Demystifying Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning

Demystifying Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning

This talk was presented at GIC in Singapore.

The lecture covers:

  1. What is data analytics, and how it is related to other commonly discussed topics like AI and machine learning.
  2. Portfolio allocation using statistics.
  3. Fraud detection using statistics versus machine learning.
    • Statistics approach following Brown, Crowley, and Elliott (2020).
    • Machine learning approach following my RGC IIDS lecture.
  4. Text analytics, with a focus on transformer-based methods.

Slides are available in an interactive web-based format (reveal.js) and in PDF.

revealjs pdf

More details on the misreporting detection method are included in my paper with W. Brooke Elliott and Nerissa Brown, published in the Journal of Accounting Research. A copy is available publicly on SSRN:
