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(models['test_pd'].Restate_Int, arank_X_ens)
display = metrics.RocCurveDisplay(fpr=fpr, tpr=tpr, roc_auc=auc)


  • Methods like stacking or blending are much more complex than a simple averaging or voting based ensemble
    • But in practice they perform slightly better

Recall the tradeoff between complexity and accuracy!

  • As such, we may not prefer the complex ensemble in practice, unless we only care about accuracy

Example: In 2009, Netflix awarded a $1M prize to the BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos team for beating Netflix’s own user preference algorithm by >10%. The alogorithm was so complex that Netflix never used it. It instead used a simpler algorithm with an 8% improvement.

Where is ensembling useful in academic work

Where multiple reasonable models exist, and pushing performance (accuracy) is important

  • It can also be a reasonable approach when you are already calculating other models anyway

[Geoff Hinton’s] Dark knowledge

  • Complex ensembles work well
  • Complex ensembles are exceedingly computationally intensive
    • This is bad for running on small or constrained devices (like phones)

Dark knowledge

  • We can (almost) always create a simple model that approximates the complex model
    • Interpret the above literally – we can train a model to fit the model

Dark knowledge

  • Train the simple model not on the actual DV from the training data, but on the best algorithm’s (softened) prediction for the training data
  • Somewhat surprisingly, this new, simple algorithm can work almost as well as the full thing!

An example of this dark knowledge

  • Google’s full model for interpreting human speech is >100GB
    • As of October 2019
  • In Google’s Pixel 4 phone, they have human speech interpretation running locally on the phone
    • Not in the cloud like it works on any other Android phone

How did they do this?

  • They can approximate the output of the complex speech model using a 0.5GB model
  • 0.5GB isn’t small, but it’s small enough to run on a phone

Learning more about Ensembling

There are many ways to ensemble, and there is no specific guide as to what is best.

Addendum: Using R

  • There are a couple interesting packages in R for ensembling:
    • The Superlearner package aims to automate building ensembles
      • Think of it like an automated cross-validation for ensemble construction
    • The EnsembleML package allows you to specify an ensemble and train the underlying models together
  • You can also roll your own ensemble as we did in the example earlier

Clustering: k-means

What is k-means?

\[ \min_{C_k} \sum_{k=1}^{K} \sum_{x_i\in C_k} \left(x_i - \mu_k\right)^2 \]

  • Minimizes the sum of squared distance between points within groups
  • Technically this is a machine learning algorithm, despite its simplicity
  • You need to specify the number of groups you want
  • Pros:
    • Very fast to run
    • Simple interpretation
  • Cons
    • Simple algorithm
    • Need to specify \(k\), the number of clusters

Since the algorithm is unsupervised, optimizing \(k\) can be tricky

Projecting to 2D with UMAP

  • Like last session, we will use UMAP to get a sense of how well topics line up with SIC industries

Projecting to 2D with UMAP

  • It is also interesting to see how well the topics can be clustered
    • The below colors UMAP by a k=9 kmeans algorithm applied to the LDA output

Why are these graphs different?

  • Possibly due to…
    • Data: 10-K disclosure content doesn’t fully capture industry inclusion
    • Topic modeling: The measure may be noisy
    • SIC code: The measure doesn’t cleanly capture industry inclusion
      • Some firms are essentially misclassified
  • Recall, SIC covers Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining; Construction; Manufacturing; Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services; Wholesale Trade; Retail Trade; Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate; Services; Public Administration

Optimizing K-means clustering

  • K-means clustering is very fast to run, but suffers from the same issue as LDA:

You need to specify the number of clusters!

  • Often times the solutions to this are similar to what we will discuss for LDA
    • Hand tuning
    • In sample performance
  • However, there is a statistics-based, researcher-bias-free method

The Gap Statistic: select the lowest \(k\) s.t. the log-scaled error removed by clustering on real data at \(k\) is no worse than 1 SD below the log-scaled error removed at \(k+1\)

How does the Gap statistic work?

  • \(k\) is the number of clusters
  • \(B\) is the number of simulated samples
  • \(W_k\) is the K-Means inertia score on actual data
  • \(W_{k,r}^*\) is the K-Means inertia score for iteration \(r\) with synthetic data
  • \(\bar{l}\) is the average of the \(W_{k,r}^*\)s

\[ \begin{aligned} Gap(k) &= \left(\frac{1}{B}\right) \sum_{r=1}^{B} \text{log}\left(W_{k,r}^*\right)-\text{log}\left(W_k\right) \text{and}\\ s_k &= sd_k \sqrt{1+\frac{1}{B}},\text{ where }sd_k = \sqrt{\left(\frac{1}{B}\right)\sum_{r=1}^{B}\left\{\text{log}\left(W_{k,r}^*-\bar{l}\right)\right\}^2} \end{aligned} \]

  • Select the lowest \(k\) such that \(Gap(k) \ge Gap(k+1) - s_{k+1}\)

Implementation in python

  • The code is too long to put in the slides, but it is in the code file
  • Sketch of the code:
    1. Iterate through \(k\) values starting at 2
    2. Determine performance (inertia) at k with real data
    3. Determine performance (inertia) at k with simulated (random) data 10 times
    4. Calculate the standard deviation of the log of performance on random data
    5. See if the 2x2 difference in log inertia between \(k\) and \(k+1\) on real and random data is less than the standard deviation
      • If so, \(k\) is optimal, stop iterating
      • If not, \(k=k+1\) and start again

\(k=41\) for the model presented here

Optimal clustering

model = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=35)
kmeans =[topic_names])
df['cluster_opt'] = kmeans.labels_

umap_color(df[topic_names], df.cluster_opt.astype("category"))

Example companies in the optimized clusters

12647    Manufacturing
5256   Wholesale Trade
4185         Utilities
14076    Manufacturing
1288            Mining
25           Utilities
9418          Services
11350  Wholesale Trade
8608   Wholesale Trade
11349  Wholesale Trade
8077   Manufacturing
7611   Manufacturing
11512  Manufacturing
7119   Manufacturing
13294       Services
8727   Manufacturing
1042   Manufacturing
11873   Public Admin
5713   Manufacturing
13456  Manufacturing

Clustering: KNN

Using k-means for filling in data

  • One possible approach we could use is to fill based on the category assigned by k-means
  • However, as we saw, k-means and SIC code don’t line up perfectly…
    • So using this classification will definitely be noisy

A better approach with KNN

  • KNN, or K-Nearest Neighbors is a supervised approach to clustering
  • Since we already have industry classifications for most of our data, we can use that structure to inform our assignment of the missing industry codes
  • The way the model uses the information is by letting the nearest labeled points “vote” on what the point should be
    • Points are defined by 10-K content in our case
    • Voting can be weighted by distance or done uniformly

Implementing KNN

  • Scikit-learn has a KNN implementation in its neighbors module
  • The primary parameter in the model is k: how many points get to vote
    • k is n_neighbors in Scikit-learn
knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5)[topic_names], df['Industry'])

The above is sufficient to fit a simple model

Checking performance

  • First, we need to get predictions
  • Since this is a multiclass problem, we will not output probabilities, but instead the top guess
in_pred = knn.predict(df[topic_names])
out_pred = knn.predict(testing[topic_names])
  • We can quickly check multiclass performance using Scikit-learn as well
print('In sample: {},\nOut of sample: {}'.format(
  metrics.accuracy_score(df['industry'], in_pred),
  metrics.accuracy_score(testing['industry'], out_pred)))
In sample: 0.9123540686530754,
Out of sample: 0.8597236981934112

Optimizing KNN

  • There are a few different parameters underlying KNN
    • # of neighbors
    • Leaf size for the underlying tree algorithm
    • Distance function to use (L1 or L2)
    • Whether to weight neighbors equally or by distance

These can be optimized with a grid search, as KNN is pretty efficient

  • Example code is in the code file

A note on dimensionality reduction techniques

Principle Component Analysis

  • PCA is a common technique to see in older studies
  • It is reasonably efficient at identifying a lower dimensional representation of a relationship
  • It is not good at maintaining relationships in the lower dimensional space

t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

  • t-SNE is focused on keeping distances relatively similar between the full dimensional input space and the projected output space
    • If 2 points are close to each other in \(N\) dimensions, they will be close to each other in 2 or 3 dimensions as well!
  • t-SNE does not maintain distances over longer distances!
    • Should not be used as input to a regression

Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection

  • UMAP maintains local distances like t-SNE
  • UMAP also maintains global distances, mostly
    • As such, it can be used for isolating data components for regression like PCA

An example using UMAP

Wang, Lin, and Hardle 2023: Non-fungible Tokens & VizTech

  • Goal: Determine if there is racial bias in CryptoPunk pricing
  • Approach
    1. Gather all CryptoPunk images
    2. Use UMAP to cluster images
    3. Label groups with racial depictions
    4. Cross reference with pricing data




  • Good for pushing forecasting ability
  • Easy to do when you already made a bunch of models


  • Can be done as an unsupervised or supervised algorithm
  • Can be used for dimensionality reduction
  • Many possible uses

Dimensionality reduction

  • Can aid in vizualizing high-dim data
  • Can aid in reducing data complexity

Packages used for these slides


  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • seaborn
  • umap-learn


  • Easton, Peter D., Martin Kapons, Steven J. Monahan, Harm H. Schütt, and Eric H. Weisbrod. “Forecasting Earnings Using k-Nearest Neighbor Matching.” Available at SSRN (2021).
  • Noichl, Maximilian. “How localized are computational templates? A machine learning approach.” Synthese 201, no. 3 (2023): 107.
  • Wang, Bingling, Min-Bin Lin, and Wolfgang Karl Hardle, “Non-fungible Tokens & VizTech.” (2021).

Custom code

Plot code for UMAP plots

# From umap.plot source code on Github
def _get_embedding(umap_object):
    if hasattr(umap_object, "embedding_"):
        return umap_object.embedding_
    elif hasattr(umap_object, "embedding"):
        return umap_object.embedding
        raise ValueError("Could not find embedding attribute of umap_object")
# Cut down version of umap.plot.points to remove dependencies on  datashader, bokeh, holoviews, scikit-image, and colorcet
# Introduces a dependency on seaborn though
def umap_color(data_map, data_color, cmap='viridis', subset=None, title=None):
    reducer = umap.UMAP()
    umap_object =
    embed = _get_embedding(umap_object)

    if subset is not None:
        embed_X = embed[subset,0]
        embed_Y = embed[subset,1]
        data_color = np.array(data_color[subset])
        embed_X = embed[:, 0]
        embed_Y = embed[:, 1]
    point_size = 100.0 / np.sqrt(len(embed_X))
    # color by values
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
    g = sns.scatterplot(ax=ax, x=embed_X, y=embed_Y, hue=data_color, size=point_size)
    _ = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
    return g